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Pitta/Kapha Constitution

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Sat Nam,


In regards to the question about Ayurvedic constitutions, it is generally

assumed that a difference of less than 10 could possibly be bi-doshic. It is

always best to check with an Ayurvedic Practitioner or Doctor as the quick

analysis in Dr. Frawley's book is only a guide. You seem to have Kapha

characteristics (teeth, bone structure) that as you pointed out do not change

over time, that is your Prakriti. When a person's dosha is in imbalance the

practitioner looks more closely at the body structure, eye color, hair type,

etc. So based on that I would guess that you are Pitta/Kapha which would also

explain feeling better with spicy foods. The imbalances can also move out of

the respective site and dosha's and take on a different dosha site. That is

your Pitta nature may be suppressed and Kapha (out of balance) leading; hence

the feeling of the spicy foods pacifying the imbalance. The analysis of a

practitioner or a more detailed analysis than the one presented in Dr.

Frawley's book may tell you more. Dr. Frawley has many other detailed books

on the wonderful science of Ayurveda.

The best of health to you!






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