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Need some encouragement

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I'm trying hard to hold onto a memory/experience of many years ago

when I lived in an ashram and practiced Kundalini Yoga. I did it to

sustain me and people just don't understand unless they've been there

as some of you have.


When I say it changed my life they think, "Oh, you did yoga and so you

were relaxed" or "Oh you lived in the ashram and so you were with

people and isn't that nice." And they think they understand but they

understand nothing. All my life I searched and when I found KunYoga I

had what I needed in all ways: psychology, spiritually, mentally,

physically, emotionally. All my life there had been ragged things in

my head and KunYoga soothed them out. I felt like a normal person.


To make a long story shorter I left and came to where I am now where

there is no KunYoga. I used to always go to the ashram when my mind

got troubled and now I have no yoga, no ashram, no friends. No

support. Deep in debt. I used to think I can always go back to where I

used to live but now I begin to even doubt my experience.


I've been on this list a long time (another name) and know that there

is encouragement and compassion here and am asking for some to be

directed to me. Often I find posts on here very inspiring. I think

about maybe I should even call some people who were in the ashram with

me, but I feel very down and like no one would care.


I know you're thinking, Do yoga, do yoga, but I need to get back to

the ashram. I can't do yoga by myself. So I would like some

encouraging words from you'all. I listen to my yogic tapes all the

time and that helps but I'm up against some part of my own self which

isn't sure I should go back to that which I had. I think it was Dharma

Singh on here who said about once having found home there is nothing

else so sweet, and that is so true.


In my car I carry this so I read it every day:

Abandon pride and fall at Lord's feet -

hold fast to the Robe of the Lord.

The sea of burning desire clings NOT to those

who long for the shelter of their Master.

The Lord supports even the most ungrateful,

who err again and again…

Nanak longs for the shelter of that perfect Lord -

embodiment of Mercy.

It was a big error to leave what I found and now I don't know how to

get back.


Sat nam,


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Dear Kartar Kaur,


I practice KY in what, until recently, was a very small

and what felt like, isolated,

KY community. Two years ago I had the opportunity to

visit the Golden Bridge studio in LA and spend a week

there. If you've never been ...it's like cuddling in the lap

of your mother, in there. It was like crawling back into the

womb! I had never been to a class with

anyone but my teacher before...I had never felt a sense of

community before this visit...people who come together

to uplift their spirit and the spirit of all.


When I came home, I cried and cried...because I wanted

that feeling that I felt when I was, there so badly...I could

taste it.


What I realized was that I had a longing to belong...but

ultimately, that longing can only be satiated by merging

with God. As long as I was dependent on particular

circumstances...all I experienced was a feeling of

wanting...that was just plain suffering. I realized if I

was to experience a sense of community and sharing

among others...I was going to have to develope a

sanctuary within my own heart, that could then be

projected into my enviroment...so I could begin to

have that experience I was longing for with others

within my enviroment.


My point is you have to find the strenght to practice

your Dharma. It's the only thing that will give you

the experience you are longing so badly for.


We need to cultivate the Sacred within ourselves, when

our enviroments arelacking in it. Easily said, I know. But

you know too...you already said how whole and

complete you felt practicing KY in the past.


We need to do battle with the mind...until it sucumbs

to the Soul's desires. It's the mind that says I

can't do yoga alone.....the Soul is saying...bow your

head, you are already home...your search is over.


True "home" isn't an experience that can be taken

away from us under any circumstances. If we feel

that "home" has been taken from us..it is because

we are under the grip of illusion...for home resides

in every heart, not outside of ourselves.


We need to heal that which obscures our view

of "home" within us.


We need to heal our hearts.


Remember the line in the song of the Khalsa...


When things are down and darkest...that's when

we stand tallest!


It's in the darkest moments that we must apply

the teachings....Truth and Light are the doer of

all....rely on that force within you to carry you

through your practice.


Ask God for sustainance...it'll come. Listen for

guidance and respond to what you hear. At the

breaking point, is when we open to the power of

Grace, to flow into our lives....


Challenge your mind...begin to train it to follow

your hearts desire, one breath at a time...and

come home.


