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Monday night's set in Bangkok

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The all-pervasive Being/Light that is the Ground and substratum within which the

entire universe manifests and within which each of us is born shines in the

Hrdayam from which all the nerves of the body have their beginning, one in

particular, which rises into the brain, through which we have the consciousness

of the sense of "I" and realness of thoughts images and impressions around which

we build our sense of identity.


Through the practice of Kundalini yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, the whole

body, every cell and every atom begins to radiate and resonate with light, until

the mind is able to reflect the source of that live Light purely. Suddenly, the

sense of "I" pulses It's reflection in the mind and there is a "hearing" of a

single and all pervasive overriding Truth, that the "I" is unrelated to the

images and impressions appearing in the mind. The effect is so profound that

the awakened consciousness becomes completely absorbed in inner quest,

discarding all thoughts and images with a radical force.


Yogi's call this the isolation of the seer.


There is a sense of coming out of a stupor or an amnesia, as though you

recollect yourself as you truly are. The body fills with light that dissolves

the distinctions and separations as mere mental ideas of inside and outside.


Then you abide as That single and all pervasive Truth, which has a continuing

transformative, transmuting, transfiguration effect on the body and mind.


This is union, yoking, yoga, where the individual should awakens to realize that

it is and always has been one and the same as the Universal Consciousness.


This summarizing of yoga in a nutshell, the Monday night kundalini Yoga class

begins, as follows:


Preliminary pranayama and channel cleansing set:

1.. Practice 15 to 20 long deep breaths (LDB). Sitting with the spine

straight and palms on the knees, draw the breath down to the bottom of the

lungs. The lower portion of the diaphragm will open outwards and cause the

abdomen to distend. But the abdomen muscles will remain relaxed. While

breathing down and in, press the palms or wrists inwards and slightly downwards

against the knees, which will cause the ribs to press forwards and expand

upwards. The result will be that without using the muscles of the ribcage or

shoulders to expand the breath the indrawing breath will automatically fill up

the lungs to capacity. When the breath is complete, draw the shoulders back,

then exhale from the top of the lungs down until all the breath is expelled.

2.. Practice 15 to 20 LDB with 3 part sniffs inhale, hands on abdomen, lower

ribs and upper ribs with each sniff, then exhale in one breath down with

downward motion of the palms

3.. Stretch left leg, sit with heel between buttocks, spine straight, hold big

toe, pull chest forward, neck back, press chin down in order to look through

third eye to toe. LDB 25 to 40x. Inhale hold Pull root Lock, press chest

forwards, exhale inhale hold repeat 3 x, then sit straight and feel the flow of

prana through the left leg and left side of the spine. After 2 to 3 minutes

change legs and repeat.

4.. Sit on the left heel (between the buttocks), with the right foot over the

left leg, the right palm on the ground behind the back, with the arm pressing

against the back and the chest pressed forwards. Raise the left arm extending

it as high as possible to open the nerves coming from between the vertebra to

allow the full effect of the charging of the moon channel from the base of the

spine along the left side of the spine and lefty side of the top of the head to

the point between the eyebrows. Begin LDB powerfully, completely expanding and

contracting the lungs. 20 to 30 breaths, then inhale and hold the breath, press

the shoulders back arch and press the chest forwards, pull the root lock and

stretch the left arm upwards. Hold 30 seconds to 45 seconds, then forcefully

exhale inhale 3 times, inhale, hold, press the shoulders back arch and press the

chest forwards, pull the root lock and stretch the left arm upwards. Then

keeping the left arm up, slowly let the breath out and feel the energy flow.

then slowly lower the left arm and relax in ex pose with the hands on the knees.

Feel the radiance of the Moon channel and remain like that for a minute. then

repeat the same on the other side for the Sun channel with the right arm

extended upwards, sitting on the right heel.

