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dharma & karma

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Dharma is what conquers Karma.

Karma is cause and effect.....I did this action and it has this

result...Sometimes we feel like what we have in life isn't fair, because we

don't take into consideration that we may be, in this moment, feeling an effect

of an action put into motion in a past lifetime, that we no longer have any

conscious memory of.

Dharma are the practices we use to understand and work with our Karma..for

example KY....living Dharmically is understanding your Karma ( what actions

caused the effect you got) and not creating any further karma for yourself.

We need to be able to accept our karma (our circumstances of life) and to work

with it as effectively as we can....we need to go through it (pay our debt or

accept the result of our actions)....there is always a gift in any karmic

situation...an opportunity for growth....otherwise known as the "gift" in the


Recognize the "gift" and grow from your karmic experiences...otherwise you will

simply repeat the same actions over and over and over again with no evolution.

Sat Sangeet

"Nabil M. Rizkallah" <nabilriz wrote:hello there,

can any-body defines, in a clear & precise definition,

what is dharma &,

what is karma,

& also place them in the philosophy of life.

sat nam








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--- "Nabil M. Rizkallah" <nabilriz wrote:

> hello there,

> can any-body defines, in a clear & precise

> definition,

> what is dharma &,

> what is karma,

Sat Nam, Most simply said, Dharma is the path you

follow that will eliminate Karma. Karma (both good and

bad) is the result of our earthly actions and

attachments. The Siri Singh Sahib has said "With

dharma there is no karma." or, live righteously in all

things and you will incur no karma.




KPS Khalsa

"If you can't see GOD in all, You can't see GOD at all." Yogi Bhajan




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How can one ensure that he/she is following Dharma and

also how can I know what my karma has been?

How much karma is left and How do I work at clearing

my karma and not creating any more?

Are there any specific meditations for that?

Thank You .





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Sat Nam Akkama,

Living Dharmically would be following practices that support the evolution of

the Soul. Dharmic living would be choosing loving action as opposed to action

out of fear or disconnection. Any practice which creates awareness and healing

would be considered dharmic. The more aware you become...the more ability you

begin to have to understand the play of life and make choices which up lift the


If I wasn't following some sort of Dharma in my life....I might be very unaware

of my actions and the effect that each action has....when I am living

unconsciously I wreak havoc in my life because I keep creating more of what I

don't want.

For example...during meditation...I witness the flow of my thoughts...by

witnessing my unconscious mind I can begin to understand what thoughts are

"driving" my bus. I can begin to see the relationship between...constantly

being faced with angry people (karmic situation) and the realization, that I

myself, harbour many angry thoughts within my own mind....that I wasn't aware

of, until I began to notice the contents of my mind through meditation.

Your karma is whatever situation you presently find yourself in....we clear

karma by understanding "why" we have acted in the ways that we have acted

(understanding ourselves)....we do this by "witnessing" our thoughts....whatever

we "think" in our minds, is going to create our reality (enviroments)....so

through meditation we witness the mind...in order to understand ourselves more

deeply....what thought patterns are we unconsciously harbouring that in turn

are creating our enviroments? When we understand what drove our actions we can

then have compassion for ourselves and forgive ourselves for past

actions.....because when you don't consciously "know" any better....you can't

"Do" any better....we did what we did, because that is what was in our

consciousness....if we want to change our experiences in life.....we need to

change what's in our consciousness.

Once you can bring your awareness to such patterns....we can begin to release

their hold on us...by using our neutral mind to "choose" not to support that

train of thought any longer, with more of the same kind of thinking, ....by

having experiences of our "True Nature" through yoga/med etc. so we can know

what the truth is and can recognize thoughts that are unpromoting for our Soul

and not feed them any further.

