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Inner reality Vs outer reality

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Your write up on inner reality creating outer reality

was very good.

Help me understand more indetail.

I have a karma of 3 and I usually tend to operate from

fear and separation

especially when my husband is away.

I notice that I am attracting that situation more.

Can you please elaborate on

1. How exactly inner reality manifests itself? If I am

attracting situations of

separation does it mean that I am separated from my

higher self?

2. How long does it take to manifest itself?

3. Do the negative thoughts/positive thoughts create

the reality or the feelings?

4. How can I best handle the situation when in

negative thoughts to stop further creating/attracting

those situations?


Thanks for all your insights.






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Sat Nam Akkama!


My apologies, for taking soooo long to get back to you. My outer

world has been "echoing" the chaos in my mind these last few days!!

So I could hardly answer your questions...when, I, myself was

experiencing "such confusion" within my own being!! Ha ha!...I think

I might be back now...so here goes....


To begin...I'm not sure which write up on Inner reality you are

referring to specifically...so if you want to clarify that for me, I

might be able to be more specific?


So the one thing that really stands out for me, with the #3, is the

strong need to intergrate the shadowside....meaning, be willing to

work with the darkness within, inorder to distil the light from it.

In my experience, this is accomplished through the process of

witnessing,allowing, presence, understanding and transcendence.


I'm going to backtrack, from manifestation in the outer world to the

innerworld...so we can look at the process we undergo in

transforming our outer experience)... recognizing that there is no

difference between, what is inside of you (thoughts, feelings,

emotions) and what you experience outside of you....no separation.


On the most rudimentary level, I believe, we might become aware of

certain actions we are taking...that go against the flow (things

don't go smoothly when we act in this particular way).


Then we graduate, to becoming aware of the feelings and emotions we

experience while doing such actions...maybe we stop the

actions...but we are aware that they aren't producing the results we

want...nor...do we feel a sense of ahhhhh! when we do them.


As our awareness developes, we can "catch" our selves beginning to

have the emotion that precedes, the less than soul promoting,

actions....and in this way, we can begin to "break-up" the pattern

we've been stuck in....by "choosing" not to take action that stems

out of fear (all de-moting actions, stem out of fear or negative

ego)...and to choose to work constructively with the

emotion/feelings that we've have become aware of. (this is working

with the shadow)


Then the process graduates once more, becoming more subtle at every

level, where we become aware of the emotion/feelings... and the

thought of acting on them, doesn't even cross our minds

anymore....no matter how challenging we still find the, emotions,

that arise...we begin to work at the level of emotion..in order to

distil the light form the darkness of the emotion.


We continue with the process of "allowing, witness with presence"

these emotions as they arise...and then we start to experience some

of the thought forms underneath, such feelings. When we get to the

level of thought...we've really made progress, because, "thought" is

at the level of cause...."thoughts cause" outcomes. When we touch a

limiting thought with our consciousness (awareness) it will begin to

be healed.


Sometimes all it takes is one touch of the consciousness...sometimes

it takes a full body massage!! ha ha!


And it can go in layers...depending on how entwined this thought is

into "who" you think you are. So you might hit one thought, and

begin to make changes in the light of recognizing it...and then

discover this whole process beginning again! and you might

think...WHAT! I already did this!...but you've dropped into a deeper

layer...and you have to keep tunnelling into the core of your

being..until you hit GOLD! THE SOUL!


You asked.."how long does it take for the results of a thought to

manifest?" Sometimes moments...sometimes lifetimes...there's no



So to work with feelings of fear and separation...back track through

this process I described above...beginning with the experience of

separation, begin noticing the feelings/emotions that arise...sit

down and do some meditation in that moment, allowing the emotions to

be present without judgement of them....at this point if no thought

forms are making themselves present to me underneath the emotion...I

employ the use of prayer.


"God help me to understand what thoughts are underneath these

feelings"....project this petition out the 3rd eye point and then

feel deeply throughout the aura to magnetize the request and then be

receptive to the feedback that comes....depending on your awareness,

you might recieve it directly, as guidance, or a flash of

insight...or maybe later in your enviroment...you'll see or hear

something that all of a sudden clicks for you.


The trick with prayer is to "let go"...after you have asked, don't

keep thinking about your request, you hold onto it then....and then

become like a "chalice" ready to recieve.


As far as "what" your experiences in the outer world mean in

relation to your inner workings...you just have to follow the

process through to discover that really.


Yes...our thoughts&feelings do create our reality....we can't work

with one without the other. If you can work with your thoughts

BEFORE they become projected, you can neautralize them...it's when

they get projected into the aura that they begin to magnetize and

draw certain experiences to your doorstep...it requires alot of

awareness thought to be able to do this...but it's our goal.

Eventually as we clean out the subconscious mind...our thoughts will

naturally be more soul promoting and we can train the mind to "cut"

a non promoting thought off at the root before it even makes it into

the "running" of being a potentially, projected thought.


It's also said...if you do project a thought you'd like "back",

chant God's name right away and the thought will be

neutralized..WAHE GURU!! Although that strikes me, as more of a

damage control technique, one to be employed, but not used as a

crutch because we lack the ability to empty our subconscious mind

and redirect it towards our soul's consciousness. Ha ha!


In a nutshell the process is:

-recognize the emotion

-recognize the thought underlying it

-understand the truth (all non soul promoting thoughts are based on

non truth or nonreality, so do some reading,meditation etc, that

reminds you of your true nature)

-and that's the re-direction towards the Light..reaffirming your

Soul's nature, rather than your limitation.


I hope this helps...it's a vast subject...hard to say everything

that could be said about it in one e-mail! Ha ha!


So a simple example would be...if you found yourself in a negative

state of mind, and you are concerned about what might get created in

your enviroment, due to the projection of that negativity....you

could "stop" any action stemming from this negative state... begin

to contemplate and feel what the emotions underlying it is and then

choose a mediation or yoga set to redirect your mind towards the

Light (Soul's consciousness)....and hopefully in that process

recieve a deeper understanding of what is underneath all the



I realize more fully how life is just one "big process"...I think

our best bet is to master the art of "working" with the

process...what I described above is steadfast and true..it works for

me, it works for others...it's just a matter of applying it, again

and again and again...master flowing with the process.


There will "always" be a process to undergo, for us to flow with, we

never know from one moment to the next "what" process we may be in

for next...but what we can be sure of is...that we have the tools

and the "know how", of "how" to flow with whatever process lands on

our doorstep. Along the way...your tool belt grows...filled with

things like awareness, intuitive knowing, guidance from the light

and Grace...


All Light,

Sat Sangeet Kaur

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Thank you very much for your response from the depth

of my heart.

Actually, a little bit more about me.. When I am in

the emotion of fear , I recognize that , that is, when

I get negative thoughts and I also mostly choose to be

with that emotion and that feeling does go away and it

appears to make me stronger each time I get it.


I think this will not goaway easily since I have a


to be near to my husband till my last breathe and

whenever I find myself in a situation which is not

fulfilling that thats when I feel fear and negative

emotions but it is hard for me to withdraw from that

desire as I truely want myself to be blessed so.


I will continue to try to work in the regard that you

have mentioned and hopefully very soon my intution

and my inner strength will overrule the negative fear

in me.


Since I am very much in the initial stages, when I

recognicze a negative thought I take the name of lord

to neutralize it .


Thank you very much,







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