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Inner and Outer Peace - Trauma and Helplessness (to the Swami within)

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Thanks for sharing this Dharam. I had forgotton about Bhagavati's email

on animals shaking. This is very interesting to me because I find when I

get very emotionally upset - and isn't this just the time for it !- I

start to shake. Up to this time its kinda scared me because I have a

tendancy towards hypoglycemia which I associate with the shakes when I

haven't eaten enough. But it's happened when I have eaten, and I've just

been terribly upset. It'll be easier now to let it happen. Thanks also

for the reminder about devouring what others can't handle at this time.

The pressure is fierce and I have been doing an aura strengthening set to

keep my inner space as clear as possible.


Love to all,





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Sat Nam...


I didn't read your e-mail until just now....and it heartens me to see how there

has been a common thread or "flow" this morning in the postings and that we are

all experiencing this flow and responding to it...in our own ways.


I second..the shaking......I shake (involuntarily) like a demon when I do white

tantric, certian meditations and in the recieiving of different healing

modalities....it's a shaking that comes from my core...it looks violent from the

outside,but I'm always so relieved when it begins..because the "calm" that

follows is like taking a dip in the "sea of tranquility".


Yesterday a friend of mine called me up and asked me if I had tried the

cleaning the Lymphatics set from Transitions to a Heart centered world... the

reason she was asking me was because she had expereinced this involuntary

"crazy" shake while doing one of the exercises....and she was doing it with a

class at the time and she said everyone was quite concerned that this had

happened! I just burst out laughing, because ,one, I got a visual of this and

two, I've done my own "Elvis Presley routine" in public before! And it's

interesting to note that she is actively, working through a program that helps

one to release long standing grief, at the moment.


On another note...I have also had alot of resistance to meditating coming

up....but as I continue to meditate anyways....I am clearing and letting go of

some really deep, foundational type fear and misperceptions about the nature of

reality and my True nature....many tears have been shed in the last few days

during meditation but I've also experienced an awful lot of light and the

unmistakeable presence of what I would call the "love vibe".


Vibrating the "love Vibe" all over the neighborhood (Mister Roger's or



Sat Sangeet




Dharam Singh <dharam wrote:












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"You ever wonder why it is that the animals in the wild do not acquire

the same devastating mental anguish (PTSD) that we do? Right after

being chased and scraped by the tiger's large teeth, it froze for its

certain death. Then when something distracts the tiger away from the

animal, it dramatically shakes, and gets up to run back to its pack.

All done with that event - no more.

It releases the traumatic energy that is built up in its body with that

shake, and it has no psychological damage. (Well, that is animals that

have not been under the constant hand of humans). "

From Bhagavati's email on PTSD 1/12/03


Those words have rung in my mind ever since I read them. This release

of trauma through shaking is a freaky thing for most people to even

conceive of. You see someone doing this and you either try to control

'em or you run for the hills. The ego of the average person would crack,

leaving them reaching for medication or hospitalization. It just isn't

seen during the course of one's day. Most of us have so much invested in

being "cool" that we are incredibly guarded against any kind of loss of

control (maybe we cry and that is a release of some fear but it isn't

like shaking which comes from somewhere in our reflexive instinctual)

Luckily, a whole of bunch years ago I was able to let go of some of my

cool through Bio-energetics therapy. In that safe space, with skilled

guidance I was able to let go of years of repressed fears , tears and

aggression that I had held onto to get through my upbringing. I didn't

grow up in Mister Roger's neighborhood. I'm from the South Bronx,

NYC.....lots of predation going, all the time. Physical safety and

survival was not a given. Showing any vulnerability at all was like

dropping blood in shark filled waters. You learn how to look "capable"

so as not to invite violence. I call it "Black Yoga"....workin' the vibe

and the environment just enough so as not to be taken advantage of. I

say "just enough" so that I didn't feel completely helpless. It wasn't

something I did for fun.

This projection created great internal tension for me as I am a

country boy in my heart. I need purity and innocence in my relations

like most sentient beings. As a matter of fact, it was my connection

with animals and nature that kept my inner world and spirit alive

through those years. Animals didn't lay trips on me....they're straight,

for the most part. Bhagati's words speak volumes on how we supposedly

"civilized" creatures have managed to thoroughly mess ourselves up.

