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In Search of the Sacred Temple

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Goodmorning everyone...Sat Nam...


I've been humming and hawing for the last hour trying to decide

whether to share this on line or not...but I think I will because it

speaks to some of the topics recently discussed on line...such as

Christa noticing herself Long Deep Breathing outside of her practice

and Jiwan noticing a need to cut back on the over stimulus of TV and

Leo searching for answers to, how do I feel and live in this body

and be happy...to some earlier posts regarding self love...and even

elimination! (letting go) (rejuvenating ourselves).


What all of these have in common is that we recognize in each of

them that we are looking for more fulfillment and that fulfillment

comes when we tune into the sacred in our lives. Many of us do not

have sacred places we can visit to stir this within us..so the need

to be able to find it within is key. And this is what we do through

our KY practice...we cultivate the sacred within.


I want to share my meditative experience from yesterday with

you...because all of the above mentioned situations are ones that I

struggle with and work with as well.


As I was chanting Sa Ta Na Ma....I began to hear these words

spoken..."Come fully into the Now and live a prayerful

existence"...I asked in reply...What do I need to let go of in this

moment, to live fully in the Now?


The answer...let go of the thought, that it is a painful experience

to be here in this body...I asked how do I let it go? The

answer...just let it go..."decide"...and let it go.


This answer struck me as profound and simple and pregnant. There

comes a point when we've been over our stories a thousand times, we

understand the events that lead us to certain actions, creating

certain reactions (we understand our karma), we have the wisdom

hopefully in part or whole not to repeat it and the time comes to

forgive, in other words to let go, eliminate the negativity that you

are holding onto and reaffirm our committement to walk in the light.


In that moment it requires courage, committement and the strength of

the neutral mind to make the "choice" to let go and choose actions

that ,support, letting it go.


Well if I was going to let this thought go, I thought.. I better

examine how I fuel or feed it with my actions and thoughts, in order

to beable to reconize when I need to make different choices. How do

I fuel the thought, "Living in my body is a painful experience?"


The answer that came was...Halt all attacks on the body...recognize

you attack the body by what you say to yourself in the mirror, what

you feed the body..the music you listen to...everything that comes

into contact with this physical body has an impact on you. Does the

impact support the sacred or or does it have a unsupporting effect?


Then I began to have an understanding...this body of mine is a

Temple of God...we hear this cliche'd often..but hearing it in this

context was profound for me, in that moment..because I understood

more deeply than I ever had before. Everytime I do not recognize

the "beauty" that is me..I destroy the sacred inherent in my life.

When I make a food choice out of reactionary fear..I deny my sacred

existence...my prayerful existence...if I choose to call myself

ugly..it's like defiling the side of a temple.


The words in my head continued..."Speak endearingly to yourself

everyday...recognize you are a Temple of the One...feed this body

light (the sacred) and see the light eminate from it." Experience

the light and eventually you will become the light.


I have a new perspective on this body of mine now and I've begun

noticing in the last few days in what actions and thoughts I do not

support the sacredness of it and have begun to make new choices as a



....frankly, If I truely view my body as a temple of the

sacred...then it sounds so inviting I can hardly wait to dive in and

be here Now in this body..living a prayerful existence! Recognizing

as sensations in this body arise, that I do not necessarily "want"

to be having, I can see this as a prompt from my soul... a calling

to evolve or to reach for something of a higher measure...because I

wasn't born to suffer..I was born to evolve.


All light and all Blessings,

Sat Sangeet

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Sat Nam Satsangeetkaur


:):):):):):):):):):): Thank You


Your words were like sunbeams dancing into my heart.




May the long time sun shine upon you

All love surround you

And the pure white light within you

Always guide you on your way



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Sat Nam everyone and Sat Sangeet,

The words you wrote were beautiful. I am grateful for u sharing your

experience. You never know when someone needs edifying. I backslid after

purifying myself by eating a pizza. It didnt have any meat on it but it was

still harmful as u all know. It is hard when u have friends and family who are

eating snacks and other things. It is like a constant temptation. I guess the

longer I stay away from it the stronger I will become. There are many things

that I dont eat anymore but there are still things that I keep going back to

every now and then. Now these things are making me sick.

And why is it that at certain times I am stronger in my resistance than

others? Does it have to do with astrology? I'm wondering.

Anyway, your words were very inspiring.




satsangeetkaur <satsangeetkaur


Monday, January 27, 2003 1:37 PM

In Search of the Sacred Temple








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Dearest Sat Sangeet Kaur,


JUST want to THANK YOU from my heart for sharing this experience.


Love & Light & peace for you and all of us and for the whole world.



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Dear Toyb,


Have your own healthfood junk food handy for snacks and to eat when others

around you are eating what now makes you sick. No need to deprive yourself,

just find substitutes that taste good. I like wahe guru chews, available on

www.yogatech.com for the sweet substitute. There are certain chips that

settle ok if I don't eat to many. Find yours and enjoy. Sorry, I don't

have a pizza substitute yet.


