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Sat Nam Everyone,


I've been working more intensely with how karma works in my life and

how karma can become a vehicle for expansion, as we move through the

consequences of our actions, choosing to make more conscious

choices... and in this way, lessen, to some extent, the impact of

karma's coming our way.


When the 3rd eyepoint/ arcline functions well...we easily and

clearly see the affects of our actions...this helps us to make

conscious choices prior to acting...it also, in a past kind of way,

helps us to understand, why we now find ourselves in the

circumstances, in which we find ourselves. It gives us clarity

about what has come before and how that will simply repeat in our

life, unless we can gain some clarity, to make different choices, in

the "now".


I'm going to make a sequey (wrong spelling?) into compassion for a



In the last little while I have been hearing a phrase repeated in my

head...during meditation and in daily life...it goes like

this..."drop all sense of yours and mine and merge with the

universal "I".


Then some insight surfaced with it as well....view everyone you meet

today as an aspect of your own character....look upon these parts of

yourself with all compassion, understanding and love. Be able to

see yourself reflected in another's actions and then understand

where those actions are born from and then exercise compassion based

on this understanding....every aspect of another that trouble's you

in some way will have a root inside of you...go searching for the

root...and pull it. Open to the "lightness" of compassion in your



Out of this grew a mantra that I found myself repeating in moments

when strong emotions were stirred, based on how I was feeling about

another's (reflecting my own) behavior...it went like this... "All

feelings and emotions are welcome here, all expression will be met

with acceptance and allowance....within me is a space, that I hold,

where I invite all parts of myself that have been hidden or

repressed to come forward into the light,to be fully heard and



It was actually quite a powerful experience for me...to be able to

support myself in that way and also be able to nuture those parts

that needed to be heard in order to heal and integrate fully into

my "now" being...rather than a shadow from the past.


Last week I spoke about feelings of guilt...well....this week I

don't feel so guilty any more! Ha ha!


What has changed you might wonder...my consciousness! I had the

experience, earlier last week, in meditation of cycling back through

some childhood /teen experiences where I received the "gift in the

garbage" of each event..."the gift" comes through the developement

of clarity, clear sight...the ability to view the larger process at

hand and to recognize, what took place was actually moving you

forward towards evolution in your life.


I'll give you an example of one long term event that, I have always

felt very "oh poor me why, why, why, God! Did I have to have that

experience??" about.....


When I was about 10 years old a pattern began in my life and

followed me until I began college...I had the experience of

being "extremely" unpopular one year and then be in the most popular

group of kids the next...and it cycled back and forth like that,

with the times varying once in a while.


It all began with me taking a stand, and telling it, how it was to

the "popular" group...there was a ring leader who was very insecure

and critical and all those kinds of things that people usually are,

when they are a ring leader...and one day I had had my "fill" of

following her around and following "her" orders and rules...and I

began to say what it was I saw going on here (the manipulation and

catering to one's insecurities) and how we all should stop playing

into this!


You can imagine it wasn't received kindly! Ouch! Thus begun the saga

of the ring leader, turning her back on me and grabbing the hands of

all followers and walking away....I physically saw this 3 times in

my life, with many symbolic walk aways happening later in life! Ha



The gift that I recognized last week, in this experience was, that I

was receiving a lesson in right speech and action...and the

conscious use of affluence/power.


During my "in" years, I had never done anything differently to earn

this new found spot, I had just shown up the first day of school,

and this year they didn't turn and walk away, for whatever reason

and then I was considered "in" again? There was no rhyme or reason

to it in my view and it lead to a whole lot of subconscious fear,

never knowing how or what might make one fall from the good graces,

and find themselves one more time out again!


What was revealed to me during my meditation was, MY behavior when I

was "in".... and how it had shaped my experience when I was "out".

In hindsight I recognize the hand of God (grace at work) and also

probably some good karma coming my way...in that I was experiencing

the results of my actions within a yearly frame work. (pretty good

turn around time for karma and having been exposed to no dharma at

the time!)


