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Infinite Perspectives

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Sat Nam,


My life gets sillier and sillier by the moment…If life is a "play"

and we are all actors in that play...one really shouldn't take life

so seriously...and yet we do at times.


The other night, I was in a class and my teacher asked one of my

fellow classmates, "so...what do you know?" and he answered

something like, "my cup is empty, ready for you to fill it". Then

my teacher came to me next and I replied "my cup is half full" and

my teacher asked me "what would it take, to fill your cup, by the

end of this course?" I replied, "I'd either have to quit my job or

find a way to be, elegantly insane, in public." My teacher kinda

looked at me and I looked at him and I realized....oh ya! Right! I

already know how to do that, I do that everyday! Ha ha!


My life is silly... because of the humungous duality I experience in

it. Over the last 6 weeks I've been doing a dance between heaven

and hell. It's amazing to me, how many times throughout one day I

can have the experience of going from "full out, gutter swimming" to

deep, what feels like at the time, unshakeable connection to the

light. If I look back on my life, I can track this process and how

it has evolved with time and a spiritual practice.


Before KY entered my life, I had periods of "down" lasted for years

at a time...then I began KY and I began to notice if I got down…I'd

go to class and my teacher would pick me up somehow with the words

that he spoke or the meditations or kriyas that we practiced…and my

downs lasted only the time between now and my next class. Then

something shifted...I noticed my "ups" became upper! So I still had

huge downs...but now I was experiencing "ups" (just not "getting



Then I began to have faith, that when I was down, I would soon come

out of it and be up once again. I had begun to recognize the

light. This recognition grows stronger everyday that passes and as

that light grows bigger in my life, what was previously in the

darkness for me, becomes more and more obvious. It is this presence

of the Light, which gives you the strength or the courage to face

what's in the dark…because without the experience of the

Light...when you are in the dark...all you can see is the dark...you

have no touch stone for True Reality.


This morning it dawned on me...in an absurd hilarious, kind of

way...that over the last 6 weeks...I had been forgetting to "choose"

the Light. It began with a thought and the thought was this..."when

I find myself overcome with an emotion, fear for instance, my new

strategy should be to fall in love with the fear"...I don't mean

feed the fear or become attached to it...but love it for what it

is. Recognize it as a differentiation of energy and

absolutely "love" the intensity with which I can sense it!


I imagined myself "loving" anger as well! Ha ha! "Loving" is

another way to describe allowing, acceptance and non-judgement.

ThenIremembered..."ah yes" this is the process by which all emotion

transforms back to it's origin, which is pure energy.


I hadn't discovered anything new...but I had found a creative way to

gain a new perspective on an old game.


This is why my life is silly...because I am, as we all are, capable

of sitting down closing my eyes and connecting to the "all" in any

given moment...yet...when darkness comes...I forget to actively

choose the light...to remember my commitment to walk in Truth.


In the last 24 hours...I don't know what has changed for me other

than my perspective...because all of a sudden, I find myself

laughing at the darkness I have been experiencing as of late and

wondering to myself in a very common sense kind of way "why wouldn't

I simply connect with the light, when I find myself in the darkness?"


It's that connection to the Light or Infinite that cultivates that

larger perspective for us. Just like a flashlight shining into a

dark room...the broader the beam...the wider our vision becomes.


My difficulty is not that I can't connect with the Light...it's that

I have a habit of not recognizing it in every moment. I have to be

vigilant in my practice of finding the Light in the darkest

circumstances. I have to commit to finding the gift in the garbage,

to connecting to the Light and to relating to the Truth. When I

find myself in darkness, I have to remember, this is pain built on

the rocky foundation of illusion....and then seek the

Truth...remember my identity, my grace, my courage, my strength and

my Soul's directive...



May the Light shine broadly and our perspectives be Infinite,


Sat Sangeet Kaur

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