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Neutral mind/intuitive intelligence/diet

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Sat Nam Everyone,


I realize the more information I recieve the more confused I

become!!! What I realized yesterday is that I need to employ my

neutral mind and intuitive intelliegence when it comes to what am I

doing with this new diet!


I went researching the other day..looking for the books that were

suggested to me....couldn't find any of them though...spent alot of

time reading other related topics in the bookstore though.


So I began to wonder...why can't I find any of the info I'm

seeking?? I think the answer is, I want all the answers handed to

me on a platter like a prescription! Give me the diet, step by

step, give me the yoga postures and give me the herbs and

meditations that will fix me up! Ha ha! No mystery...please.


In hindsight where is the adventure in that? There's no learning

curve...I won't need to discover anything about myself... there'll

be no growth etc etc.


More info is not what I need...everyone had been sharing info with

me...and I still felt stuck...When you look at all the info

available around yogic or ayurvedic diet..it doesn't all jive...so

one has to make choices on what info they will follow and what's

going to be most promoting for the individual.


For instance the practioner, that suggested I stop eating

spice...suggested that I eat vinegar instead...How does one make

sense of this? Is vinegar not an acid? Do acidic foods not

necessarily produce acid in the body when consumed, then? So much to



So what I have decided is that number one, I don't have to panic

about this...and number two, I can begin to understand what foods

serve me by simply paying attention to how I feel when I eat

them...by tuning into the subtley of it and noticing what effect a

food has on me...just like I would pay attention and notice the

effect a yogic posture has on my body and state of mind.


For instance I was eating a spinach salad today with tomatoes and

celery in it and as I was chewing I was noticing the subtlety of the

food....which foods felt "hot" or "cold" in my mouth and afterwards

in digestion mode...did they create an acid affect?


The other reason I've decided not to panic anymore is because any

change I make, no matter how small, will continue to move me in a

forward direction....I don't have to change my diet in the blink of

an eye. I can build momentum towards change by being sensitive

during the process of eating and digestion...and then begin

responding with new behaviors or choices around food, based on the

information and understanding I recieve, just by being sensitive and

aware throughout this process.


I think it's just a finer tuning of the process of living

consciously, on purpose, being aware of the subtlety underway and

using the neutral mind to make choices which promote nuturing of the

whole being.


Someone asked the question...Do I avoid that which I crave? I often

hear people say...Obviously my body needs this if I'm craving

it...There's a distinction to be made between, a craving based on

sensory stimulus, my senses get stimulated in some way and then I

find myself craving something....or does my system require this to

be healthy?


If it's a craving based on sensory stimulus....I think you could

probably follow the thread of it back to the moment of stimulation

and realize..."oh this is just the play of my mind and senses at

work here".


For instance I was contemplating mustard today, and how much I

really enjoy mustard...and I found myself thinking...my body must

need mustard if I'm craving it..afterall mustard isn't

unhealthy....BUT...I started to pay attention to what was

stimulating this train of thought..and it took me back to an old

train of thought ("I want to be right about this...I don't want to

change my eating habits") and also I realized my "craving" of

mustard could very well be related to feelings I have tied up with,

remembering how I used to "really" enjoy eating deli sandwhich's and

being able to eat mustard, now, is a bit of a consolation prize for

not eating meat deli sandwhich's any more. So my body wasn't

craving mustard...my mind was...and it had really little to do with

mustard and a whole lot to do with not wanting to let go of a way of

thinking,acting and being.


And as other people have noted in the last few days...part of

finding "balance" is being willing to "sacrifice" (give up or let go)

of something in order to make room for the new to be ushered in...


Letting go of our sense of lack and having an attitude of prosperity

and abundance in all aspects of our lives, eating and otherwise.


Getting back to craving....I think when your system actually "needs"

something it'll come as an intuition...meaning...it may be a voice,

a feeling, a sense...maybe something in your enviroment will send

you the message....if it's a craving of the mind it will be subdued

with inner reflection and presence...if it's an intuition it will

keep coming through and getting louder and louder until you hear.


What I know about honey is that if it isn't parturized or cooked it

is healthy...with that said, from what I have read, for some

constitutions it's not the best choice, other natural sweetners are

better choices....How will you know if it's good for you? I guess

you have to do research on your Doshic type or pay attemtion to how

you feel when you consume it?


So if you're wondering what my immediate changes are that I am

making concerning the "de-firing" of my body...I decided to approach

it through presence and meditation, with some dietary changes.


I've cut out my major consumption of Yogi Tea, practicing more

gurupranam (although I already practice it daily) and am continuing

a practice of Ra Ma da sa etc with a sitally breath that my teacher

had given us two weeks ago, practicing sitally pranayama througout

other parts of the day....being more vigilant in my inner awareness

of "inflamed" thinking and cutting off the flow of "fuel" as soon as

I recognize it...and consuming less of the spices and foods that

inflame fire...with the intention to "cool" my diet and find a state

of balance.


In other words...I'll do my best to "Keep up".


