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The soul generates the force that creates and motivates the mind, senses and body. Rebecca's quote

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Dear Rebecca,


Rightly said (your quote of Dr. David Frawley).


This heart (seat of the soul) referred to is called the hrdayam. In Ayurveda

medicine pictures of the human body it is depicted by the word "samvit" which

means consciousness.


The Hrdayam, which is called the One Star in KY, because, like a graviton, it

"sucks in" (hrd) and "blazes out" (ayam) simultaneously, i.e., drawing inward

the sense of "I" (dissolving all images) and expanding the field of

consciousness, can be described in the following analogy:


In the Middle Ages, when people wondered about the nature of the stars, it was

told that there is a shroud that covers the sky, behind which is the Infinite

Light of God, and that in the shroud are pinpricks through which this light

blazes forth, which we call stars. The analogy is taken further in that God ("I

AM") is said to be the light that lights each one of us from the heart, through

and behind which is the Infinite Being, and that within the fabric of apparent

time and space (the veil of maya), is a pinprick located in the heart. Once the

mind becomes pure, the right vagus nerve (atma or para nadi), which originates

in the heart (2 digits to the right of sternum in the pacemaker or synod of the

physical heart - not the anahata chakra) and extends to the crown, begins to

reverberate with the incandescent pulsation of "I as I" tuning the whole body to

this vibrationless vibration. In Kundalini Yoga this is called the Science of

the One Star Spirituality.


Then, the Soul awakens and our notional identity is put aside, as though waking

from an amnesia. Initially, there arises a force almost like an intolerance of

action: physical, mental, vocal, which may, nevertheless, continue or not

without any sense of a doer, and you abide as single pervasive undifferentiated

consciousness, where "thoughts, feelings, knowledge and imagination have no

value" whatsoever. Everything is contained in you and you are everything,

unconditioned, uncaused, timeless.


Your mind is sucked into the pinprick in the shroud, and you abide as blazing

light, like a self luminous screen upon which the universe both infitesimally

small and infinitely vast have no distinction.


This is the Truth even now.


As you practice KY, the Yoga of Light - the postures, movements angles and

breathing fill all the nerves with energy, so that the whole body resonates

above and beyond the frequency of thought and images and impressions of the

focusing power of the mind. You feel within your body and all around the body

without distinction the radiance of light (first felt as the neutral body in the

anahata chakra, where the mind is in complete electromagnetic balance, gradually

expanding and awakening to the radiant body). Then with the Yoga of Sound, the

energy compacted in the 72,000 nadis releases and the radiance begins to attune

to the pervasive radiance of the Infinite Being.


A sense of discernment or force of Intuitive Intelligence arises in the pure and

radiant mind, in which you realize that who you are is the single seer, the

pervasive etheric light within which appear the images in the mind and the

images within time and space, without distinction or separation. This "I" sense

then recognizes Itself as the Ground of True Being - as the soundless

reverberation "I am the Truth." All other notions of identity of This "I" (the

"I" of our notional "i") to this and that are rejected out of hand.


When the Sun in the heart rises, the moon of the mind recedes, and becomes a

small image in the blue sky of the awakened consciousness, no longer needed for

seeing or knowing or being.


The awakening of the sun in the heart is also known as the "Vajra Siddhi" or

Lightningbolt Power - the "Guru Day Namo" - Vajra Siddhi Guru.


This Spiritual Heart is also called the Temple of God - the Harimandir, where

the Infinite Being - the Akal Purkh, is realized, upon which the Wisdom of True

Guru - the Akal Takht awakens. You might want to listen to this in Liv Singh's

rendition of "Adorn with Honor" - a poem of Yogi Bhajan about his realization,

which he wrote in 1969, just before leaving Canada for LA. You can also hear

these 2 stanzas, after a few minutes to download, in www.adityahrdayam.com.


This One Star realization of this is called the experience the "non-dual."


As Yogi Bhajan says: "Always abide in the non-dual."






Message: 1

Thu, 5 Jun 2003 08:56:58 EDT


Astral/Subtle Body


Sat Nam...


The astral and subtle body are used interchangeably...


"Out of magnetism, electricity automatically arises. The magnetic

polaraization or charge of the soul sets forth electrical currents and draws

other currents to it from the external world. Out of the soul or heart arises

the various electricities that sustain activity on all levels of our nature. The


generates the force that creates and motivates the mind, senses and body. This

electrical force is called vidyut shakti, literally "lightening" in Sanskrit.


magnetic sphere of the soul gives rise to an electrical field that creates

the subtle or astral body, the sphere of our life energies and senses. All

diseases have their origins in energy imbalances in the subtle/astral body and

its life-force. Yoga works to spiritualize the subtle/astral body to turn it


a vehicle of spiritual realization." Dr. David Frawley - Yoga and Ayurveda









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