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Dear Dionysus,


Hrdayam is the spiritual heart, unrelated to the Anahata chakra. The Hrdayam is

located 2 digits to the right of the sternum in the synod or pacemaker of the

physical heart, which is 1/8th to the right of the sternum.


It is the location where you point when you say "I"


72 nadis extend from this Center with one of them coming up to the brain the

Sahasrara, having 1,000 pedals. The combination of these pedals and nadis

provided the body with 72,000 impulse that encode themselves throughout the body

and mind and become the basis for the complex sense of identity.


The nadi that rises from the Hrdayam to the Sahasrara is the major vagus nerve.

It has also been called the Atma nadi and para nadi. It is where the bhram

gyanis dwell.


The Hrdayam is known as the Solar Orb, and the Sahasrara, the Lunar Orb. This

is because the all pervasive Being Consciousness emanates through the Hrdayam

extending through all the nadis consciousness and the sense or feeling of "I"

through which we arrive at the thought "I am ... this and that" as every image

appears in the mind and every sensation is felt in the body. The result is that

we build an idea of an identity around the combination of the sense of "I" and

the consciousness of thoughts and impressions appearing in the mind.


When we speak about attachments and clinging, what is really meant is not so

much the attachments to certain ravings, such as alcohol, drugs, habits of

behavior, and so on, but the relentless grasping and effort to apply attention

(the power of the mind) to hold every emerging thought as being "I" - The

relinquishing of attention, also dissolves attachment altogether


In the Yoga Sutras of Patenjali is mentioned 2 areas to meditate as being

acceptable, one being the "self-effulgent" light in the heart and the other the

sahasrara. Quite often people mistake this mention of the heart for the anahata

chakra, but the only location in the body that is self-effulgent and known as

the seat of consciousness (samvit) is the hrdayam, which lights the whole body

and denotes the sense of "I" and realness to every thought.


"Hrd" means literally "That which sucks in everything" and "ayam" means "This is

the place"


The description is both apt and exact, for the sensation is much like Steven

Hawkins identical definition of a "Black Hole" that he has defined as "That

which sucks in everything"


There are many kinds of practices of yoga, yoga meaning a process through which

the "seer" (subject "I") is isolated.


Uniquely in the Kundalini Yoga practice of Yogi Bhajan, through the combination

of powerful pranayamas (breathing exercises performed in a manner to derive

their full effect) and postures and movements that being pressure on nadis,

glands and organs and chakras, which bring the saturation of blood and the

opening of capillaries and cells to receive and store the air charged into the

bloodstream through this breathing, gradually, but very rapidly depending on the

carefulness, mindfulness, frequency, power and inner stillness one brings to

each kundalini yoga exercise, set, kriyas and meditations, the cells begin to

fill with prana.


Prana is your life force, that intelligent force that drives the creation of

atoms, molecules, cells all the way up through the human body and throughout the

universe in one whole undifferentiated unfolding.


Prana is also the consciousness of this indwelling and pervasive energy, so that

we can say that energy and consciousness are one and the same.


As we practice kundalini Yoga, the using breath and posture and movement, the

body fills with light. When we add sound through mantra, the light packed in

the cells diffuses and blends with the light in other cells throughout the body

and the body (and aura) resonates with an inner sound and inner light that

dissolves a lifetime of deep encoding of inherent and built up thought and

action patterns around with we build our sense of identity.


The body begins to become electric, then etheric, and with that the sense of

identity begins to make a radical shift away from the attention to thoughts and

images and towards its actual source and True Identity with the Living Light in

the Hrdayam. The mind becomes satvic and pure, the body looses its inertia, and

the intelligent force within the prana that recognizes the Truth of the Atman as

the single seer begins to awaken.


Then, very suddenly, something entirely new happens. The reflected

consciousness in the brain that illumines our thoughts and impressions, inverts

to reflect only the Self in the Heart (Hrdayam).


The nerve between the heart and brain (hrdayam and sahasrara) begins to radiate

incandescently, as the 2 poles fill with light. Thoughts cannot arise and are

obliterated in the fierceness of the polarity of the unturned mind. All images

and sensation from the physical, to the mental to the mystical are discarded out

of hand. What remains is the single soundless pulsation of "I as I" or "I AM



Kundalini, in brief, is this singular awakening. At first you hear the Truth of

your Identity in the Heart, and then this "hearing" becomes remembrance, as in

the ancient saying "Tatvamasi" or "I am That"


Then a sensation, like a Singularity, is felt in the Heart and you begin to

abide as the awareness of both pervasive consciousness and an indescribable

timeless stream that penetrates through the Sahasrara leaving the body and mind

transfigured and all consumed.


What remains is simple Self, wherein there is no sense of a doer. Everything

happens automatically. On the one hand, the inside and outside are whole, on

the other, you realize yourself to be simple substratum, self-effulgent screen,

upon and within which the creation manifests


Yogi Bhajan calls the whole process the "Science of the Ik Tar" or "One Star"

It is the experience of the non-dual, in which ideas of a subject to see and

object to be seen begin to fade, and you abide as the single pervasive, and

undifferentiated, uncaused, unconditioned being - the eternal Light that lights

everything. Your use of the mind's power of attention to see begins to

dissolve, just as the use of a full moon to see, when the sun rises is of no

use, even though we might see its reflection in the clear blue sky.


At this stage, this may be interesting to know about. As you keep practicing

sets every day and take occasional sets from kundalini yoga classes taught in

your area, and eventually, if the chance arises to become a kundalini yoga

teacher, while always reading the scriptures of the various religions in which

this experience is told, then all this process will awaken on its own. You will

"hear" It, and you will discover that the sense of "I" you feel now dimly in

relation to the varied thoughts and impressions is the same as the Universal

Being Consciousness You will have the impression that you are coming out of a

stupor and recollecting your True Self. Then, the fog of attention to thoughts

and images will lift under the brilliance of the One Star, and you will abide as



Regarding your specific question, hope this answer is helpful. For additional

information, if you or anyone else is interested, please contact me off-line and

I can refer you to other articles on the subject. A description of this can also

be found in a 1969 poem of Yogi Bhajan that I can also give you a link to






Digest Number 1374


Message: 7

Sat, 21 Dec 2002 07:52:40 +0200

"Dionysius" <mprgrandmaster

Some questions


Dear friends,God bless you!

I have some different questions and would really appreciate your feedback!

b)What is Hrydayam (I am not sure it is written in this way), how is it

stimulated, cleared, what its effects etc?





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