Then of course through meditation we can begin to "let go" of those unpromoting

thought patterns....this is a healing process and doesn't happen all in one


We stop creating more karma for ourselves by acting consciously. If we can see

a pattern of a certain type of thinking, leading to a certain type of action on

our part...then we can begin to recognize the "thinking", when it occurs, that

leads to the unsoul promoting action, when it first arises and make a conscious

choice to act differently or to not act at all. That's living

consciously....and that's what does not create more karma.

I think my teacher said...for every karmic producing thought we have, if we were

to chant the "Nam" afterwards, it would neutralize the effects of that

thought....so through chanting we create enough psychic heat to burn up our


To be most effective in your endeavor to rid yourself of karma....work with

whatever is presently coming up for you. For example..for

me...currently....I've had a lot of physical body stuff arising....Chicken

Pox/pain in my body etc....so during my meditations I am seeking to understand

all I can about how I "think" and "feel" about my body.....what is promoting and

what isn't in my thoughts.....and really working to catch when my "old programs"

of thought, start up in my everday life....first choosing not to add feul to the

fire with more of the same unpromoting thoughts...choosing actions which support

my Soulward goals (anything that creates feelings of connectedness).....and

deciding to let the "old program" go....and this usually involves some sort of

upheaval of emotion and some transformation or change of perspective in my

thoughts and feelings. Evolution occurs and the burden is lightened.

Developing your ability to witness and observe during meditation is very helpful

and this also developes the neutral mind which needs to be strong inorder to

"choose" new ways of being and doing.

Sat Nam,

Sat Sangeet

akkamahadevi avanti <akku96 wrote:SAT NAM,


How can one ensure that he/she is following Dharma and

also how can I know what my karma has been?

How much karma is left and How do I work at clearing

my karma and not creating any more?

Are there any specific meditations for that?

Thank You .





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sat nam at sangeet

what you have writen is beautiful,

I will use it in the comprehensive book I am writing, in arabic, about

kundalini yoga.



"Sat Sangeet" <satsangeetkaur


Thursday, February 13, 2003 12:55 AM

Re: Kundalini Yoga Re: dharma & karma




> Sat Nam Akkama,

> Living Dharmically would be following practices that support the evolution

of the Soul. Dharmic living would be choosing loving action as opposed to

action out of fear or disconnection. Any practice which creates awareness

and healing would be considered dharmic. The more aware you become...the

more ability you begin to have to understand the play of life and make

choices which up lift the Soul.

> If I wasn't following some sort of Dharma in my life....I might be very

unaware of my actions and the effect that each action has....when I am

living unconsciously I wreak havoc in my life because I keep creating more

of what I don't want.

> For example...during meditation...I witness the flow of my thoughts...by

witnessing my unconscious mind I can begin to understand what thoughts are

"driving" my bus. I can begin to see the relationship between...constantly

being faced with angry people (karmic situation) and the realization, that I

myself, harbour many angry thoughts within my own mind....that I wasn't

aware of, until I began to notice the contents of my mind through


> Your karma is whatever situation you presently find yourself in....we

clear karma by understanding "why" we have acted in the ways that we have

acted (understanding ourselves)....we do this by "witnessing" our

thoughts....whatever we "think" in our minds, is going to create our reality

(enviroments)....so through meditation we witness the mind...in order to

understand ourselves more deeply....what thought patterns are we

unconsciously harbouring that in turn are creating our enviroments? When we

understand what drove our actions we can then have compassion for ourselves

and forgive ourselves for past actions.....because when you don't

consciously "know" any better....you can't "Do" any better....we did what we

did, because that is what was in our consciousness....if we want to change

our experiences in life.....we need to change what's in our consciousness.

> Once you can bring your awareness to such patterns....we can begin to

release their hold on us...by using our neutral mind to "choose" not to

support that train of thought any longer, with more of the same kind of

thinking, ....by having experiences of our "True Nature" through yoga/med

etc. so we can know what the truth is and can recognize thoughts that are

unpromoting for our Soul and not feed them any further.

