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Humans superior? No!

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I just read something very upfront, the fact of life on earth is that we

are all connected by DNA, all matter comes from one source...

we are all connected to this energy, I call it spiritual.

Take off your shoes once in a while, weather permitting, walk on the soft

grass, sand, etc.. Our planet is alive and everything on it is alive.


Every creature wants to live out life as nature meant it to be.


In one hundred years, humans have done more harm to our Earth than any

other life-form.

We may have bigger brains but what good is it if we continue to destroy

our only home with our knowledge?

Do we need more pollution, more suffering, more bombs?


We need a revolution, a new way of thinking and being, not only for a few

but teaching all children to live with heart.


We're meant to be stewards of other creatures, if we destroy them, we

hurt ourselves in the end.


Why eat other animals unless we have to?

Not many people live in wilderness today.

The local health food store, the local supermarket has many organic,

vegetarian choices.


How many times have you seen children abusing their pets? This is a sign

of things to come, many people in jails today started out with abusing

animals usually having been abused themselves. Is this what we want for

humankind, more jails, more murders, more violence and finally another

world war?


Humans have so much potential at birth, let's teach our children to be

close to nature, shot animals with a camera not a gun for sport, know

that animals feel, have emotions, feel pain like we do. Animals have a



I laugh when I hear some person, country, etc. bragging about being

superior, this isn't true.

This is an arrogant way of thinking and leads to feelings of being able

to control, destroy, enslave, use and abuse others 'who are not



Every being has a place in the web of life.

Every animal can teach us something.


I'm lucky, I've had a lot of time to observe nature, I suggest taking

children for walks in the woods, even in the backyard and get up close to

the real world out there.

How can anyone kill a deer when looking into their eyes? Nature has taken

care of its own long before we came along with our big guns.


If you eat eggs, buy them from free walking hens who can run around and

not be caged in.

These hens are fed organically and not mistreated.

(I wish they would put these hens out to pasture after their laying days

are over to live out their lives but I understand they are sold...I don't

eat eggs anymore!)

Even the fish in the oceans are being depleted with over-fishing.

Where else can man destroy? I'm afraid the next frontier is outer space!

We'll soon have clutter up there too!


If you drink milk, I suggest soy milk or rice milk. Cows milk is for

calves. Cows milk isn't healthy for humans.


Yes, we need to make better choices now. The information we need is out

there on the net, in books, etc.

I feel strongly about some things, Hope I don't offend anyone, just some

stuff to think about.


Aren't women wonderful, after menopause, we all find out voices. LOL


hugs to all on the list,

Deanna on West Island


Each choice has brought us to the present moment. Each event in our

lives, whether joyful or

painful, serves to teach us lessons. Whatever we give out to the world

will naturally & deliberately

mutliply & flow back to us. - LifeCraft But we didn't have a choice as


Visit My Aussie Nizhoni-Tipsoo album ~


La Mer, @( ~ ~ )@ et Tipsoo @=@

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This whole conversation is going somewhere very strange. This is not a

superiority issue. Humans are more evolved and more intelligent than

animals. We also therefore have much greater capacity for neurosis. But there is

a thing called dharma, where everyone and everything wishes to be

of service. Beings are transformed through service. Service does not mean being

victimized; it means being of service. Cows are largely

victimized, so are many horses, so are some dogs. That doesn't eliminate the

fact that they still wish to serve. Just because they don't have as

much intelligence as humans doesn't mean they are inferior and doesn't mean they

don't remind us of certain realities, and it doesn't mean they

are not healers. When they do that they are being of service, because they want

to and because God wants them to. If God wanted animals to live in

a universe all by themselves he would have created a planet for them and a

planet for us.

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