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Sat Nam Karin,


I am reminded of something Yogi Bhajan said in a lecture. This

woman asked him…"What should I do when I feel confused?" He

answered…"Feel confused….and then when you're not confused

anymore..you won't feel confused". This wasn't the answer she was

looking for I don't think! Ha ha! But it speaks to the point.


You have a negative, positive and neutral mind. The first two will

give you a million thoughts to consider, but only the neutral mind

has the power of choice. It can take the neg info and the pos info

and make a choice, based on profit for all. So when the neg. and

Pos. minds pull you in all directions….find the neutral mind and

make intuitive heart centered choices.


So develop the neutral mind. This is done through first being able

to recognize when the neg or pos mind is dominating….This is an act

of awareness, which is what the neutral mind does …it witnesses and

observes, without judgement. Developing your awareness gives you

the consciousness to act from your higher self. Practice being

aware and allowing of all sensations in every moment. Meaning

experience deeply through your senses anything and everything

without labeling, naming or reacting to it. Just allow yourself to

be in relation to your senses. Everytime you catch yourself getting

wrapped up in thought….come back to "being". This will develope

your neutral mind.


The neutral mind relates to the heart center so do Kriya's for the

heart center..

chant Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Se So Hung….aura strengthening and be aware.

Do acts of Seva…Selfless service to develop the heart center as well.


Notice during meditation when you reach the neutral state of

awareness and make choices in this state. After wards when you are

no longer in that state of consciousness, but have put something

into motion, based on a decision you made while in that heart

space, recognize the negative and positive mind taking your for a

ride now.


This is the feeling of…oh I can't trust myself! The neg and pos

minds do not have the power of discernment…they can only throw

thoughts at you....good, bad or ugly, so recognize it for what it

is, they may or may not be supporting your heart centered

choice…..remember your choice was made when you were in a connected

state....and keep coming back to this truth. Follow this process

and you will train your neg and pos minds to support the neutral

mind….once they realize there is a new "boss" in town they will

begin to fall in line and support your higher self!


Now if you're not aware of a neutral state of Consciousness…..in

order to be able to recognize when you `re in one…. Then begin with

simply practicing being aware and noticing when your awareness gets

pulled off track and instead of allowing that train to completely de-

rail….just bring yourself back to noticing, allowing and being.


It's a process….you just keep following the steps and eventually the

amount of distrust of yourself will lessen as you gain confidence

that you are in fact acting from your higher self.

So my point at the beginning about Yogi Bhajan's comment was that

all we do with any feeling, emotion or thought is to be aware of it,

allow it, without reacting to it and in this simple process

transformation in some way will begin to occur.



Hope this is helpful….



Sat Sangeet

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