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Collective Beliefs...Man/Woman

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Dear Gururattan and all other compassionate beings of the

Light...Sat Nam...


In the last three days much has come to a head for me. I had some

SNR healing on Friday...went into a very euphoric state by sunday as

you can tell by all my Looove..emails and then the program crashed

yesterday morning and I began to experience with in myself where my

current limitations lie and the "craziness" that ensues.


I've been practicing a Kriya to clear the left channel (Ida) and

yesterday I felt something being "pulled" out of my 1st chakra and

in light of what surfaced for me yesterday, it is related to

limiting collective beliefs held by society and myself around the

role or purpose of women and men on this earth. I know you're

writing something around this, so I'm mentioning what I am

struggling with.


What is the nature of woman? What is the nature of man? and how do

we come togehter to create harmonious convergences?


When I say, man, is an unfamiliar species to me, I am serious! What

part does "man" play in this scheme? I don't know...I realize my

perception around man is very warped and I'm looking for a reality

check around what the essence of man is?


A while back I purchased some lecture's of Yogi Bhajan's titled "The

Real Man". I thought this is great...I'll get some insight into

what man's about...well the whole lectures were based on how to keep

your woman happy so you'll have less grief in your life and live

peacefully. So the only deduction I can make from that...is that as

a woman naturally fluctuates, man's role is to be the constant in

that or the support to the ever changing and flowing creative

force. But with that said...I don't really know what that looks

like in "real Life".


My focus in the last year has been very much...How do I live

radiantly,gracefully,subtlely and magnetically as a woman? This my

understanding of the purpose of woman. I know there is also

something around being able to reflect her man, that I don't quite

grasp, reflect "what" I ask? As I begin to live the grace of a woman

more fully I am called to be in relation with men now, but am a fish

out of water in this realm...


Will your paper be addressing any of this? or can you or anybody

else address this for me?...Basically...I am wondering...without

neurosis...what is the essence of a woman, what is the essence of a

man? and how do we compliment each other as energies coming together

in communion with one another...and make love and not war...?


I recognize this represents the balancing of left and right channels

and the coming together in the central channels...rising

kundalini..awareness...culminating in God consciousness...which can

be experienced in the sexual intercourse or intercourse of any kind

we have with eacy other.


But starting from the bottom up...how do we create this experience

in our lives? I would assume we need to deeply understand each

other first?


Can anyone address this?


Sat Sangeet

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> What is the nature of woman? What is the nature of man? and how do

> we come togehter to create harmonious convergences?


Sat Nam, Sat Sangeet,


I went into this last Winter Solstice with the intention - don't ask how it

came up, it just did at this time - to break through "male fantasies" ...

that means different things to different people. For me it meant the fantasy

that male-female relations are based on power and dominance. I think maybe

everyone starts with this fantasy. And it seemed really clear during one of

the exercises we did that this fantasy is not strictly a male fantasy -

women have it, too.


The man-to-man series you read was on my mind as well during solstice. I

think Yogi Bhajan says what you said, but I think he also says a lot more.

Men should respect women - but not just a woman's "fluctuations". We should

respect the fact that she tests her man for his steadiness, that this is her

demand of us. We men look for our ideals on advertisements and in the White

House and wherever... Woman has a perfectly understandable ideal for us to

follow, and it has nothing to do with Miss Clairol or Saddam Hussein. Those

two are BOTH part of the male fantasy.


I think it is up to both men and women to serve creation. And a woman lives

this creative principle in her very body, it's part of her sexual desire

when she's not trying to be a fantasy object. I think there is only one

sexual fantasy, and it says that sex is here to serve men. Men and women buy

into it all the time. Female sexuality goes far beyond the groping, chasing,

hasty aggression that characterizes what the male fantasy says is important

in life: war, punished crime, law, treasure, etc. I think that beyond the

fantasy that we both may share, there is a broader horizon inviting both of

us to union with it.


my 2 cents,


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Wow Sansangeet and by the way Sat Nam to you and everyone else!

Conversations like these are hard for me because I feels as if I am more of a

twin. I think I have both male and female energies. I know that this issue maybe

important in tantric yoga and sexual "magic" but. . .

Well let me begin this way, I had a discussion with a couple of other people

one day about the subject of a woman raising a son without a male role model. A

few of the men objected, strongly, to a woman attempting to raise a son. They

said she couldnt teach a boy to be a man. My response was: "I wouldn't try to

raise my some to be a man but to be more than a man."

The terms man and woman, masculinity and feminity are so tied in to socially

defined gender roles that I say we find better definitions. After all, arent we

both to some degree or another. And isnt the true marriage, internal? And how do

we marry opposites. I believe Krishnamurti said that we cannot fuse opposites,

we must transcend them. In concerning ourselves with the role of femininity and

masculinity, black and white, etc is to continue to eat from the tree of the

knowledge of good and evil (metaphorically speaking of course). As our bodies

are our vehicles should we place a lot of meaning in our sex other than to use

it as a "starting place?"

Will the day come when we are attracted to someone not because they are male

or female but because of the energy he or she exudes? And in that day will men,

simply because of his outer garment, be expected to fulfill, for instance, the

role of "the one who wills" and the woman, "the one who steadies or reflects?"