5.. Practice Breath of Fire (BF). Initially sniff air in and suspend the air

against the full length of the diaphragm. Do not fill the lungs to the extent

that the chest or shoulders raise, but feel the flow of prana all along the

diaphragm, from below the navel through the solar plexus and up to and through

the heart. Then compress the navel and solar plexus inwards. Inhale again,

feel the suspended breath pushing against and distending the diaphragm. Exhale

forcefully again. Repeat several times until you feel the pressure of the prana

all along the diaphragm. Then begin to expand and contract the diaphragm

rhythmically and powerfully, initially in a slower rhythm, and gradually with

more power and speed, like a locomotive building up steam. As an aid you might

put your lefty hand below the navel about 4 inches out to feel the Kundal, and

the right hand above the navel, about 4 inches out, to feel the solar plexus and

heart. Draw the hands out as you inhale and draw them back in on the exhale.

Expand / contract, build up power and speed. You will begin to feel a swirling

current of energy in the Kundal and a release to the base of the spine and

upwards through the tip of the head. After 3 to 5 minutes put the hands on the

knees and inhale from the bottom of the lungs through the top, hold the breath,

pull the root lock, press the chest forwards, pull the shoulders back, bring the

chin in slightly. Hold for 30 seconds then forcefully exhale, inhale 3 times,

inhale and again pull the root lock, press the shoulders back with chin pulled

slightly in, not to compress the neck, press the chest forward to suspend the

breath against the diaphragm and outwards, role the eyes to the top of the head,

and press the tongue to the pallet.. Then exhale and relax the breath.

The set begins:


Ong Namo Guru Dev (day) Namo. Each sound in one full breath (the long version).

Repeat 3 to 5 times.


Set to energize and strengthen the immune system;

1.. Sit with the legs wide apart, clasp the hands in Venus lock behind the

back, exhale forcefully, compressing the navel and bring the head to the left

knee as you raise the arms behind the back as high as possible. Inhale come

straight, with the hands against the lower back. Then repeat to the right leg

and continue, inhaling up, exhaling down with force on the navel for 1 to 2

minutes. Then inhale and come straight hold the breath, pull the root lock,

compress the shoulders back and chest forwards, hold to 30 seconds, then slowly

relax with the hands on the knees, legs still stretched and feel the flow of the

energy in the legs, hips. After a minute, repeat the exercise for 30 seconds to

a minute, then again sit with legs spread, spine straight for 1 to 2 minutes to

let the flow of the prana circulate, assimilate and be absorbed and stored in

the glands, organs, and nerves.

2.. Sit straight with the legs forwards, putting the hands under the knees.

Then exhale with a force that pulls the navel in sharply, and pull the torso

down, spine straight, head coming to or below the knees. Then immediately

inhale and rock back until the legs are at 90 degrees and the back is flat on

the ground. Continue this with powerful breaths and force. Then inhale on the

back, legs at 90 degrees, hold. Then exhale and slowly lower the legs and

completely relax for up to 5 minutes.

3.. Come up on all 4's, palms on the ground, arms straight, kneed on the

ground. Raise the right arm 60 degrees and the right leg. Begin to inhale

raising the right arm up and exhale down to being parallel with the ground.

Continue for 25 to 40 breaths, then inhale and hold, in the original position

(right arm 60 degrees). Exhale and relax on all 4's for 30 seconds, then repeat

the same on the left side, left arm up at 60 degrees, left leg up. Then relax

on all 4's for a minute feeling the flow and radiance of the energy.

4.. Then raise the left leg. Inhale and bring the forehead to the ground,

palms by the side of the head, elbows bending, left leg raising, exhale and come

straight. After 25 to 40 breaths inhale and relax the forehead on the ground,

hold for 30 seconds, then slowly relax the breath and come up on all 4's. Relax

in this position for 30 seconds, then repeat with the right leg up.

5.. Then relax with the knees spread to 45 degrees (feet touching) and the

buttocks on the heels, forehead on the ground and arms extended forwards. Relax

like this for 3 minutes.