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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Sat Nam Dr. Khalsa,

I am laughing because u said sorry u dont have a pizza substitute yet. Thanks

for the advice. I will check out the sweet substitute. And how did u know that

sweets were the main things I keep going back to? (grinning ear to ear as I

write this)

I also have a question. Could u explain the science of the NAAD. I read in a

book by Shakti Kaura that we are using the mantras in Gurbani based on the

science of NAAD. I read the brief explanation of NAAD but I still do not

understand. Forgive my ignorance but is Gurbani a part of Sanskrit or another

name for it?





Gururattan K.Khalsa


Monday, January 27, 2003 8:48 PM

Re: In Search of the Sacred Temple






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Sat Nam Sat Sangeet,

VERY COOL! Thank you for sharing it. That has spurred me to

share this. I had a little dialogue with my body the other day as I lay

resting. It took about a nanosecond. BODY: "Why did you take me to all

those painful places." EGO: "I took you there because I was lonely or

afraid. I thought God was in the pain." This was all part of the "pain as

sacrament" misconception I talked about a couple of days ago.

While I wouldn't classify myself as an addict of any sort - I think the

word is horribly overused, I will fess up to being a drug abuser off and on

all my life. I've known so many people who just keep returning to the worst

possible places, especially when their lives are already in the crapper. It

seemed so illogical when I would do it! I wonder if those other people

thought God was in the pain too?

Sat Nam,


satsangeetkaur <satsangeetkaur


Monday, January 27, 2003 12:37 PM


In Search of the Sacred Temple




Goodmorning everyone...Sat Nam...


I've been humming and hawing for the last hour trying to decide

whether to share this on line or not...but I think I will because it

speaks to some of the topics recently discussed on line...such as

Christa noticing herself Long Deep Breathing outside of her practice

and Jiwan noticing a need to cut back on the over stimulus of TV and

Leo searching for answers to, how do I feel and live in this body

and be happy...to some earlier posts regarding self love...and even

elimination! (letting go) (rejuvenating ourselves).


What all of these have in common is that we recognize in each of

them that we are looking for more fulfillment and that fulfillment

comes when we tune into the sacred in our lives. Many of us do not

have sacred places we can visit to stir this within us..so the need

to be able to find it within is key. And this is what we do through

our KY practice...we cultivate the sacred within.


I want to share my meditative experience from yesterday with

you...because all of the above mentioned situations are ones that I

struggle with and work with as well.


As I was chanting Sa Ta Na Ma....I began to hear these words

spoken..."Come fully into the Now and live a prayerful

existence"...I asked in reply...What do I need to let go of in this

moment, to live fully in the Now?


The answer...let go of the thought, that it is a painful experience

to be here in this body...I asked how do I let it go? The

answer...just let it go..."decide"...and let it go.


This answer struck me as profound and simple and pregnant. There

comes a point when we've been over our stories a thousand times, we

understand the events that lead us to certain actions, creating

certain reactions (we understand our karma), we have the wisdom

hopefully in part or whole not to repeat it and the time comes to

forgive, in other words to let go, eliminate the negativity that you

are holding onto and reaffirm our committement to walk in the light.


In that moment it requires courage, committement and the strength of

the neutral mind to make the "choice" to let go and choose actions

that ,support, letting it go.


Well if I was going to let this thought go, I thought.. I better

examine how I fuel or feed it with my actions and thoughts, in order

to beable to reconize when I need to make different choices. How do

I fuel the thought, "Living in my body is a painful experience?"


The answer that came was...Halt all attacks on the body...recognize

you attack the body by what you say to yourself in the mirror, what

you feed the body..the music you listen to...everything that comes

into contact with this physical body has an impact on you. Does the

impact support the sacred or or does it have a unsupporting effect?


Then I began to have an understanding...this body of mine is a

Temple of God...we hear this cliche'd often..but hearing it in this

context was profound for me, in that moment..because I understood

more deeply than I ever had before. Everytime I do not recognize

the "beauty" that is me..I destroy the sacred inherent in my life.

When I make a food choice out of reactionary fear..I deny my sacred

existence...my prayerful existence...if I choose to call myself

ugly..it's like defiling the side of a temple.


The words in my head continued..."Speak endearingly to yourself

everyday...recognize you are a Temple of the One...feed this body

light (the sacred) and see the light eminate from it." Experience

the light and eventually you will become the light.


I have a new perspective on this body of mine now and I've begun

noticing in the last few days in what actions and thoughts I do not

support the sacredness of it and have begun to make new choices as a



...frankly, If I truely view my body as a temple of the

sacred...then it sounds so inviting I can hardly wait to dive in and

be here Now in this body..living a prayerful existence! Recognizing

as sensations in this body arise, that I do not necessarily "want"

to be having, I can see this as a prompt from my soul... a calling

to evolve or to reach for something of a higher measure...because I

wasn't born to suffer..I was born to evolve.


All light and all Blessings,

Sat Sangeet









- Yogi Bhajan


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