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Kundalini Yoga] Roots of Yoga....words from Sebai Muata Ashby

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- Egyptian culture and its spiritual tradition,was in no doubt the

atlas of history. Likewise the rest of Africa, as the well of African

wisdom can attest, and to which the deep Shamanic traditions there

give evidence. However, to suggest that my criticisms are based on an

uncritical western or eastern mode of thinking, is wrong. I have

attacked some of the statements herein for the following reasons:


1. I have personal experiences with power generated by spiritual

practices and spiritual groups (including Egyptian and African

sorcery) and used for negative, self serving purposes. Although I do

get worked up about it I am not coming from a purely emotional point

of view on this. I am coming from the view that how "spiritual" power

is used and abused needs to be discussed openly. We cannot just focus

on the positive. It is our responsibility, as people currently on the

leading edge of spiritual history, to understand how power works, for

good and for bad.It has been the long history of human beings, for

many thousands of years now, to discover some sort of power, and then

to let it be used unecologically.We can not blind ourself to this

reality. We need to understand it.


2. My assertion concerning the question of Atlantis, and of the fate

of Egyptian gold, is of primary importance. After much meditation,

and my own historical research, I believe that what we call Atlantis

will one day be shown to be "beneath" the Egyptian culture of which

we are familiar. Does this mean Atlantis is another word for an early

Egyptian culture. Perhaps. At any rate, to deny its existance as a

phenomena, or to declare it a myth, is simply the flip-side of a

binary arguement. The fascination with Atlantis amongst many

spiritual teachers points to a phenomena that should not be written

off as simple myth. For instance, it has been stated that during that

period human beings made the first decision to develop power

independent of any sense of divinity. And if gold was indeed the

symbol of eternity (in Tibetan Bhuddist culture that is still

prevelant) why is that the Egyptian partiarchs had such a privelaged

position in respect to this. Surely we can not deny the spiritual

self angrandizement suggested by this practice and the spiritual

insecurity the excess also suggests?


3. It is my view that this new age is one where the development of

our own individual power is maintained, re-united to a sense of

divine ecology, so that the recent past and the far past are brought

into purposeful realignment. To withdraw the diamond of the past, and

discount its dark cousin, by myth or science, is a grave mistake.


4. As for Tarzan - that is not my image, far from it, and find the

suggestion offensive and a distraction from addressing the real

issues which I have been trying to address. Members of my family

lived in Africa for many generations, I have been there, and spent

half my life fascinated by the long arm of African history, culture

and mysticism. I grieve the darkness that has enveloped the

continent; but I refuse to deny its many roots.

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(a follow up from Muata Ashby, Ph.D.)


Greetings and Blessings,


I hope this letter finds you well.


Actually, this sort of letter is very good because it points up some of

the issues that many people believe. For the past 200 years many western

Egyptologists and religious leaders have acted in concert to

misrepresent African culture and spirituality in general and Ancient

Egyptian religion specifically. Such prominent European Egyptologists

and Anthropologists as Basil Davidson, Martin Bernal and John Anthony

West have demonstrated and documented this. However, the academic

establishment, which supports the western primacy in culture, religion

and history, denies and suppresses this. Further, the misrepresentations

in popular media such as the Mummy movies and the Stargate show leave

people with a misunderstanding about Ancient Egyptian culture and

spirituality. Therefore, I need not respond in detail to such inquiries

since the reality is plain to see for those who desire to do so through

scholarly books.


The following is given for those sincere individuals who would like me

to share some of my researches in the spirit of exploration and

elevation of truth. I have made and will make no assertions that are not

corroborated by irrefutable evidence. This is not possible for those who

prefer to believe in legends or superstitions.


It is noteworthy that many of those who choose to follow "Eastern Gurus,

or any secular or spiritual tradition for that matter," do not feel the

need to apply critical thinking to the histories and teachings they

receive, while Kamitan teachers (proponents of Ancient Egyptian

spirituality or African religion in general), are often challenged or

sometimes dismissed. This is part of a long history of miseducation from

slavery times which was documented by Carter G. Woodson and Dr. Frances

Cress Welsing, wherein the long-standing practice of denigrating African

culture and things African has become endemic of world culture since it

is dominated by the western media. However, those who seek to uplift

culture, be they Indian, Native American, or African sages, do so

regardless of the detractors because it is the right thing and they

serve humanity at the behest of their internal divine calling.

Therefore, I am not in the least disturbed by these sorts of comments.

However, I do not devote much time to them because I am too busy working

with qualified and sincere aspirants, those who recognize the value of

the teaching and do not want to hold onto ignorant notions.


Certainly, I know of no African teachers who say that African culture

and spirituality have not been misused or misunderstood by some African

practitioners. Can any culture or religions say otherwise? However, the

greatness of Neterian spirituality far outweighs and overshadows the

faults. The evidence of this is in the legacy that lasted for thousands

of years and lives on even today.