6.. Come back to all 4's. Exhale and hit the chest with the hands, palms

facing the chest, as they come up, inhale with the arms extending, palms hitting

the ground (thud). Continue this rapidly with a powerful rapid breath, like

breath of fire, then inhale, hold for 30 seconds to 45 seconds and relax on all

4's (i.e., up on the knees with arms straight down) for another minute.

7.. Then come into Triangle pose and exhale forcefully bringing the head

inwards, followed by inhaling arching forward into cobra pose. Continue this

powerful movement, triangle to cobra and back with breathing, 15 to 25 times.

Then inhale into cobra. Hold for a few seconds. Exhale sitting on the heels,

spine straight, then immediately

8.. Lean back 60 degrees, head straight looking forwards, arms parallel to the

ground in front of you, palms facing downwards, and begin a powerful BF for

another minute, continue as you drop the head back with BF for another 30

seconds. Then inhale, come sitting straight, palms on the knees, pull the root

lock, compress the chest forwards, shoulders back, chin in slightly, rolling the

eyes to the top of the head and pressing the tongue to the pallet. After 30

seconds, exhale, inhale 3 times, then inhale hold and again pull the root lock,

compress the chest forwards, shoulders back, chin in slightly, rolling the eyes

to the top of the head and pressing the tongue to the pallet.

9.. Then relax in the following position. Come balancing on the knees, with

the feet off the ground, the forehead just touching the ground before you, hands

clasped behind the back. Relax in this position for 3 to 5 minutes, then very


10.. Come lying on the back in corps pose for 15 minutes. All the accumulated

and stored energy will begin to become deeply absorbed, assimilated, transformed

and circulated throughout the body, effecting a chemical electric balance.

Come back from Yoga nidra (electric/etheric pranic sleep) by inhaling and

exhaling deeply and completely 3 times.


Then raise your arms perpendicular to the ground, palms facing inwards, and

begin to make circular motions with the hands, each hand opposite to the other

in the circle in a powerful motion that causes the whole body to shake and

vibrate, from the connective tissues holding all the organs, to the organs,

spine, legs and feet, neck and head, a movement that both relaxes and energizes

the entire body.


Then rotate the feet and ankles, then rub the palms of the hand and the soles of

the feet together, then take hold of the knees with the hands and begin to rock

back and forth on the spine from the coccyx to the neck 10 to 20 times.


Then come sitting straight. Raise the arms straight at 60 degrees and feel the

flow of electromagnetic energy in the spine and arms and ,magnetic field around

the body, and begin a powerful BF for 1 to 3 minutes, Inhale hold the breath,

pull the root lock, press the shoulders back. then still holding bring the

thumbs together over the head. then still holding, make tight fists and press

the thumbs together just before the forehead bringing the energy to the third

eye. then exhale and relax.


Meditation / Kriya:


This meditation is meant to stimulate the region of the heart, but in particular

the vagus nerve (atma nadi), the Hrdayam (to the right of the sternum - the seat

of consciousness and the origin of the sense of "I") and the Sahasrara. You

will find it in the Master's Touch, page 66, Ashtang Agni Kriya (Eightfold Fold

Kriya of Kundalini Yoga).


Press the elbows into the ribs, slightly forwards. Raise the palms of the hands

to form a cup with the wrists about 6 inches apart, and tension in the back of

the hands and forearms as the hands are pressed back. Maintain this pressure in

the hands cupped open.


Inhale and raise up elbows to be parallel to the ground, then exhale bringing

the elbows into the chest with a force that causes the hands to shake or bounce.

Do this rapidly and with force to the mantra (use one of the CD's or cassette

tapes with a rapid chant cadence

Gobinday, Sustainer

Mulkunday, Liberator

Udaaray, Enlightener (one who takes us across and uplifts us

Apaaray, Infinite

Hareeang, Destroyer

Kareeang, Creator - by whose grace everything is done

(happens automatically despite the illusion of a doer)

Nirnaamay, Nameless - not bound by the identity in a name

Akaamay, Desireless - It is by Itself


The result of this meditation will be that a sense of singleness will arise in

the mind. The effect will persist for some time, drawing the mind into a still

point out of which emerges the sense of singleness of one's "I" - the Self

abiding seer, as substratum to the illusion of differentiated forms having



At the end, inhale deeply, press the arms and shoulders back as far as possible,

pull the root lock and press the chest forwards as far as possible, suspend the

breath forwards radiating light through the chest and through the crown. Hold

for 30 seconds. Exhale, inhale repeat, exhale, Inhale repeat, exhale and relax

the hands on the knees.