All Light,

Sat Sangeet


PS Dharam Thanks for that 30% off Gong info...I do want to purchase

a gong at some point...I've been holding out...looking for a

Canadian distributor so I don't have to purchase in US funds! I

might have to though...

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>For instance the practitioner, that suggested I stop eating

>spice...suggested that I eat vinegar instead...How does one make

>sense of this? Is vinegar not an acid? Do acidic foods not

>necessarily produce acid in the body when consumed, then? So much to



Vinegar and citrus taste acidic but are alkaline producing. Don't ask me

how, it just works out that way.

Many times a food will taste one way at first but have a different over

effect on our body.

" Lemons are Sour and Bitter in Taste, Cold in Energy, Sweet in

Post-Digestive Effect. Being Bitter they tone the body and prevent Kapha

increase; being Sour, they increase digestion and appetite and relieve

Vata. Their Cold Energy prevents Pitta from being disturbed, and their

Sweet Post-Digestive Effect means they assist in tissue nutrition."


>So what I have decided is that number one, I don't have to panic

>about this...and number two, I can begin to understand what foods

>serve me by simply paying attention to how I feel when I eat

>them...by tuning into the subtly of it and noticing what effect a

>food has on me...just like I would pay attention and notice the

>effect a yogic posture has on my body and state of mind.




Keep up with that Gurupranam. By the way, Gurudev had prescribed to my

ex to do it for 31 minutes a day.

Be prepared for a fight, though. As the new "You" is forming, the old

"You" may try all kinds of things to keep things familiar.

Guru is what will deliver us. It'll surprised you what will be "Guru",

in the end.

Happy Birthday in advance,

Dharam Singh

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Dear Dharam,


> Vinegar and citrus taste acidic but are alkaline producing. Don't ask me

> how, it just works out that way.


Can you give me the reference for Vineagar? Is this commonly understood or

just aurovetic explanation? Is it the same principle that you quoted for

lemons? I am trying to make alkaline salad dressings and if I can use

balsamic vineager I would be most pleased. How about dijon mustard?

Someone told me I couldn't use that because it had vineagar in it. Thanks!


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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Hi Gururattan,

How's things?


Gururattan Kaur Khalsa wrote:


>Dear Dharam,




>>Vinegar and citrus taste acidic but are alkaline producing. Don't ask me

>>how, it just works out that way.




>Can you give me the reference for Vineagar? Is this commonly understood or

>just aurovetic explanation?


let me see.....I knew of the pH switch from sources before learning of

from Ayurveda. I actually haven't heard the pH mentioned but one can

infer those values from the existingy concepts including the Five Elements.

Rolling Thunder, one of first teachers, swore by his daily habit cider

vinegar and a slice of raw onion.


> Is it the same principle that you quoted for



The liquid Acids in general, have both Fire and Water.


> I am trying to make alkaline salad dressings and if I can use

>balsamic vineager I would be most pleased. How about dijon mustard?

>Someone told me I couldn't use that because it had vineagar in it. Thanks!


If you are trying to pacify a Vatta imbalance you need to avoid all

fermented products and things with any yeast. Some say to avoid Soy,

also. I don't know about dijon.

Sat Nam,






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Thank you,


My experience with vinigar was aturnig point for me.

I used to get heartburn, so I would take baking soda,

within 10 to 30 minutes I would get it again, cyclic.

When a friend sujested I take vinigar for heartburn,

I remembered garlic and vinigar were a tonic I used

that allways prevented what I felt were heart attacts.

So I tried the vinigar alone by, drinking table spoon full

in a cup and gulping it after holding my breath, then

following it with an ounse of water, then I would take a breath in. It got

rid of heart burn right away.

Same when I went on the lemon juice and first clod press

fast to remove gallbladder stones that went out the next

morning without any problem except letting the oil go away after some days

with bran, scrub bathes, sweating.

Another turning point in my loosing 75 pounds, 176 now.

12 TBLSP each olive oil and lemon juice each 15 minutes

32 ounses of each were consumed. I do not recomend this.



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Greetings Everyone==============


Emerald Pea size and some small marble Gallstone like blobs of over a cups

worth all soft and out.


20 lemons squeezed and kept in a bowl

32 ounces of first clod pressed Olive Oil


Have someone else serve you these two items

while you rest on a couch a do little.


Before hand dont drink two hours before

nor eat solids 12 hours before.


1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice

1 Tablespoon Olive Oil


If you cant swallow it, try a minute later

or double next time, but the more consistant

the smoother the whole flow will be.


Some waste in the middle of the night.

No pain going out like regular food.

Some light massage and on knees and elbow

rocking yoga position for helping to excrete waste.


Then the insuline flows properly through the gall bladder, helping regulate

the sugars better, thus starts healing more

which has the sytem quit storring up sugar/fat reserves.


Olive oil is good colesterol which combines with worst colesteral, making

moderate colesterol which is east to illimanate through lemon water

drinking, extra breathing,

sweating with all extra skin scales cleaned off daily with water splashing

and nice breathing it is a fun exersize.


I felt good today going outside and sitting with Sun/All.

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