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Shodarsan Kriya? (spelled Sodarshan)

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Dear Dharam Singh,

Thank you for the fast reply! I do believe this is also the Kriya for

removing past sexual imprinting on the female arcline for those that are

interested.The clarification and additional information is greatly


love and light,






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response number one of two



8 / 91 - Espanola. New Mexico

12/12/90 - Formello. Italy


"Of all the 20 types of yoga, including Kundalini Yoga, this is the highest

kriya. This meditation cuts through all darkness. It will give you a

new start. It is the simplest kriya, but at the same time the hardest. It cuts

through all barriers of the neurotic or psychotic inside-nature.

When a person is in a very bad state, techniques imposed from the outside will

not work. The pressure has to be stimulated from within. Tragedy of

life is when subconscious releases garbage into the conscious mind. This kriya

invokes the Kundalini to give you the necessary vitality and

intuition to combat the negative effects of the subconscious mind."


MUDRA: Sit with a straight spine.

a. Block off the right nostril with the right thumb. Inhale slowly and deeply

through the left nostril. Hold the breath. Mentally chant "Wahe

Guru" 16 times, pumping the navel point 3 times with each repetition, once on

"Wha", once on 'Hey, and once on "Guru" -- (for a total of 48


b. Unblock the right nostril. Place the right index finger (pinkie finger can

also be used) to block off the left nostril, and exhale slowly and

deeply through the right nostril. Continue.


EYES: At the tip of the nose or closed, as you prefer.


END OF MEDITATION: Inhale, hold 5-10 seconds, exhale. Then stretch & shake every

part of your body for about 1 minute so that the energy may



TIME CONSTRAINTS: There is no time, no place, no space and no condition attached

to this mantra. Each garbage pit has its own time to clear. If

you are going to clean your own garbage, you must estimate and clean it as fast

as you can, or as slow as you want. You have to decide how much

time you have to clean up your garbage pit. Suggested length for this kriya is

31 minutes or 62 minutes a day.


COMMENTS: If you do this meditation for 62 minutes to start with, and develop to

the point that you can do it 2-1/2 hours a day. (1/ 10th of the

day), it will give you the following: Nao niddhi, athara siddhi." Nine precious

virtues 18 occult powers. And in those 27 total virtues of the

world lies the entire universe. So start with 31 min, then after a while do it

for 40 minutes, then for 62 min. Take time to graduate in it. When

practiced, 2-1/2 hours every day, it makes out of you a perfect superman. It

purifies, it takes care of the human life and brings together all 27

facets of life and makes a human perfect, saintly, successful and qualified.

This meditation also gives one the pranic power. This kriya never

fails. It can give one all the inner happiness, and bring one to a state of

ecstasy in life.


NOTE: This is how the Siri Singh Sahib keeps track of the counting: Inhale

(blocking the right nostril with the right thumb, other fingers held

straight up in the air.) And then I hold, and then I count '16' - - how? One.

two. three -- counts with the pinkie finger, moving it slightly

three times. Four. Five, six -- moves the ring finger three times. Seven, eight,

nine -- moves the middle or Saturn finger three times. Ten.

eleven, twelve: -- moves the index finger three times Thirteen, fourteen,

fifteen -- moves the thumb slightly for three beats. Sixteen -- brings

the index finger over to block off the left nostril, as he releases the right

thumb from the right nostril. Then Exhale through right nostril.

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response number 2 of 2


Sodarshan Chakra Kriya Meditation

12/12/90 Italy,

8/91 Espanola By Yogi Bhajan, PhD


Sit with a straight spine. Focus the eyes at the tip of the nose. Block the

right nostril with the right thumb tip, the other fingers pointing

straight up. Inhale slowly and deeply through the left nostril. Then hold the

breath by suspending. the action of breathing and lifting the chest

slightly. Keep the chin locked in jalandhara Bhanda (chin lock)- Mentally chant

the mantra "Whahe Guru" 16 times as you hold the breath. With each

repetition of the mantra, pump the navel point three times in pace with

Wha+he+Gu+Ru. This is a total of 48 pumps per breath. Then unblock the

right nostril, place the index or little finger over the left nostril to block

it. Then exhale slowly and deeply through the right nostril.


Continue for 11-62 minutes. Then inhale, hold the breath 5 to 15 seconds and

exhale. Stretch the arms up and shake every part of your body for one





This is one of the greatest meditations you can practice. According to the

tantra shastras, it can make you perfect your potential and be a

superhuman human. It purifies your past and the subconscious impulses that may

block you from fulfilling and balance all the 27 facets of the life

and mental projection. It gives you the pranic power of health and healing. It

establishes inner happiness and a state of flow and ecstasy in

life. The kriya never fails.


To gain these benefits requires different efforts from different people. Each

mind has stored up its own pile of negative thought and energy. So

each pit is cleaned on its own time and scale. You decide how much time you have

and you need to invest in this practice. Begin with 31 minutes.

Increase it to 40 then to 62 and finally to 2 1/2 hours a day!. It is said that

if you perfect the practice for 1/10th of the day, it gives you

"Nao niddhi athara siddhi"; that is you will get the nine precious virtues and

the 18 occult powers. It opens your inner universe to relate,

co-create and complete the external universe.


Treat the practice with reverence and increase your depth, dimensions, caliber

and happiness. It gives you a new start against all odds. It saves

you when internal pressures have become too great for any external influence or

solution. It gives you the ability to stimulate your self from


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Sat Nam,

Don't mention it. One tiny point of clarification. They are both the same.

No difference in the description of the Kriya. The only difference

is in the "editing" of the commentary description of the benefits of doing this



shaktival wrote:


> Dear Dharam Singh,

> Thank you for the fast reply! I do believe this is also the Kriya for

> removing past sexual imprinting on the female arcline for those that are

> interested.The clarification and additional information is greatly

> appreciated!

> love and light,

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Sat Nam Dharam et ya'll,

Regarding he Sondarshan Kriya, the instructions say start with 31

minutes. I'm more of a 3 - 11 minute kinda guy myself. Should I just not

do this one till I build up more stamina?


Sat Nam, Leo




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Dear Leo,


> Regarding he Sondarshan Kriya, the instructions say start with 31>

minutes. I'm more of a 3 - 11 minute kinda guy myself. Should I just not>

do this one till I build up more stamina?


Definitely. I personally can't imagine starting with 31 minutes. Program

yourself for success.


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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