Feel the radiation in the Hrdayam (Ik Tar - One Star), the atma nadi (vagus

nerve) and Sahasrara (through the crown). Feel the electric flow of light

through the spine and out the top of the head, like a flame.


This meditation was done in 6 minutes. Usually, it is repeated again for 5 more

minutes, after a brief rest to feel the radiance of released by the meditation.


Finish the class by placing the palms together at the sternum (chest), inhale

deeply and chant 5 to 7 long Sat Nam's, with the "Saaaa...." (meaning infinite)

being very long, and the "...t Nam" very short. Then inhale, hold the breath,

pull the root lock. 30 seconds to 1 minute. Then slowly exhale, contracting

the back of the tongue to the back of the throat, letting the energy rise

through the sushumna (central canal of the spine) and out the top of the head.

The whole body will be filled with electricity that over a minute or 2 will

begin to subside


Jap! Meditate! "Strike while the iron is hot" as Yogi Bhajan says. 5 or more

minutes. the mind will be at a balanced frequency that is above the frequency

of thoughts, in an intuitive, pre-thought state. Gradually the mind will

deepen, and coalesce into a singularity and sink into the heart (Hrdayam) and

you will abide as That.


Then we break for: Yogi Tea!



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When doing meditations, do you use the rootlock at the end ? Or is that

only to be used with pranyams and sets ?





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Sat Nam Pieter,

All I can say is Wow!!! Your understanding and communication are

unbelievable. Thank you for sharing this with us. It kind of leaves you calling

for more. God bless.


Sincerely yours

Hari Sant Singh


Give up your sense of mine and yours and become the dust of the feet of all. God

resides in every heart.



--- "Pieter" <pietersa wrote:



>The all-pervasive Being/Light that is the Ground and substratum within which

the entire universe manifests and within which each of us is born shines in the

Hrdayam from which all the nerves of the body have their beginning, one in

particular, which rises into the brain, through which we have the consciousness

of the sense of "I" and realness of thoughts images and impressions around which

we build our sense of identity.


>Through the practice of Kundalini yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, the whole

body, every cell and every atom begins to radiate and resonate with light, until

the mind is able to reflect the source of that live Light purely. Suddenly, the

sense of "I" pulses It's reflection in the mind and there is a "hearing" of a

single and all pervasive overriding Truth, that the "I" is unrelated to the

images and impressions appearing in the mind. The effect is so profound that

the awakened consciousness becomes completely absorbed in inner quest,

discarding all thoughts and images with a radical force.


>Yogi's call this the isolation of the seer.


>There is a sense of coming out of a stupor or an amnesia, as though you

recollect yourself as you truly are. The body fills with light that dissolves

the distinctions and separations as mere mental ideas of inside and outside.


>Then you abide as That single and all pervasive Truth, which has a continuing

transformative, transmuting, transfiguration effect on the body and mind.


>This is union, yoking, yoga, where the individual should awakens to realize

that it is and always has been one and the same as the Universal Consciousness.


>This summarizing of yoga in a nutshell, the Monday night kundalini Yoga class

begins, as follows:


>Preliminary pranayama and channel cleansing set:

> 1.. Practice 15 to 20 long deep breaths (LDB). Sitting with the spine

straight and palms on the knees, draw the breath down to the bottom of the

lungs. The lower portion of the diaphragm will open outwards and cause the

abdomen to distend. But the abdomen muscles will remain relaxed. While

breathing down and in, press the palms or wrists inwards and slightly downwards

against the knees, which will cause the ribs to press forwards and expand

upwards. The result will be that without using the muscles of the ribcage or

shoulders to expand the breath the indrawing breath will automatically fill up

the lungs to capacity. When the breath is complete, draw the shoulders back,

then exhale from the top of the lungs down until all the breath is expelled.

