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The Pranic Body

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Sat Nam Everyone...


I find myself really contemplating the pranic body these days...I

take weekend workshops on numerology and the ten bodies as well as

my weekly meditation class, that I attend, is focused on that as

well...so I find lots of opportunity to work with all of this

stuff...In the last workshop I attended, my teachr told us to simply

set an intention to begin relating to all of these bodies...and that

would kinda open the pathway for the information or

rather "understanding" of the bodies to flow to us. We just had to

have an intention, to begin noticing...


For the last 2 weeks I've been having experiences, fleeting, but

pregnant with understanding, around the pranic body. Moments and

glimpses of this "infinite" flow, more deeply than I have had in the



If I was to say to any of us..."did you know that the Infinite flows

through us in every moment?" we'd all answer..."yup ahuh!"


Three months ago I would have answered very non chalantly in this

way as well..butI am just now realizing that I can begin to have a

much deeper understanding and experience of this 24/7.


I was teaching this stretch class last week and in this class I

really coach people on how to breathe as deeply as you can and with

as much presence as one can muster in any given moment. The class

enviroment is extremely relaxing, low lights, mantra playing in the

background, warm studio etc. and I kinda "purr" into the microphone

that I wear, while teaching. (just for clarity...I don't make

purring sounds into the mic...the way inwhich I vocalize often has

the feel of a purr to it!) I've been teaching this class for about 3

years and probably 80% of the participants have stuck with it for

that time period, so they've been "training" for a while

now...anyways...last week in the middle of the class we were lying

on our backs doing a hip stretch and all of a sudden I began to

listen very deeply to the sounds in the room.....


And what I heard deeply moved me....I heard the "life force"...I

heard it in the sounds of 25 people breathing in unison, each one

pulling there navel in on every exhale and being fully aware of the

effect, that, was having on there consciousness...the focus and

concentration was unbelieveable, that each person was

maintaining....for that brief moment in time....we had

become "timeless" and we were in the zone....each individual "part"

came together and we became the "lung" of the Universe for a

moment....I remember thinking....this sound, is like a symphony, to

my heart...sometimes I think, the most "beautiful" music, is what

the heart can "hear", but what the ear might consider "noise".


I had another experience earlier this week, that really helped to

consolidate this experience, as well...I was teaching the pranayama

series from Sadhana Guidelines, we had begun with some warm ups

first...spinal flexing...twisting...stretch pose and then we went

into Yoga Mudra with our foreheads to the ground....we inhaled and

came up right to finish and the moment we hit vertical...it was as

if "God" had entered the building...(cue the bright lights and the

celestial music!)


Our bodies filled with light and the flow began....we had tapped

into the prana beneath the gross, obvious physicalness of ourselves,

and we simply flowed with it for the rest of the class....at times

an endless stream of words would flow through me...at other times we

felt as if our "skin" had begun to breathe for us...and the

difference between what was "inside" of us and what was "outside" of

us had began to melt away, in the presence of this light...Although,

I often have this experience as I teach, it occurred to me very

directly, that this was the "truth" of every moment of my life...not

just the moments I spend meditating and yoga-ing! That I need to

connect more fully in every moment with this flow of light, energy,



Again...in my voice lesson...I was instructed to sing as if there

was absolutely no "lack" of air (Prana)...I did...and it worked.

What was it that I did differently? Not a whole lot...but my

perspective had totally shifted from a sense of "not enough" to a

view of "all blessings are available to me, in any given moment".


Last night in meditation class, we were given a meditation that

actually mimics one of the singing exercises I am supposed to

practice...and again...a finer tuning of clarity occured for me

around...infinite, constant flow being present...always.


This morning practicing it...I remembered something my teacher had

said about 6 months ago, about the navel center, because I began to

experience what he had been explaining to us.


He said "notice at the navel center, that it is, literally, a "sea"

of energythere's an infinite amount of energy there if you can

relate to it"...at the time it was more of a visualization for me

than an experience of it...I knew my navel was my center of

energy....I could practice exercises and "feel" the energy there and

radiating etc.....but I realize now...those experiences, were me

experiencing prana in my system rather than....the "Source" of where

that prana flows from. It was like I was looking at the exterior of

a house and thinking, yes that's a pretty house, to some extent I am

experiencing this.....but it's a whole different experience to step

into the house and look, feel, percieve, from the inside out...it's

having an experience of what's at the core.


Anyways...I continue to be open to percieving and understanding more

fully my pranic body.


You might wonder, how, what I just shared with you, serves you? And

I think what you could take away from it is, just to realize that,

you can set an intention to begin noticing or understanding

something and then let it go, sit back and begin tracking your

experience, and you'll notice that you get what you ask for.


It's important to note...that when the pranic body isn't working for

you....FEAR will be the "flavour" of the day...so for instance last

night in class as my teacher spoke about the pranic body many people

began experiencing extreme fear, upset, confusion....and they began

trying to "think" their way out of it....but as my teacher noted at

the time...you can't "think" your way through this....you have to

sit and begin relating to all of the energy beneath the emotion and

thought....and that's relating to the Source and experiencing it.


May we all master the art of simply "being",


Sat Sangeet Kaur

"Just as the Sun is infinitely brighter than a candle flame, there

is infinitely more intelligence in Being, than in your

mind"..Eckhart Tolle....Sat Nam

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