> Then of course through meditation we can begin to "let go" of those

unpromoting thought patterns....this is a healing process and doesn't happen

all in one shot!

> We stop creating more karma for ourselves by acting consciously. If we

can see a pattern of a certain type of thinking, leading to a certain type

of action on our part...then we can begin to recognize the "thinking", when

it occurs, that leads to the unsoul promoting action, when it first arises

and make a conscious choice to act differently or to not act at all. That's

living consciously....and that's what does not create more karma.

> I think my teacher said...for every karmic producing thought we have, if

we were to chant the "Nam" afterwards, it would neutralize the effects of

that thought....so through chanting we create enough psychic heat to burn up

our karma.

> To be most effective in your endeavor to rid yourself of karma....work

with whatever is presently coming up for you. For example..for

me...currently....I've had a lot of physical body stuff arising....Chicken

Pox/pain in my body etc....so during my meditations I am seeking to

understand all I can about how I "think" and "feel" about my body.....what

is promoting and what isn't in my thoughts.....and really working to catch

when my "old programs" of thought, start up in my everday life....first

choosing not to add feul to the fire with more of the same unpromoting

thoughts...choosing actions which support my Soulward goals (anything that

creates feelings of connectedness).....and deciding to let the "old program"

go....and this usually involves some sort of upheaval of emotion and some

transformation or change of perspective in my thoughts and feelings.

Evolution occurs and the burden is lightened.

> Developing your ability to witness and observe during meditation is very

helpful and this also developes the neutral mind which needs to be strong

inorder to "choose" new ways of being and doing.

> Sat Nam,

> Sat Sangeet

> akkamahadevi avanti <akku96 wrote:SAT NAM,


> How can one ensure that he/she is following Dharma and

> also how can I know what my karma has been?

> How much karma is left and How do I work at clearing

> my karma and not creating any more?

> Are there any specific meditations for that?

> Thank You .

> Akkama




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SAT NAM Sat Sangeet,

Thank you for a great response. Just want to

understand a little better ..does it mean that we will

be creating more karma only when we illfully act or

think about others/work which will give a feeling of


I tend to get angry at situations involving more

work/stress related.

Also, I am more time oriented, meaning I always think

about what needs to be done at what time and will get

uncomfortable if not done.

Does this mean I am creating more karma for myself?

Also, I get angry when things are not clean and kept


To resolve this should I just observe myself during

those situations in trying to find out the root cause

of anger,distress,etc.... right..?


Thanks again.

Let light prevail.





--- Sat Sangeet <satsangeetkaur wrote:


> Sat Nam Akkama,

> Living Dharmically would be following practices that

> support the evolution of the Soul. Dharmic living

> would be choosing loving action as opposed to action

> out of fear or disconnection. Any practice which

> creates awareness and healing would be considered

> dharmic. The more aware you become...the more

> ability you begin to have to understand the play of

> life and make choices which up lift the Soul.

> If I wasn't following some sort of Dharma in my

> life....I might be very unaware of my actions and

> the effect that each action has....when I am living

> unconsciously I wreak havoc in my life because I

> keep creating more of what I don't want.

> For example...during meditation...I witness the flow

> of my thoughts...by witnessing my unconscious mind I

> can begin to understand what thoughts are "driving"

> my bus. I can begin to see the relationship

> between...constantly being faced with angry people

> (karmic situation) and the realization, that I

> myself, harbour many angry thoughts within my own

> mind....that I wasn't aware of, until I began to

> notice the contents of my mind through meditation.

> Your karma is whatever situation you presently find

> yourself in....we clear karma by understanding "why"

> we have acted in the ways that we have acted

> (understanding ourselves)....we do this by

> "witnessing" our thoughts....whatever we "think" in

> our minds, is going to create our reality

> (enviroments)....so through meditation we witness

> the mind...in order to understand ourselves more

> deeply....what thought patterns are we

> unconsciously harbouring that in turn are creating

> our enviroments? When we understand what drove our

> actions we can then have compassion for ourselves

> and forgive ourselves for past actions.....because

> when you don't consciously "know" any better....you

> can't "Do" any better....we did what we did, because

> that is what was in our consciousness....if we want

> to change our experiences in life.....we need to

> change what's in our consciousness.