> 2.. Practice 15 to 20 LDB with 3 part sniffs inhale, hands on abdomen, lower

ribs and upper ribs with each sniff, then exhale in one breath down with

downward motion of the palms

> 3.. Stretch left leg, sit with heel between buttocks, spine straight, hold

big toe, pull chest forward, neck back, press chin down in order to look through

third eye to toe. LDB 25 to 40x. Inhale hold Pull root Lock, press chest

forwards, exhale inhale hold repeat 3 x, then sit straight and feel the flow of

prana through the left leg and left side of the spine. After 2 to 3 minutes

change legs and repeat.

> 4.. Sit on the left heel (between the buttocks), with the right foot over the

left leg, the right palm on the ground behind the back, with the arm pressing

against the back and the chest pressed forwards. Raise the left arm extending

it as high as possible to open the nerves coming from between the vertebra to

allow the full effect of the charging of the moon channel from the base of the

spine along the left side of the spine and lefty side of the top of the head to

the point between the eyebrows. Begin LDB powerfully, completely expanding and

contracting the lungs. 20 to 30 breaths, then inhale and hold the breath, press

the shoulders back arch and press the chest forwards, pull the root lock and

stretch the left arm upwards. Hold 30 seconds to 45 seconds, then forcefully

exhale inhale 3 times, inhale, hold, press the shoulders back arch and press the

chest forwards, pull the root lock and stretch the left arm upwards. Then

keeping the left arm up, slowly let the breath out and feel the energy flow.

then slowly lower the left arm and relax in ex pose with the hands on the knees.

Feel the radiance of the Moon channel and remain like that for a minute. then

repeat the same on the other side for the Sun channel with the right arm

extended upwards, sitting on the right heel.

> 5.. Practice Breath of Fire (BF). Initially sniff air in and suspend the air

against the full length of the diaphragm. Do not fill the lungs to the extent

that the chest or shoulders raise, but feel the flow of prana all along the

diaphragm, from below the navel through the solar plexus and up to and through

the heart. Then compress the navel and solar plexus inwards. Inhale again,

feel the suspended breath pushing against and distending the diaphragm. Exhale

forcefully again. Repeat several times until you feel the pressure of the prana

all along the diaphragm. Then begin to expand and contract the diaphragm

rhythmically and powerfully, initially in a slower rhythm, and gradually with

more power and speed, like a locomotive building up steam. As an aid you might

put your lefty hand below the navel about 4 inches out to feel the Kundal, and

the right hand above the navel, about 4 inches out, to feel the solar plexus and

heart. Draw the hands out as you inhale and draw them back in on the exhale.

Expand / contract, build up power and speed. You will begin to feel a swirling

current of energy in the Kundal and a release to the base of the spine and

upwards through the tip of the head. After 3 to 5 minutes put the hands on the

knees and inhale from the bottom of the lungs through the top, hold the breath,

pull the root lock, press the chest forwards, pull the shoulders back, bring the

chin in slightly. Hold for 30 seconds then forcefully exhale, inhale 3 times,

inhale and again pull the root lock, press the shoulders back with chin pulled

slightly in, not to compress the neck, press the chest forward to suspend the

breath against the diaphragm and outwards, role the eyes to the top of the head,

and press the tongue to the pallet.. Then exhale and relax the breath.

>The set begins:


>Ong Namo Guru Dev (day) Namo. Each sound in one full breath (the long

version). Repeat 3 to 5 times.


