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Ovarian cyst

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Sat Nam,

My name is Gloria. I'm new to Kundalini Yoga even though I'm on this

list since a couple of months and reading with interest your posts.

I finally started last week with the short version (11 minutes) of

the SA TA NA MA meditation. Some years ago I already did Hatha Yoga

and had some experience with other energy work like Tai Chi,

Feldenkrais, Reiki, etc - just name it. But I never really went very

deep into it and never kept on doing these for a long time.


Yesterday I had an ultra sound scan and the result was that I have a

huge cyst of 8 cm x 4 cm, filled with liquid, on my left ovary. I

finally did this ultra sound scan after my sister called and told me

about a dream she had that my ovaries should be taken out and she

was screaming that nobody has the right to do that. Actually I

already had a huge cyst last summer (before, I never had problems

with my ovaries, uterus etc) and I get rid of it last July through a

small surgery through the navel. But now its back! What do my

ovaries want to tell me so constantly?

Yesterday night I read in a very interesting book written by the

American gynaecologist Northrup - she is saying that problems with

the ovaries in general show that the woman's creativity flow is

blocked and in particular that this very often the result of

feelings that others are doing something to you (others are guilty

for something which happens to you) Additionally to this, one might

feel angry towards a person, doesn't forgive this person.

And in fact, that reflects a little bit or very much my current

life. Even though I gave birth to a daughter 2 years ago (isn't this

a lot of female creativity?), I'm not always very happy about

certain things in my life. I don't want to go into details, in short

I feel to much pressure on my shoulders to fulfil all the needs

(job, my daughter, my boyfriend, our dog, domestic tasks, etc) with

to less support from my boyfriend. Even worse - a lot of negative

energy is there due to many "fights" I have with him. And here we

are, unconsciously I make him responsible for all this discomfort. I

stay, complain, but nothing moves. I know, I have to change - not to

meet his needs but mine. And I'm sure that Kundalini Yoga can help

to start and evolve that process. Is there any specific mantra and

exercises I could do?


Sat Nam,


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Sat Nam Gloria,


The mantra that you have choosen is a good, positive start....Sa ta na ma helps

one to break out of old patterns and to create a soul connection. Developing

awareness helps us to recognize on a deeper level what our Soul's desires are

and it also allows us to witness our life and begin to gain an understanding of

how we ended up in the places and circumstances that we have ended up

in.....through this broader perpective we are able to view all of our

enviroments, circumstances and relationships....we begin to understand and life

begins to de-mystify....we don't feel so stumped any more.


Rather than hand out KY meditation like a prescription, I believe it is more

important in the beginning.....to start at the beginning. Follow the on line

course and introduce yourself at a moderate pace to the "experience" of KY.

Allow yourself to have the experience of awareness and witnessing...notice the

effect each posture has on your body and mind....how does each kriya effect how

you feel...notice your state of mind before you begin and then notice afterwards

what has changed?


I don't beleive there are really any quick changes to be had...there is a

process to healing our lives and living in more fulfillment....we just need to

keep moving in the right direction. KY is miraculous in it's

effects...sometimes we experience a instant healing....but what I've come to

understand is that there is always alot of "follow up" work that needs to take

place afterwards.


My first three weeks of KY were magical in that respect....I experienced a

healing of a physical condition that had been nagging me for a year and a

half....but after the physical manifestation subsided...I still had a lot of

emotional work to process through.


So I think what I am saying is...just surrender to the process...have an

experience of kundalini yoga and allow your awareness to develope....and begin

to understand what your underlying Soul's desires are and begin to live them,

one step at a time.


You'll recieve guidance along the way....your Soul will speak to you....and

you'll begin to understand what it is you need to do in order to feel healthy

and fulfilled...whether it be yoga or some kind of healing or whatever....


I know it is frustrating when you have a physical condition that won't resolve

with mainstream medical attention....I begin to feel helpless when that

occurs....like what else can I do, just somebody tell me, please! What I

realize is that true and thorough healing takes time as we peel back the layers

of the onion....we need time to process what we uncover...we need time to

practice "being" in new ways...you know there is a learning curve....if we just

had our whole life healed in one second, we'd go into a complete identity


recognize the person we had become over night. The whole process of life is to

evolve ourselves...and evolution, as the word suggests, occurs over time.