> Once you can bring your awareness to such

> patterns....we can begin to release their hold on

> us...by using our neutral mind to "choose" not to

> support that train of thought any longer, with more

> of the same kind of thinking, ....by having

> experiences of our "True Nature" through yoga/med

> etc. so we can know what the truth is and can

> recognize thoughts that are unpromoting for our Soul

> and not feed them any further.

> Then of course through meditation we can begin to

> "let go" of those unpromoting thought

> patterns....this is a healing process and doesn't

> happen all in one shot!

> We stop creating more karma for ourselves by acting

> consciously. If we can see a pattern of a certain

> type of thinking, leading to a certain type of

> action on our part...then we can begin to recognize

> the "thinking", when it occurs, that leads to the

> unsoul promoting action, when it first arises and

> make a conscious choice to act differently or to not

> act at all. That's living consciously....and that's

> what does not create more karma.

> I think my teacher said...for every karmic producing

> thought we have, if we were to chant the "Nam"

> afterwards, it would neutralize the effects of that

> thought....so through chanting we create enough

> psychic heat to burn up our karma.

> To be most effective in your endeavor to rid

> yourself of karma....work with whatever is presently

> coming up for you. For example..for

> me...currently....I've had a lot of physical body

> stuff arising....Chicken Pox/pain in my body

> etc....so during my meditations I am seeking to

> understand all I can about how I "think" and "feel"

> about my body.....what is promoting and what isn't

> in my thoughts.....and really working to catch when

> my "old programs" of thought, start up in my everday

> life....first choosing not to add feul to the fire

> with more of the same unpromoting

> thoughts...choosing actions which support my

> Soulward goals (anything that creates feelings of

> connectedness).....and deciding to let the "old

> program" go....and this usually involves some sort

> of upheaval of emotion and some transformation or

> change of perspective in my thoughts and feelings.

> Evolution occurs and the burden is lightened.

> Developing your ability to witness and observe

> during meditation is very helpful and this also

> developes the neutral mind which needs to be strong

> inorder to "choose" new ways of being and doing.

> Sat Nam,

> Sat Sangeet

> akkamahadevi avanti <akku96 wrote:SAT

> NAM,


> How can one ensure that he/she is following Dharma

> and

> also how can I know what my karma has been?

> How much karma is left and How do I work at clearing

> my karma and not creating any more?

> Are there any specific meditations for that?

> Thank You .

> Akkama




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Sat Nam Akkama,


Our goal in life is to experience a "pure" connection to the source ( as my

teacher put it so eloquently last night in class...."mainlining the Source" or

having a complete experience of pure love in it's most refined state).


Any actions we take, including the thoughts that we have will create more karma

for ourselves if they are born of unconsciousness. During meditation we can

begin to observe and notice the contents of our mind (create awareness)....as we

become more aware, we begin to process these thoughts as they rise and replace

them with more expansive thoughts, ones that do not cause limitation, such as

Wahe Guru.


The mantra that we use in KY relates to the infinite (it is not

limited).....while we are experiencing and observing our limiting thoughts

during meditation..if we chant as well...each limiting thought gets cancelled

out and replaced with more and more the experience of the infinite (an expanded

state of consciousness).....until finally the subconscious mind is cleared and

behind the fog of the subconsious lies the "Inner Light" and this light begins

to shine through.


In the beginning we were unconscious (didn't know the contents of the mind) and

this is what we projected into our aura and then from there circumstances of

that quality and vibration are then drawn to you...so in an external way you can

begin to observe the contents of your subconscious by observing your

enviroments. Or you don't and you just continue to get more and more of the same

thing and never understand why your life is the way that it is?