>Set to energize and strengthen the immune system;

> 1.. Sit with the legs wide apart, clasp the hands in Venus lock behind the

back, exhale forcefully, compressing the navel and bring the head to the left

knee as you raise the arms behind the back as high as possible. Inhale come

straight, with the hands against the lower back. Then repeat to the right leg

and continue, inhaling up, exhaling down with force on the navel for 1 to 2

minutes. Then inhale and come straight hold the breath, pull the root lock,

compress the shoulders back and chest forwards, hold to 30 seconds, then slowly

relax with the hands on the knees, legs still stretched and feel the flow of the

energy in the legs, hips. After a minute, repeat the exercise for 30 seconds to

a minute, then again sit with legs spread, spine straight for 1 to 2 minutes to

let the flow of the prana circulate, assimilate and be absorbed and stored in

the glands, organs, and nerves.

> 2.. Sit straight with the legs forwards, putting the hands under the knees.

Then exhale with a force that pulls the navel in sharply, and pull the torso

down, spine straight, head coming to or below the knees. Then immediately

inhale and rock back until the legs are at 90 degrees and the back is flat on

the ground. Continue this with powerful breaths and force. Then inhale on the

back, legs at 90 degrees, hold. Then exhale and slowly lower the legs and

completely relax for up to 5 minutes.

> 3.. Come up on all 4's, palms on the ground, arms straight, kneed on the

ground. Raise the right arm 60 degrees and the right leg. Begin to inhale

raising the right arm up and exhale down to being parallel with the ground.

Continue for 25 to 40 breaths, then inhale and hold, in the original position

(right arm 60 degrees). Exhale and relax on all 4's for 30 seconds, then repeat

the same on the left side, left arm up at 60 degrees, left leg up. Then relax

on all 4's for a minute feeling the flow and radiance of the energy.

> 4.. Then raise the left leg. Inhale and bring the forehead to the ground,

palms by the side of the head, elbows bending, left leg raising, exhale and come

straight. After 25 to 40 breaths inhale and relax the forehead on the ground,

hold for 30 seconds, then slowly relax the breath and come up on all 4's. Relax

in this position for 30 seconds, then repeat with the right leg up.

> 5.. Then relax with the knees spread to 45 degrees (feet touching) and the

buttocks on the heels, forehead on the ground and arms extended forwards. Relax

like this for 3 minutes.

> 6.. Come back to all 4's. Exhale and hit the chest with the hands, palms

facing the chest, as they come up, inhale with the arms extending, palms hitting

the ground (thud). Continue this rapidly with a powerful rapid breath, like

breath of fire, then inhale, hold for 30 seconds to 45 seconds and relax on all

4's (i.e., up on the knees with arms straight down) for another minute.

> 7.. Then come into Triangle pose and exhale forcefully bringing the head

inwards, followed by inhaling arching forward into cobra pose. Continue this

powerful movement, triangle to cobra and back with breathing, 15 to 25 times.

Then inhale into cobra. Hold for a few seconds. Exhale sitting on the heels,

spine straight, then immediately

> 8.. Lean back 60 degrees, head straight looking forwards, arms parallel to

the ground in front of you, palms facing downwards, and begin a powerful BF for

another minute, continue as you drop the head back with BF for another 30

seconds. Then inhale, come sitting straight, palms on the knees, pull the root

lock, compress the chest forwards, shoulders back, chin in slightly, rolling the

eyes to the top of the head and pressing the tongue to the pallet. After 30

seconds, exhale, inhale 3 times, then inhale hold and again pull the root lock,

compress the chest forwards, shoulders back, chin in slightly, rolling the eyes

to the top of the head and pressing the tongue to the pallet.

> 9.. Then relax in the following position. Come balancing on the knees, with

the feet off the ground, the forehead just touching the ground before you, hands

clasped behind the back. Relax in this position for 3 to 5 minutes, then very


> 10.. Come lying on the back in corps pose for 15 minutes. All the

accumulated and stored energy will begin to become deeply absorbed, assimilated,

transformed and circulated throughout the body, effecting a chemical electric


>Come back from Yoga nidra (electric/etheric pranic sleep) by inhaling and

exhaling deeply and completely 3 times.