In the coming forth by day we will be neither male nor female but as one.




satsangeetkaur <satsangeetkaur


Tuesday, January 14, 2003 12:36 PM

Collective Beliefs...Man/Woman








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I agree with what you wrote. I just haven't been able to read the

discussions on this subject but here is what I think.

We have a problem with a lot of men.

Boys are 'poisoned by testosterone before they are born. (Not my own words

but the words of a very enlightened man, Dr. Paul Pearsall).

Testosterone makes a boy a man of course and that is good. Testosterone is

very powerful and if a boy isn't brought up to be peace-loving, emphathic,

respecting women as equals, etc...his tendency is to become violent.

So many men in jail were abused by their parents or care-takers, they abused

animals, etc...as kids.

Men take more risks than women do, they are more aggressive; women fight

with words, men fight with their fists!

Boys have to learn empathy where most girls seem to be born knowing how to

relate to other people. Girls need to learn to take care of themselves


Boys all over the world need to be taught to be peace-makers not war-makers,

only then will we have peace on this Planet.

It's part environment and partly our genes and make-up.

Women and men are supposed to compliment each other, instead I see women

still being seen as sex objects, boys are still playing with toy guns,

video games are more violent than ever before, the media is full of violence

and I wonder if I am in a civilized world?

We have competition instead of co-operation.

To me boxing and wrestling are not sports, this isn't a good thing. Our

national game we love so much is violent, football.

How many young men get hurt for life playing that game?

Until women have half of the power and demand to be treated with respect,

love and until we all start respecting and caring for all species on Earth,

we will have men who think that violence is the solution to violence.

Ghandi had it right so did all the enlightened men who have lived before us.

Just read about another man who killed his wife and kids and then killed

himself, now I wonder why he had to destroy his family, why not just kill


Women missing, Elizabeth Smart, still missing.

There is something very wrong with living in the year 2003 and still seeing

all this evil doing.

When are men going to get it right?

Dr. Paul Pearsall says in his book, tapes, scientists wonder why we need men

anymore, meaning why are they so violent?

Why are women depressed he asks.

Because they have to live with men.

These are not my words, they come from Dr. Paul Pearsall himself a man.

We don't need men warriors anymore, that was ok for the cave men days.

We don't need to train young boys to kill each other and keep thinking the

same old thoughts, we need a new World Wide revolution.

Domestic abuse is rampant in this country, in fact for being so prosperous,

we have the most violence of all the nations on Earth.

Why is that?

Let's get rid of the guns that kill, let's stop promoting hunting, let's

start teaching our baby boys from the time they are born to be caretakers,

protectors, men of character and family values, if fathers and mothers

taught that to boys all over the Earth, we would have no more Wars...

Don't say I am against men, no way, I value good men and I brought up my

three sons to be loving, decent men.

I taught them respect and love for nature, people, women, they haven't

disappointed me.

We have both male and female characteristics in us.

Women who are done with menopause, like I am, find out we don't need to be a

door mat anymore, I found my voice, maybe I'm not so sweet anymore but that

is a good thing. I think men change too, some mellow out and become more

gentle in their life. We become more balanced as we age, as we learn.

I live my life OUT LOUD now, trying not to hurt anyone or offend anyone, but

then even Jesus had enemies.

I admire the Dalai Lama, a man driven from his homeland, still exiled, yet he

is kind even to his enemies. How many people can say that?

We need good men and women to get together and we need a new awakening all

over the world, I think it's time for the silent majority to speak up and

change things. This world is sick.

Agree or disagree, it doesn't matter, gettting things out in the open is how

we find solutions.

Did anyone watch the documentary about the difference between men and women,

I found it very interesting. Please watch it if it comes back on tv.


Deanna :)


~*~Late on the third day, at the very moment when, at sunset, we were making

our way through a herd of hippopotamuses, there flashed upon my mind,

unforeseen and unsought, the phrase, "Reverence for All Life."

~ Albert Schweitzer


Visit my aussie, Nizhoni-Tipsoo's site at





La Mere @( ~ ~ )@ et Tipsoo @=@




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Ok, to some extend I agree with you but...


1) You find good/ bad/ cracy people in general, men and


2) Problems should be solved with education, in schools,

in the family, in the society, everywhere..

3) In general, human beings should be tought from the

begining not to be reach, powerfull, materialism, but to

be happy, espiritual, healthy, etc. To think more about

the human, the earth, globaly, more about yoga

phylosophy.. etc

4) Thanks good, man and woman we are different, and we

must be, but nobody taught us what is important in life to

be happy, we are not trained to be parents, therefore we

cannot do it properly, a child need a father and a mother,

but both should teach their children about love, respect

for the others (men and woman), the animals, the nature,

to leasen, to learn, etc

5) I do not think that the solution is to blame the men,

and always thinking that the problems are coming from the

others, all of us must work together


I love women, including my mother, my wife, my doughter, I

love everybody, and I am everytime crazy when someone

kill, hurt, or not respect anybody, man or women... I love

you all, also my enemies


Sat nam




Nuevo Depósito a 1 mes 6% TAE, infórmate:



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