If you clear the subconscious mind and now the Inner light shines through and is

projected instead of your subconscious thoughts into the aura..you will through

magnetism draw more Soul promoting circumstances into your life. (non karma



So karma is created when we act from that unconscious state..ideally we want to

come to the point where the viel is lifted and we percieve clearly true

reality..instead of the limited views we get when we look through the colored

lens of the unobserved subconsious mind.


So in answer to your question..it's fair to say, that if your actions are born

out of feeling a separation or disconnection...then yes...they will be creating



Yes...the more you observe during meditation the more able you will be able to

observe in your everyday life...what's really going on under the surface of your

"initial" reactions.


Be willing to be with whatever you are feeling...without....feuling it with more

supporting thought..and in this way.... you'll open the energy a bit....you'll

gain more perspective on the feeling or situation...and you will experience some

kind of transformation..usually of your perception of the event.


The more you do this...the more consciously you will begin to live and the less

karma you will create...until finally you are not living unconsciously anymore

and you are basically "Living the Light".


I have to run but we can talk about this more at another time if you like.




Sat Sangeet





akkamahadevi avanti <akku96 wrote:SAT NAM Sat Sangeet,

Thank you for a great response. Just want to

understand a little better ..does it mean that we will

be creating more karma only when we illfully act or

think about others/work which will give a feeling of


I tend to get angry at situations involving more

work/stress related.

Also, I am more time oriented, meaning I always think

about what needs to be done at what time and will get

uncomfortable if not done.

Does this mean I am creating more karma for myself?

Also, I get angry when things are not clean and kept


To resolve this should I just observe myself during

those situations in trying to find out the root cause

of anger,distress,etc.... right..?


Thanks again.

Let light prevail.





--- Sat Sangeet <satsangeetkaur wrote:


> Sat Nam Akkama,

> Living Dharmically would be following practices that

> support the evolution of the Soul. Dharmic living

> would be choosing loving action as opposed to action

> out of fear or disconnection. Any practice which

> creates awareness and healing would be considered

> dharmic. The more aware you become...the more

> ability you begin to have to understand the play of

> life and make choices which up lift the Soul.

> If I wasn't following some sort of Dharma in my

> life....I might be very unaware of my actions and

> the effect that each action has....when I am living

> unconsciously I wreak havoc in my life because I

> keep creating more of what I don't want.

> For example...during meditation...I witness the flow

> of my thoughts...by witnessing my unconscious mind I

> can begin to understand what thoughts are "driving"

> my bus. I can begin to see the relationship

> between...constantly being faced with angry people

> (karmic situation) and the realization, that I

> myself, harbour many angry thoughts within my own

> mind....that I wasn't aware of, until I began to

> notice the contents of my mind through meditation.

> Your karma is whatever situation you presently find

> yourself in....we clear karma by understanding "why"

> we have acted in the ways that we have acted

> (understanding ourselves)....we do this by

> "witnessing" our thoughts....whatever we "think" in

> our minds, is going to create our reality

> (enviroments)....so through meditation we witness

> the mind...in order to understand ourselves more

> deeply....what thought patterns are we

> unconsciously harbouring that in turn are creating

> our enviroments? When we understand what drove our

> actions we can then have compassion for ourselves

> and forgive ourselves for past actions.....because

> when you don't consciously "know" any better....you

> can't "Do" any better....we did what we did, because

> that is what was in our consciousness....if we want

> to change our experiences in life.....we need to

> change what's in our consciousness.

> Once you can bring your awareness to such

> patterns....we can begin to release their hold on

> us...by using our neutral mind to "choose" not to

> support that train of thought any longer, with more

> of the same kind of thinking, ....by having

> experiences of our "True Nature" through yoga/med

> etc. so we can know what the truth is and can

> recognize thoughts that are unpromoting for our Soul

> and not feed them any further.