Briefly, as for the use of gold, it was a symbol of spiritual

enlightenment (See the book Serpent Power), thus it was relegated to the

house of eternity, symbolically, the tomb. Neterian philosophy holds

that the mortal life is transient and the afterlife is eternal. Also the

abundance of gold which came from the interior of Africa, through trade

with the Nubians-cousins of the Ancient Egyptians-was such that there

was no feeling of loss or possessiveness, especially when Kamitan

culture was not materialistic. So there was and is no need to leave gold

behind for the living.


As for dark sorcery, African culture has indeed suffered much

degradation, yes, due to outside influence which fomented internal

corruption. And could this not be said of Western and Asian culture and

Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism or Islam as well? Yet, have

any of those cultures experienced what Africa has?


For more details on this issue I suggest those interested should read

the Book African Origins - section 1 which deals with the documented

history of African religion in Africa and in the Diaspora and how it has

been transformed and damaged over the last 20 centuries and section 2

which deals with the misconceptions about western culture and westerns

religion, tracing the origins back to Kamit (Africa) showing the

deviations, beginning with the Greek philosophers and the contradictions

that developed in western religions and section 3 which deals with the

misconceptions about eastern culture and eastern religions (Hinduism,

Buddhism, and Yoga [including Kundalini)), tracing the origins back to

Kamit (Africa) showing the deviations, and contradictions that developed

in eastern religions beginning with the Vedic Age to the present.


As the late eminent mythologist Joseph Campbell once said, anyone can

point to disparities and negative aspects but how many can discover and

affirm the harmonies and glories of world myth and spirituality? Surely,

error can be found anywhere one may look since even the sages are human.

But also there is greatness in the teaching and there is a purpose to

all that the Divine has created. Should we disregard the Dalai Lama

because he tripped and broke a vase or because some of his lama

followers advocate war instead of peace? Is his teaching invalidated

because he eats meat? Are the words of Jesus dismissed and is

Christianity less valid because some Christians are capitalists,

destroyers of natural resources or intolerant advocates of war? Is

Judaism nullified because some Jew mistreat Palestinians? Is Islam

negated because many followers destroyed Indian temples during the

conquest of India? Is Indian culture and religion to be set aside

because it fell from the greatness of Rama Raja and the glory of

Krishna's kingdom or because Hindus practice male dominance over women

or because there are so many charlatans who call themselves yogis and

gurus that the Indian scriptures themselves caution aspirants to seek an

authentic teacher? Is the Sikh teaching to be discarded because some

Sikhs are revolutionary assassins or terrorists?


Those who have thought about these issues deeply develop sensitivity to

the subtlety of a teaching beyond the error of some of its

practitioners. They also realize that a teaching is unlikely suited for

the people who espouse and practice it due to Ari (Karma) so all

authentic teachings should be respected since there is worth in

everything and everything comes from a source no matter how changed it

may become. Yet, nothing will help those who choose to ignore evidences

in order to protect cherished beliefs. Strong aspirants must break

through the impasse of egoism, fear, desire and ignorance in order to

follow the path that leads to blessedness. In our current history there

is simply no evidence of any advanced civilization older than the

Kamitan. Yet, even our ancestors said the teaching was given to them by

Djehuti (God), just as their cousins, the Indian sages of the Upanishads

spoke of the teaching being given by Brahma. All societies fall as a

natural consequence of complacency. A few years ago, when asked why

Indian society was so degraded after reaching such heights, Swami

Jyotirmayananda, the world renowned teacher of Vedanta answered "it is

because the younger generation lives off the greatness of their

ancestors and they do not practice what the ancestors did to become

great." Nevertheless, while societies may rise and fall or come and go

the teaching remains even in desolate times, carried forth by initiates

in secret, until such time as the worldly culture reaches its period of

decline and the value of the teaching is sought once again by the masses.



Peace and Blessings


HTP, Si Neter iri Ankh Udja Senab

Sebai Muata Ashby





Let's get past our conditioned responses. Remember Tarzan????





sevasimransingh wrote:


>Well....no offence to anyone, but the good Doctor's response is

>typical of the Egyptian patriarchy: "Our civilisation was the

>greatest until it was invaded by pillaging hords. Atlantis did not

>exist because we were the first. The desertification had nothing to

>do with us, .... and so on." Where did all the gold come from and why

>was it buried with the king, rather than left to the people? Why is

>African spirituality riddled with dark sorcery? Why, if they were

>such an ecological people, did they decide to stop worshipping MA and

>worship RA only. Egyptian spirituality may indeed have been a high

>art, and their priests great masters. However, at some point the

>Egyptians got corrupted and destroyed themselves. They should stop

>blaming it on others.






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