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Changing perspectives/Gift in the Garbage...

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Sat Nam everyone...


Thank you Seva Simran for giving us that message from Yogi Bhajan.

This morning after I had finished meditating I was sending out a

prayerful petition to the universe to help us find ecological,

positive solutions to our current world state, that would foster

brotherhood and unity....and the word "peaceful" kept jumping in

front of that prayer everytime I sent it out...and I kept

thinking...no...that's me trying to direct the way inwhich this

whole situation plays out...because "I" would prefer peace to

war..personally. But with your message I realize praying for peace

in any situation is an approriate action.


Which leads me into the topic that I wanted to talk

about...perceptions and perspectives.


Thank you Gururattan for the lastest NMB it really spoke to me and

what I am currently working with....and just as an aside...I LOVE

how you left big spaces between your thoughts....it's very difficult

for me to look at a page of writing without gaps after each thought

and be able to comprehend what is being said....the time to

contemplate after each stanza was very much appreciated!


I've been working with changing my perspectives...allowing them to



As I was meditating earlier this week...I had an experience that

spoke to the idea of distilling the postive out of a negative

situation (finding the gift in the garbage) and thereby having my

perspective changed because of that experience.


I meditate in my family room which opens up to my kitchen...as I was

chanting I became aware of an odour....it smelt like a mixture of

roses and something fruity, like cantaloupe...and I began to wonder

where this smell was emerging from....and I had the sense that it

was coming from my garbage can which sits on the border between me

and my kitchen....although based on how my garbage can had smelt the

night before....there was "no" way this smell could now be emerging

from my garbage! Ha ha!


The next next words I heard were..."you can't make honey out of dog

Sh**".....by now my interest is very peaked....what is the meaning

of this experience, I began to wonder?


I realized I was infact "smelling" the "gift in the garbage"...in

amongst all the odour and decay that had set in...something "fruity"

was beginning to emerge...I was beginning to distil the positive

from what appeared like a negative (decaying) situation.


I accidentally visited a shaman about 13 years ago (that's another

story on it's own)...and the one thing that he told me that has

stuck with me is, that....out of the "hugest" piles of manuere, the

most beautiful rose gardens will grow. Out of decay new life is



It's holding a whole different perspective on how we feel about our

garbage. With the phrase "you can't make honey out of Dog Sh**"...I

realized..."yes you can!!"....and anybody who says differently, is

simply experiencing what it is like to be "stuck" in the grip of the

negative mind.


We need to be able to "smell" past the odour and decay that has set

in and be able to breathe in the "essence" of what our particular

circumstances are trying to teach us. Every moment, is a moment for

awareness to unfold....in the negative, something positive

is "always" trying to happen...That's a universal truth..and we can

rely on that. We can change our perpectives and live our lives

based on that perspective. Our whole world will change when we

begin to live the truth.


Four years ago my teacher shared with me the 5 Sutras for the

Aquarian age, that Yogi Bhajan has given us....I printed them up and

put them in a place that would give me the opportunity to read them

everyday...when I am stuck...these 5 sutras are the truth that I

live by, in order to get unstuck...for anybody who has not had the

opportunity to hear them...I'll share them in this post....I'll also

share the interpretations my teacher gave to me at the time in

respect to healing...and a few of my own comments as well.


1)Recognize that the other person is you.

In respect to healing...what's coming at you is coming from you...


your enviroment is always giving you feedback about your present

internal "situation", you can become aware of your internal by

seeing what's showing up in your external enviroment.


2)There is a way through every block.

In respect to healing...the heart center sees a way through every

block with profit for all....


no one has to lose for someone to win....nolack and no limitation.

This is one of my favorites because, it makes what feels like the



3)When time is on you, start and the pressure will be off.

In respect to healing...when the pressure is on, move, do something,

and the pressure will be off.


That act of moving, gets the positive mind going for you...and it's

the positive mind that comes up with positive, creative, forward

moving, ideas.


4)Understand through compassion or you misunderstand the times.

In respect to healing...feel and observe with a neutral heart, cease

all judgement of yourself and your brother.


This requires the developement of awareness and the witness

within...develope the capacities of your heart center. Remember

it's through understanding that we develope compassion.


5)Vibrate the Cosmos and the Cosmos will clear the path.

In respect to healing...once you feel with a neutral heart, your

intention becomes dynamic. The universe will serve your intention

automatically and healing will occur.


As we develope our ability to be conscious witnesses of our

experiences and thoughts, we begin to tap into the creative flow

present in the universe, here is where we align ourselves with the

Divine agenda/Will...as we learn to surrender to it and flow with

it...the paths of our intentions are cleared. Life becomes magical

in some respects.


At any rate...I just thought it was so funny that I actually "smelt"

the gift in the garbage...and I am grateful to have a greater

understanding of how when my perceptions change, so do my

perspectives....they broaden and I'm allowed more possibilities in

my life situations because of it.


Something I heard in a meditaion the other day...


"In the court of Guru Ram Das Ji...ALL are healed".


All Light,

Sat Sangeet Kaur

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