> Then of course through meditation we can begin to

> "let go" of those unpromoting thought

> patterns....this is a healing process and doesn't

> happen all in one shot!

> We stop creating more karma for ourselves by acting

> consciously. If we can see a pattern of a certain

> type of thinking, leading to a certain type of

> action on our part...then we can begin to recognize

> the "thinking", when it occurs, that leads to the

> unsoul promoting action, when it first arises and

> make a conscious choice to act differently or to not

> act at all. That's living consciously....and that's

> what does not create more karma.

> I think my teacher said...for every karmic producing

> thought we have, if we were to chant the "Nam"

> afterwards, it would neutralize the effects of that

> thought....so through chanting we create enough

> psychic heat to burn up our karma.

> To be most effective in your endeavor to rid

> yourself of karma....work with whatever is presently

> coming up for you. For example..for

> me...currently....I've had a lot of physical body

> stuff arising....Chicken Pox/pain in my body

> etc....so during my meditations I am seeking to

> understand all I can about how I "think" and "feel"

> about my body.....what is promoting and what isn't

> in my thoughts.....and really working to catch when

> my "old programs" of thought, start up in my everday

> life....first choosing not to add feul to the fire

> with more of the same unpromoting

> thoughts...choosing actions which support my

> Soulward goals (anything that creates feelings of

> connectedness).....and deciding to let the "old

> program" go....and this usually involves some sort

> of upheaval of emotion and some transformation or

> change of perspective in my thoughts and feelings.

> Evolution occurs and the burden is lightened.

> Developing your ability to witness and observe

> during meditation is very helpful and this also

> developes the neutral mind which needs to be strong

> inorder to "choose" new ways of being and doing.

> Sat Nam,

> Sat Sangeet

> akkamahadevi avanti <akku96 wrote:SAT

> NAM,


> How can one ensure that he/she is following Dharma

> and

> also how can I know what my karma has been?

> How much karma is left and How do I work at clearing

> my karma and not creating any more?

> Are there any specific meditations for that?

> Thank You .

> Akkama




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Sat Nam,


Sat Sangeets letters on this topic were wonderful.


Just a couple comments.


Karma is the law of cause and effect. We can create positive or negative

karma and are now reaping the effects of both. We we are trying to do is to

become conscious of what causes create what effects and then make conscious

choices that produce positve effects.


RE anger at work -- We all get angry. Negative emotional responses are

normal. Don't try to stop them. You will just push them into the

subconscious. Yogi Bhajan teaches that we have 3 seconds to neutralize the

effects of our negative responses so that they do not produce negative

karma. You can do this with any mantra. Sat Nam andWahe Guru are good.


SAt nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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Dear Sangeet,

I like what you've written,

I am doing a comprehensive research on Dharma & Karma,

this is why I dissected some of what your beautiful post :



>In the beginning we were unconscious (didn't know the contents of the mind)

and this is what we projected into our >aura

kindly elaborate on this:

* we projected what & when (of our age)?

* what is the role of the aura & especially in karmic generating actions,

is the action direction is inside outward, or outside inward ?.



>and then from there circumstances of that quality and vibration are then

drawn to you...

I did not understand:

* which circumstances ?

* the quality of what ?

* which vibration or the vibration of what ?




> so in an external way you can begin to observe the contents of your

subconscious by observing your environments.

can we define this external way ?



> Any actions we take, including the thoughts that we have will create more

karma for ourselves if they are born of >unconsciousness.

> If you clear the subconscious mind and now the Inner light shines through

and is projected instead of your >subconscious thoughts into the aura..you

will through magnetism draw more Soul promoting circumstances into your

>life. (non karma producing).

Karma, then, is ONLY those INSTINCTIVE inadequate actions ? is it so or, I

did miss your point ?