So the import thing is simply... to begin....and keep moving forward at what

ever pace serves you. When you feel stuck, rely on all the info posted on this

list...there are a million e-mails about how to unstick yourself and move

forward...and then choose to act in a forward direction. The littlest attempt

will get the ball rolling for you.


Good luck Gloria....keep in touch and let us know how you progress....if you

need it, there are alot of people on this list who can give "pep" talks!


May your Soul be Radiant and your health be in balance,


All Light,


Sat Sangeet





gloria.schaedle wrote:

Sat Nam,

My name is Gloria. I'm new to Kundalini Yoga even though I'm on this

list since a couple of months and reading with interest your posts.

I finally started last week with the short version (11 minutes) of

the SA TA NA MA meditation. Some years ago I already did Hatha Yoga

and had some experience with other energy work like Tai Chi,

Feldenkrais, Reiki, etc - just name it. But I never really went very

deep into it and never kept on doing these for a long time.


Yesterday I had an ultra sound scan and the result was that I have a

huge cyst of 8 cm x 4 cm, filled with liquid, on my left ovary. I

finally did this ultra sound scan after my sister called and told me

about a dream she had that my ovaries should be taken out and she

was screaming that nobody has the right to do that. Actually I

already had a huge cyst last summer (before, I never had problems

with my ovaries, uterus etc) and I get rid of it last July through a

small surgery through the navel. But now its back! What do my

ovaries want to tell me so constantly?

Yesterday night I read in a very interesting book written by the

American gynaecologist Northrup - she is saying that problems with

the ovaries in general show that the woman's creativity flow is

blocked and in particular that this very often the result of

feelings that others are doing something to you (others are guilty

for something which happens to you) Additionally to this, one might

feel angry towards a person, doesn't forgive this person.

And in fact, that reflects a little bit or very much my current

life. Even though I gave birth to a daughter 2 years ago (isn't this

a lot of female creativity?), I'm not always very happy about

certain things in my life. I don't want to go into details, in short

I feel to much pressure on my shoulders to fulfil all the needs

(job, my daughter, my boyfriend, our dog, domestic tasks, etc) with

to less support from my boyfriend. Even worse - a lot of negative

energy is there due to many "fights" I have with him. And here we

are, unconsciously I make him responsible for all this discomfort. I

stay, complain, but nothing moves. I know, I have to change - not to

meet his needs but mine. And I'm sure that Kundalini Yoga can help

to start and evolve that process. Is there any specific mantra and

exercises I could do?


Sat Nam,










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  • 2 weeks later...
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Sat Nam Gloria,


If the doctors want to remove your ovaries because you have cancer then

perhaps it is a small price to pay now for more time tomorrow. My advice to

you is get a second and third opinion and then do what you have to medically,

meanwhile working to heal the emotional problems that are causing this.

Last year I had a swollen lymph node on my neck. I wrote in to this group

and was advised to see the doctor as it could be cancer. I saw a doctor six

months later and was diagnosed with lymphoma. They removed the lump and dosed

me with radiation. It went away for a few months but now I have a lump in my

groin. I'm only 36 years old and I know it's all happening for a reason. Most

of the time I am able to stay positive, knowing that I will soon emerge from

this ordeal, happier, healthier and holier than ever. On the difficult days

it seems impossible to bridge the gap between my head and heart. I dwell on

my condition and tell myself that I must have done something wrong or this

wouldn't have manifested itself in my body. At first there were no good days

and I sunk deep into depression. Then the universe gave me a chance to take

control of my life.

My oncologist decided no chemo unless the cancer gets worse. He monitors

me and orders multiple tests but for the most part It's up to me to heal

myself. I started doing more yoga and have become a kundalini yoga teacher.

I've changed my diet and my attitude and I can feel it working. I am so very

blessed to get this wake up call. You are so not alone in this Shakti. We're

all here for you. Just remember if you can't change the situation then change

your attitude. You are so lucky in so many ways.

I'd like to suggest a meditation for the heart center. Sit in comfortable

easy pose put both hands on the heart center one on top of the other,

meditate while chanting "Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru." Do this for

eleven minutes for forty days. If you feel eleven is too much for you then

start with three minutes and work up to eleven. I also want you to read the

book entitled "Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting." It has helped me

tremendously. If you can't get hold of a copy let me know and I'd be happy to

purchase one and send it to you. Walk in the light of the Guru's grace. May

you be filled with the divine healing light.


Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So


Dev Dharam Kaur




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Sat Nam Dev,


"I dwell on

my condition and tell myself that I must have done something wrong or this

wouldn't have manifested itself in my body."


I find this attitude SO pervasive among those of us who are chronically

and/or serious ill. I spent alot of time trying to figure out the cosmic

meaning of me having AIDS, I don't know that I've found one yet.

I finally decided to quit having such an adversarial relationship with

my illness. "In a Loving Universe how could God allow this to happen to

me?" That question consumed me for quite awhile. How could this happen?

Because this is the most Loving way for me to learn the lessons I have in

this life, that's how. It's not an easy road, but it's not necessarily a

"wrong" one, after all, it's brought me to this place.

No I haven't done anything to "deserve" this. It is, somehow, some way,

the Gift of a Loving and Merciful God . That doesn't mean that I don't

believe in a physical cure for my illness, but this is the only framework

I've found for myself that doesn't make me crazy.

Sat Nam,







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Sat Nam...I was just thinking about something of this nature this morning while



"I dwell on

my condition and tell myself that I must have done something wrong or this

wouldn't have manifested itself in my body."


I realized I was experiencing guilt around the "kind" of karma I have

experienced in my life. As in, I must have done something really "bad" in the

past and now something "bad" has happened to me.




It strikes me that this is probably an eye for an eye kind of thinking. I

believe what comes around goes around..but not in such a literal sense. This

does not mean that I shirk the responsibilities for what causes, I have put into

effect....but that I am willing to see with a broader scope, the larger picture.


The thought that I have, is that, if I view my karmic situation in this

way....it sends the message I am being punished for my past deeds.


I had a different thought pass through my mind this morning, though....if desire

is the "cause" that creates action/effect...then perhaps having a desire to

evolve or attain a greater state of consciousness, would put what appears to be

a "punishing" karma in ones path?


The experiences of my life, were how they were because a certain amount of

"pressure" on my system was needed to spurn me on, so that I would go looking

for something of a higher measure....if they hadn't been that way, I may never

had gone looking for something more..or even had an inkling of what might

highest potential might be?


I heard my teacher saying to a student the other day, regarding her 10 in her

numerology, that the circumstances of her life would have to be intense enough

to call for "all or nothing", which are the summary words that relate to the 10.

She'd either have to sink or swim, given her karmic situation. To survive it

and be at peace with it, it would require her, giving it her all. Although, I

think he was referring to something other than her karma #, but at any rate, it

made an impression on me.

Although the point that I am making, may or may not hold water, I am not

terribly clear on it yet...it does point to the fact that we need to find a way

to view our karmic situations and ourselves with more compassionate eyes...in

order to give us the strength to move through our karma instead of being

devoured by it. Which is what Leo and (sorry I forgot who originally posted

this) were saying as well. I have a feeling compassion and courage combine to

make a lovely elixer for healing the heart. All Light,Sat Sangeet





Leo Miller <gr82bme wrote:






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> Sat Nam, Leo,


> love so much, what you wrote about the gift of Love, this point of acceptance

> contains so much love and makes real healing possible. When you are full of

> pain and your body ( and your mind) does not work in a peaceful and enjoyful

> way for you it can be almost impossible to stay in contact with this truth.


> Yeah keep up, I think it is the only way to reach the light after the tunnel

> and not to stuck in the darkness with the demons of fear, guilt and anger.

> I remember some years ago an interview with Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, when she

> told a girl with leucamia, who asked the big why me? question: Do you think

> God would let you go through the experience of leucamia, if he would think you

> were not strong enough to live it? (Don¹t take my memory word by word, but

> that¹s what is left over in my brain and heart ­ hopefully Elisabeth will

> forgive me if I have mixed up her words).


> Looking back more and more often the Œbad¹ times have become the soil for a

> deep richness ­ and still I¹m not wise enough to hold this energy all the time

> and in the middle of a dark day, a hard time or an unpleasant moment somewhere

> in me rises the cry Œwhy me, Oh God?¹ - But years ago, the answer came with

> snailmail, today I have internet access...


> Take care

> Esther












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