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White Tantric flyer (from Mehtab Singh aka Brian -1981- Boulder Colorado)

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The Mahan Tantric is affected by the tantric exercise because his aura

extends over all the individual auras of the people participating. The

subconscious cleansing that automatically occurs in the exercise

releases psychic reactions from the past that can be emotionally, and

occasionally, physically painful. These are filtered through the auric

barrier of the Mahan Tantric so that you do not suffer the pain that

actually is presented in experiencing the old traumas, phobias, and



During White Tantric Yoga. let your mind open into the flow of a unique

and beautiful experience The tantra is never taught and never learned.

It is distilled from the essence of the moment to reflect the highest

parts of your being. Since we cannot practice these techniques in

couples or pairs without supervision by the Mahan Tantric. Use each

moment like a precious gem





White Tantric Yoga deserves a proper definition. Whenever the word is

mentioned, people immediately relate it to sex. It should be understood

here that the sexual practices in some ancient Indian temples attributed

to the worship of Tantra represented a decline of that art.

The word Yoga means union and in the case of White Tantric Yoga it is

the union of the male and female principles of the universe. Man and

Woman are just one of the manifestations of that principle - Light and

Dark, Day and Night, Creative and Receptive, Hot and Cold. Ecstasy and

Agony, Expansive and Contractive, Yin and Yang, to mention just a few.

The world moves upon the law of opposites and is set upon the

polarities. Life is a comparative study of those principles in play with

each other. The same law of attraction that applies to stellar mass

applies to the human condition and to microscopic cell life as well.

The motion of the universe is based upon the relationships between the

polarities and that motion is eternally subject to the laws of creation,

suspension and destruction. This can be seen in the life of the stars as

in the life of man. We were created, we live, we die. All creatures are

subject to that law. The variance lies only within time Yet mysteriously

enough, within the motion there is a stillness, within the changes there

is a permanence, within the life processes there is a breath of

something which always lives but never dies. Within the opposites there

is something perfectly the same. That place where the opposites meet is

tantra. The point where night meets day is tantra. That point where man

and woman merge is tantra. The line is of only one dimension and the day

and night are bound in their course, but man and woman are of three

bodies - physical, mental and spiritual. And their union can occur on

the physical alone, but it IS bound by physical conditions. Union can

occur on the mental and emotional plane as well, but that level is also

subject to the changing tides of feeling and the constant influx of new

thought. Finally, this union of man and woman may take place in

consciousness of the spiritual level. Here beyond the duality of

changing conditions and the limitations of form, the merger of

consciousness that takes place is not between the personalities of the

two people, but between the highest essence of each person

That realm is pure oneness of spirit. And it is here that White Tantric

Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan takes place.


There is a reservoir of spirit, just as there is a reservoir of water

that is delegated to mainlines, to pipelines and to faucets. So from the

reservoir of spirit flows the life to fill our individual bodies. Each

of us has a different looking body to go through our different ways of

life so is it any wonder that sometimes we look upon ourselves as

different, and therefore isolated. Is it any wonder that differences

arise between people separating them from each other? There is no end to

the differences between people, but there IS a point which begins the

unity between them. That point exists high in each person's

consciousness Whether they ever have or ever will relate to that point

within themselves does not alter the fact of its existence. And once

touched, that point flows into your mind, heart, and soul like the

waters of a lofty mountain lake flowing through valleys and meadows onto

the plains and into the sea of existence. It is not a miracle to realize

that point within ourselves and each other, and by relating to it,

understand that we have all come from the same place that we are all

here together, and that we are returning to the same.

One of the most desirable effects of White Tantric Yoga is the

perfection of interpersonal relations between man and woman.


Our entire society is finding marriage and family life difficult, and

under extreme stress. White Tantric Yoga rebuilds the relation of man

and woman on the basis of universal principles and allows the merger of

man and woman to become complete on the physical, mental, and spiritual

levels. It helps each couple to find that point of unity and

relationship that exists beyond the times and changes of the personality

and society.

By better understanding the self and its mysteries. We gain tolerance

and compassion for all others. It is in this relaxed state that we can

express our infinite potentials for love, creativity, and freedom. It is

here that we can begin to experience the oneness of all things and the

love inherent in all creation.




For more information about our publications and Kundalini Yoga &

Meditation classes write or call.

3460 BERKLEY St. BOULDER, COLORADO 80303 303 494 4643


'Everything is in the subconscious mind. Once that is cleaned, then your

conscious mind can go through the barriers of subconscious mind - then

you can reach into the realms of the supreme consciousness, it's a

simple fact "


Yogi Bhajan




White Tantric Yoga, as we are practicing it under the guidance of Mahan

Tantric Yogi Bhajan, is a very exact science of human polarity. Since

everyone IS a bundle of energy, and since energy must move through a

field bounded by positive at one end and negative at the other, we are

always dealing with magnetic fields and polarities when we deal with

people. White Tantric Yoga is that science which, when practiced under

the guidance of the Mahan Tantric, can unite two human magnetic fields,

the totality of the psychic energy of two people, into one field, into

one sphere of light. It can carry you and your partner into physical and

mental ecstasy.

The effects of White Tantric Yoga come to their fullest expression 40

days after the course itself. It takes this long for the action and

reaction of energies to settle into a more open and relaxed pattern of


There are some basic rules to follow to see that everyone can experience

universal consciousness together:


1. A tremendous charge of energy is built up by the group by using

techniques in sound, posture, and rhythm. This creates a powerful

psychomagnetic field which is monitored through the central nervous

system of the Mahan Tantric Yogi Bhajan Therefore, keeping your spine

straight is very important.

2. Tantric lines should be kept very straight. A small change in the

geometry of the line makes a large change in the way that the energy

flows and channels through the group. Each asymmetry must be compensated

for by the Mahan Tantric (Master of White Tantric).

3. Do the exercises exactly as instructed and do not break eye contact

or the posture until told to do so.

4. For no reason at all should you get up and leave the White Tantric

Yoga exercises. This causes great stress on the Mahan Tantric and

weakens the groups magnetic field .

5. Do not eat anything for at least one hour before doing White Tantric


6. Drink 8-15 glasses of water throughout the day.

7. Permanent damage can be done to the central nervous system as well as

the mind if one attempts to do White Tantric Yoga while high on drugs of

any kind.

Bring a sheepskin or blanket to sit on and a cotton cloth or turban to

cover the head





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