Sat Nam


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Sat Nam Nabil...I'll do my best to explain below....mind you I'm not an

expert... this is just what I know so far in my experience...

"Nabil M. Rizkallah" <nabilriz wrote:

Dear Sangeet,

I like what you've written,

I am doing a comprehensive research on Dharma & Karma,

this is why I dissected some of what your beautiful post :



>In the beginning we were unconscious (didn't know the contents of the mind)

and this is what we projected into our >aura

kindly elaborate on this:


I was refering to earlier in our present life and our "unknown" (unconscious)

thoughts were simply projected into our aura...and we we not aware of the

quality of the thoughts we were having that were being projected.


>From the subconscious we project outward into the aura....if the subconscious is

full...you will be projecting subconscious thoughts (you won't have a whole lot

of awareness of what kind of thoughts you think)....if you have spent some time

cleaning the subconscious then it becomes transparent allowing the light of the

Soul or true essence to be what's in your projection instead.


I am not able to speak fully about the aura in relationship to karmic

situatuions, but what I do know is that it is magnetic....whatever is in your

mind will be projected into your aura....and depending on what is in the aura

certain circumstances will be drawn towards you or repelled by the aura.



* we projected what & when (of our age)?

* what is the role of the aura & especially in karmic generating actions,

is the action direction is inside outward, or outside inward ?.



>and then from there circumstances of that quality and vibration are then

drawn to you...


Every thought you have holds a certain vibration. The thought "Wahe Guru" has a

very different vibration then the thought "I am a loser"....One relates to the

infinite and the other relates to the finite or in other words is limiting.


If I am constantly projecting into my aura.."I am a loser" I will draw

circumstances which will..in that moment seem like they support this

thought....when in fact what really is taking place is that my enviroment is

reflecting or mirroring my inner world into my outer world so that I can have

the opportunity to notice this and become aware of the contents of my mind being

reflected in the world around me before my very eyes.


One of the sutra's for the Aquarian age is: Recognize that the other person is

you...meaning:what's coming at you, is coming from you. Witnessing your outer

world is a way to recognize what's happening in your inner world....and it's

through our projection of our internal world out into our aura (through

magnetism the aura attracts or repells)that our outer world gets produced.



I did not understand:

* which circumstances ?

* the quality of what ?

* which vibration or the vibration of what ?




> so in an external way you can begin to observe the contents of your

subconscious by observing your environments.

can we define this external way ?


Just by recognizing what circumstances you find yourself in...who and what are

you drawing into your life? This is a reflection of your internal thoughts and




> Any actions we take, including the thoughts that we have will create more

karma for ourselves if they are born of >unconsciousness.

> If you clear the subconscious mind and now the Inner light shines through

and is projected instead of your >subconscious thoughts into the aura..you

will through magnetism draw more Soul promoting circumstances into your

>life. (non karma producing).

Karma, then, is ONLY those INSTINCTIVE inadequate actions ? is it so or, I

did miss your point ?


Karma is cause and effect, we create enjoyable karma (good) and the not so fun

kind (bad)...ideally we want to create no karma for ourselves and the only way

to do that...is to align ourselves with the flow of the Divine...in other words

relate to your inner being and come from a place of love in all actions rather

than fear.


By instinct do you mean reactionary responses born of the ego? If so, I would

agree with your statement. I would choose the word limiting actions rather than

inadequate actions?? perhaps it's just language....


I think the best way to know whether you are incurring karma in an action is to

ask yourself...am I reacting from a posture of fear? if so, my actions will

create karma....because in a moment of fear we experience a disconnection from

the source (we aren't really..but we think we are) when we are feeling

disconnected from our inner being, God or Soul we are not capable of taking

heart intelligent action and acting from this place creates karma. It's the

equivalent of running around with a blind fold on!


Nabil..hope this is clearer....I find it difficult to give straight

cut,definitive answers as you can see....I tend to explain things more in

metaphor and example...


Sat Nam







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