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Thanks Deva...good post...


"what it boils down to is that it is easy to react then to dissect

one's feelings"

(I might be quoting you on this in the future!) Ha ha!


Not to really add anything new to what Deva expressed, but just to

join in on the discussion...


I remember Seva Simran a few posts back mentioning that Sun

Salutations really open up the pranic body...and anytime you have a

flow of energy, you will have a flow of mind....when the mind flows,

you get the detox of the "crap" in the mind...(if you are able to

witness it, contemplate/understand it's roots and let it go.)


But for a lot of us, when the energy begins to flow and the mind

begins to surface we get reactionary to it...otherwise known as the

ego response. (my battle cry, for instance!)ARRRGGHH!! but the

more we train ourselves to "witness" the mind, the more capacity we

gain to respond rather than react. The ego reacts and the neutral

mind responds. Responses are based on balancing the pos/neg mind

and using the neutral mind to make ecological decisions, based on

what will be the most promoting for the Soul and everyone involved.


On another note....when you teach a lot of classes, you really need

to take the time to process and integrate...for me that means, I

journal in connection with the meditation process.


Whether you are venting to another or venting through writing in a

journal..the process serves to balance the neg/pos minds and bring

about the clarity of the neutral mind.


Just this morning I witnessed this process working beautifully in my

journalling/meditation time. Today I am schedualed to do something

that I'm not feeling "up or equal" to...it's challenging my

limits...so I began journalling about my fears...


In the beginning, most of my comments were really negative..."I

suck, I can't do this, why? why God have you forsaken me?? etc

etc"....The I began to move into my positive mind.."well, even if I

don't do this particularly well, there will still might be some

benefit in the process" and I began listing some positve benefits

that might surface from the experience (even though I still wasn't

100% sure I could do my challenge effectively)...and then !!!BOOM!!!

my neutral mind clicked in and clarity flowed...."Every experience

in your life has the opportunity to lead you towards mastery..you

need to proceed with this, even though you are not yet masterful

with it, because, in doing that which you are not masterful at, you

are learning "how" to become masterful, not doing it particularyly

well is simply part of the process towards mastery".


That answer seemed to make sense to me??!! AND it gives me a whole

new perspective, doesn't it?


So, like Deva said...it's learning the process of tracking what you

feel, witnessing it, understanding it and responding rather than



In order to do that we need to become masters of consciousness.

Understand the above process of neg/pos/neutral mind and master it

in your life.


Because I don't have anyone who wants to listen to me talk through

this process on a daily basis, I use the tool of journalling, to be

able to witness the flow of my mind and to come to a place of



So Anne Marie...your first step which you've already taken is

noticing...hey! I'm being reactionary here! and the more "you"

choose the time (which would be during meditation or times of self

reflection) to begin "looking" at what you are reactionary to...the

less it will take you by surprise and come tumbling out at

inopportune times or inappropriate places.


All Light,

Sat Sangeet Kaur

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Sat Nam Anne Marie...and everyone else!


I think one of the hardest things to do...is to simply "be" with

feelings of unworthiness. All meditations will lead you to the

Source eventually. When you sit to meditate...insure your navel

energy has been stimulated sufficiently first...you need a flow of

energy, before the mind will flow....and then the hard part is to

simply be aware and witness...


I know from my own experience when feelings of unworthiness begin

to arise during a meditation...all you want to do is start rolling

into the fetal position..and begin to rock!


I mean..who wants to feel that! Not me!....but...I know... what I

resist will continue to persist...If I don't experience these

feelings I will remain locked in whatever pattern I find myself in.


So I pull myself up up tall, despite the cries of my ego...

begin breathing as deeply as I can...and I begin to chant...

Sa Ta Na Ma...Sa Ta Na Ma...and I let every cell in my body begin to

vibrate to the Truth of who I am...not all the conditioned beliefs I

might have gathered over the years and continued to feed and keep

alive through energizing them with more and more supporting thoughts.


Sometimes people get confused about what it is like to "experience"

or allow a feeling...sometimes we think "thinking" about a feeling

is experiencing it...there are "no words" involved in the experience

of a feeling....it's just sensing your body and being present with

whatever sensations present themselves in that space.


During meditation, when you have a thought pass through your mind,

like I'm not worthy..notice it and then begin sensing throughout

your body and "witness" what feeling unworthy feels like in your

body....just allow the sensations without fueling them with any

thought...eventually you will start to become aware of what lies

under that feeling of unworthiness...you'll come to understand where

it stems from....and the whole thing will begin to unravel in time.


It's the quality of "beingness" that you bring to your meditation

practice that is more important than the actually meditation you

choose to practice, I believe. Sa Ta Na Ma will help you to connect

with your higher self or identity...but we need to cultivate the

neutral mind, which is the ability to witness, allow and make

Soulward choices in every moment.


Happy meditating!

Sat Sangeet

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