>Then raise your arms perpendicular to the ground, palms facing inwards, and

begin to make circular motions with the hands, each hand opposite to the other

in the circle in a powerful motion that causes the whole body to shake and

vibrate, from the connective tissues holding all the organs, to the organs,

spine, legs and feet, neck and head, a movement that both relaxes and energizes

the entire body.


>Then rotate the feet and ankles, then rub the palms of the hand and the soles

of the feet together, then take hold of the knees with the hands and begin to

rock back and forth on the spine from the coccyx to the neck 10 to 20 times.


>Then come sitting straight. Raise the arms straight at 60 degrees and feel the

flow of electromagnetic energy in the spine and arms and ,magnetic field around

the body, and begin a powerful BF for 1 to 3 minutes, Inhale hold the breath,

pull the root lock, press the shoulders back. then still holding bring the

thumbs together over the head. then still holding, make tight fists and press

the thumbs together just before the forehead bringing the energy to the third

eye. then exhale and relax.


>Meditation / Kriya:


>This meditation is meant to stimulate the region of the heart, but in

particular the vagus nerve (atma nadi), the Hrdayam (to the right of the sternum

- the seat of consciousness and the origin of the sense of "I") and the

Sahasrara. You will find it in the Master's Touch, page 66, Ashtang Agni Kriya

(Eightfold Fold Kriya of Kundalini Yoga).


>Press the elbows into the ribs, slightly forwards. Raise the palms of the

hands to form a cup with the wrists about 6 inches apart, and tension in the

back of the hands and forearms as the hands are pressed back. Maintain this

pressure in the hands cupped open.


>Inhale and raise up elbows to be parallel to the ground, then exhale bringing

the elbows into the chest with a force that causes the hands to shake or bounce.

Do this rapidly and with force to the mantra (use one of the CD's or cassette

tapes with a rapid chant cadence

>Gobinday, Sustainer

>Mulkunday, Liberator

>Udaaray, Enlightener (one who takes us across and uplifts us

>Apaaray, Infinite

>Hareeang, Destroyer

>Kareeang, Creator - by whose grace everything is done

> (happens automatically despite the illusion of a doer)

>Nirnaamay, Nameless - not bound by the identity in a name

>Akaamay, Desireless - It is by Itself


>The result of this meditation will be that a sense of singleness will arise in

the mind. The effect will persist for some time, drawing the mind into a still

point out of which emerges the sense of singleness of one's "I" - the Self

abiding seer, as substratum to the illusion of differentiated forms having



>At the end, inhale deeply, press the arms and shoulders back as far as

possible, pull the root lock and press the chest forwards as far as possible,

suspend the breath forwards radiating light through the chest and through the

crown. Hold for 30 seconds. Exhale, inhale repeat, exhale, Inhale repeat,

exhale and relax the hands on the knees.


>Feel the radiation in the Hrdayam (Ik Tar - One Star), the atma nadi (vagus

nerve) and Sahasrara (through the crown). Feel the electric flow of light

through the spine and out the top of the head, like a flame.


>This meditation was done in 6 minutes. Usually, it is repeated again for 5

more minutes, after a brief rest to feel the radiance of released by the



>Finish the class by placing the palms together at the sternum (chest), inhale

deeply and chant 5 to 7 long Sat Nam's, with the "Saaaa...." (meaning infinite)

being very long, and the "...t Nam" very short. Then inhale, hold the breath,

pull the root lock. 30 seconds to 1 minute. Then slowly exhale, contracting

the back of the tongue to the back of the throat, letting the energy rise

through the sushumna (central canal of the spine) and out the top of the head.

The whole body will be filled with electricity that over a minute or 2 will

begin to subside


>Jap! Meditate! "Strike while the iron is hot" as Yogi Bhajan says. 5 or more

minutes. the mind will be at a balanced frequency that is above the frequency

of thoughts, in an intuitive, pre-thought state. Gradually the mind will

deepen, and coalesce into a singularity and sink into the heart (Hrdayam) and

you will abide as That.


>Then we break for: Yogi Tea!






> - Yogi Bhajan


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