We've lost something in the evolutionary process that we need to regain

(although we can probably do without mating in public). If we stay close

to our animal nature than we have the ability to own our traumas and go

through them. It's when we can't own our trauma and let go of it, we end

up needing to recreate it in our lives somehow. We get into

dysfunctional relationships or we teach it to our children.

In Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), we have the ongoing trauma

or stress but it's the sense of helplessness that really ices the cake.

When we have given over ownership of our lives and pain and don't

believe that we have something to offer, that becomes very fertile

ground for upset. Whole societies operate within these limiting mortal

delusions and when things get bad enough, this un-owned stress will

express itself in a collective release of some sort. In Europe have the

soccer hooligans.. you have folks who go to hockey games... and you have

folks who have to fight wars. On the other side you have folks who will

go to pro and anti-war rallies so as to not feel alone and to feel like

they can make a difference. They all offer us a temporary release from

the sense helplessness. Ultimately, if we are not able to master our own

minds then we will look for someone else to be the master of our

minds.....and that's a funny thing about freedom of choice..... we

sometimes choose to not be free.

As Yogis we are doing is *over-coming inertia*....finding the

stillness. Inertia is often illustrated as an object at rest tends to

stay at rest and an object in motion tends to want to keep moving.

Overcoming inertia often begins with letting go of our reactive mind. Be

with our breath and body. Breathing out all that is not at ease and

having that little death. Alan Watts once said that the word Nirvana

means to go without air. The roots of the word translating into

Nir(without) and Vana(air). That after the exhale, pause slightly to

complete it, before allowing a new breath in. In that pause is the womb,

the bhaga, the giver. The exhale is a little death, and the inhale is a

rebirth emerging from the womb. There is some much in that moment

between the breath. This requires a "faith" in the deep self, and maybe

a good teacher.

When *over-coming inertia*, there is a subtlety and balance that

needs to be observed. The doshas are getting balanced (see my email from

Friday). The energy in these recent times is of the raging/fire and

heavily earth laden kind.....burnt earth. This fire is Pitta and Pitta

is the more reactive form of Tejas (Tapa or Transformative fire), and

this heavy, stuck inertia is Kapha, the more inert form of Ojas. What is

needed is containment and refinement of these imbalances. When the mind

is stable and discrimination is strong, Tejas burns cleanly and purely

and is transferred efficiently to the body. When Vata (fear and nerves),

the more unstable form of Prana, is balanced and soothed, the Prana will

inflame Tejas. It will act as a bellows inflames a hearth fire. If we

come from fear, nerves and the adrenals, the mind is affected by motion

or inertia, and discrimination is agitated by memory or swamped by

emotion, Tejas gets perverted, and its transfer into the body produces

greater amounts of Pitta.

We sometimes need to own what's going on as well as we can before

practice. Last Friday I just couldn't sit still enough to do my

practice, I was so upset with this war, so I did a "stomping

meditation". Yeah, I just started walking briskly back and forth

through my pad, because I was feeling this BIG resistance to sitting

down to meditate, saying/observing outloud to myself, "I'M BUMMED!",

"DAMN, I'M BUMMED!". Too Bummed to just sit! It was the deep,

existential, maybe even collective state of being "Bummed" just coming

out. It was really moving up and into my consciousness, and very good to

see it for what it was. I had some good, good tears,.... found my

strength and was then able to do a short but deep series. Whadaday!

If we choose not to "stomp" as a form of catharsis, then let's make sure

we are paying close attention to the process while doing our practice,

allowing for release/discharge. Make it joyful.

These days even watching TV creates trauma. Be very aware! and get

back to the cool water within, keeping a good, clear heart. It is us

yogis, saints and shaman who are holding the sacred space for the planet

at this time. We are devouring what others are incapable of handling due

to lack of maturity. We will need to pace ourselves. Some will and must

protest and some must be in their prayer, balance and peaceful strength.

In these times, I am preserving my capacity for discrimination while

trying to keep a good heart. My honest hope, and

prayer and projection, is that others are capable of doing the same.

Doing a lot of navel

work these days.

Sat Nam,

Dharam Singh


When the shoe fits, the foot is forgotten.

When the belt fits, the belly is forgotten.

When the heart is right, "for" and "against" are forgotten.


-Chuang Zzu







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