When I was "in" I acted certain ways towards others...I shamed the

meek, I made fun of anyone who was "out" and I secretly thanked God

I was finally in again, never to out again (wrong!)...instead of

using what ever influence or affluence I had aquired in that role

to "lift" people up a little or share some of the prosperity that

had been passed my way or to be inclusive of other's, building

community in some way...I horded any popularity and perks that came

with that role and created more karma for myself, born of my

unconscious behavior.


Looking back on my behavior it became so clear to me why I was doing

a rollercoaster of in and out...in my out times I was experiencing

exactly what I had sown in my in periods. This was a gift...because

eventually, not consciously, but through time passing, I learnt

compassion and understanding...having been down low, I knew the

territory and the feelings that go with that experience , so I had

understanding and out of understanding grows the capacity to have

compassion and love....unity is fostered from this soil.


The other gift inherent in this experience, related to karma, is

being graced with the effects of my actions in a timely manner...the

longer periods between our cause and effects...the more we forget

what causes we made....making the effects seem like they come out of

nowhere (with all unfairness to boot)...and lessening our ability to

make the connection between the two and to rectify, by making new

more conscious choices, when faced with that same karma when it

comes around as the effect....if we don't choose differently when it

cycles through with the effect...we simply re-create the karma by

setting the same cause into effect again.


This is a major cause of fear for us....not knowing what will be

coming down the pipe for us. As My teacher says, the remedy to

fear, is becoming comfortable with the unknown...and the only way we

can truly surrender to that process, is through making a connection

with your higher self and then gaining some clarity through

developing awareness...so that you can begin to see that there is

rhyme and reason to your life...there is a process at hand that you

can consciously or unconsciously participate in, to further your

forward movement in evolution. Being able to trust in the process

at hand...see the gifts and reap the benefits.


So that's my long story about, how I found a gift, in a place, for

20 years I have seen and smelt nothing but crap, in that experience!

Ha ha!


It leaves me thinking...if there is even a gift in this dirty piece

of crap (painful experience)...then there must be one in EVERY

experience...it wouldn't make sense for just some of my experiences

to be learning grounds, while other's weren't.


So in the experience of working through karma....everytime we

mangage to do it...we experience the expansion in

consciousness...it's just not, "oh thank God I made it through that

alive! without repeating it!!"....the gift is the expanded

consciousness....the moving forward of the process of



P.S. My guilt has relaxed because through a new expansion, I

realized it is redundent to hold onto it....after one has acted as

consciously as they can in that moment, the guilt is no longer

useful, only detrimental. The guilt is meant to be a red flag that

redirects you towards your Soul's desires when you come out of

alignment....using it for this purpose, will help you to manuever

the waters of cause and effect...more gracefully! ha ha!


Who knows how long this guilt free experience will last? I don't

know? But, my God! It's very liberating! Ha Ha!


Compassion and Light,

Sat Sangeet Kaur

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Sat Nam SatSangeet:



Very interesting message. I think, when one sees the pattern and the "essence"

from all those past exeriences, one has finally learned the lesson that all

those experiences were attempting to teach - which as you call it is an

expansion of consciousness. I have always felt, that I am repeatedly given the

opportunity to "learn", and if I do not learn the lesson being taught from an

experience, the experience in another form will surely repeat itself, till I get

the essence of it. There are times such as you describe, when finally I have

indeed "learned", that I have stood back, and wondered why in all those previous

instances I did not see the lesson with such clarity.



In psychology it is the transcendence of the schema, or the formation of the

schema, I believe. It is the reaching of the third stage (the 3 stages being

inter, intra, trans), and once, one has the schema formed, one can move to the

next learning schema that is in store for us!



There are several phrases you use in your message which are very very apt, and

so beautiful. (Will get back to it when time permits).










The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.





The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.



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