Blessings of Grace,


Sat Sangeet kaur







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Sat Nam out there,


I just want to throw in a thought, which came to my mind reading the last

posts on encouragement and coming back into track with Yoga, Sadhana and


Sat Sanget wrote:

'Challenge your mind...begin to train it to follow

your hearts desire, one breath at a time...and

come home.'


Having in mind, that our earthly existence consists not only out of 1

body-manifestation, but out of 10 and that the physical exercises are first

hand movements of our fifth body, I think that the 'mind' work is much

harder then the few exercises we are doing in the morning.

BTW: seeing the example of the paralyzed yogi also shows, that the physical

body might be important and also worth taking care of, but it is only 10 %

of our whole existence, so being able to do an exercise better or even

perfect is not so important, than having the other 9 bodies in shape as well.


Reading about your desire to be again in an ashram or any other accompany

of Yogis shows, that you are not feeling happy in your present environment.

This would for me the starting point: Make yourself feeling comfortable.

Make sure, you like the place you are, you like the people you are dealing

with. Have you thought of doing some 'space-clearing' - throw old stuff

away, make everything clean, decorate your living environment new, etc.

Then start setting up routines, which gives you comfort and well-being

(e.g. go every night sharp 10.00 pm to bed, eat breakfast sharp 7.00 am,

etc.). Eat properly. Sleep enough. Stay away from people, junk, TV,

behaviour and other stuff, which pulls you down. Listen to nice music.

(Yesterday night I just enjoyed a symphony of Beethoven). Seek the bright

side of live. Do something you can be proud of - be it just a smile to your

neighbors or strangers. Use your gifts and talents.


I also suggest to start with some light exercises, preferably in the Amrit

Vela - it makes the day feeling different. Also take some time to meditate.

Or watch some flowers. Or simply close the eyes and feel the sunshine on

the skin or the breath flowing through your nostrils. Feel being connected

with the one - you don't need people or other material stuff, but you do

need the connection to yourself! That's YOGA.


Just another short note: Boris Becker was once asked, which was the most

important score he ever made in his life - he answered: the next one I am

going to make. Just think same, don't look back, don't look too much

forward. Feel the present moment and enjoy the second you are in. In

another second this is the past, which you can't change anymore. So keep up

staying in the present and try to make the best out of it. And remember

what Yogi Bhajan said: It is your destiny to be happy. (I strongly believe,

that a smile or hearty laughter counts for a lot of stretch pose ;-)


Sending blessings from Shanghai,


Adarsh Singh

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Sat Nam...R.N. Gupta,


"Challenge your mind...begin to train

it to follow your hearts desire, one

breath at a time...and

come home."


In this context, I was using a poetic


liscence to describe the experience


of being fully present and aware in


every moment of life, through the use


of conscious breathing.


Also the idea that we crawl before we


walk. Committ to one breath at a


time.... if you can't fathom the


whole...until one day, the new


pattern of being, becomes a well


entrained Soul serving habit.


Also recognizing that the breath


is a carrier of prana and prana is


an intelligent force. If you can


be aware of it and relate to it, as


an intelligent presence...it will


bring a more transforming and healing


experience within the pranee.


When we breathe, we energize the


pranic body, and it has the capacity


to take us from the finite or


restricted into the infinite


flow and boundlessness...so breathe! ha ha!


**But my point in that paragraph


was really about witnessing the


contents of the mind through awareness


and then re-directing the mind to


the light and healing, rather than


fanning the flames restriction and


feelings of limitedness, that will


totally, bung us up, in the end.




Sat Sangeet









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Peace and Blessings!


I found that your e-mail has reached me, and I offer these words of guidance

for your reflection. In your letter, you discuss how wonderful life was when

you were at the Ashram, and now that you are in the world, you are terribly



Your affectedness by the world is a normal part of spiritual growth….and

shows you that self effort and an intensive spiritual program is still needed.


There is a parable of tie dying cloth: The originally white cloth is immersed

in the dye water. It changes to that color. But then the cloth is hung on the

line and the sun shines it, and it becomes bleached…almost returning to its

white color…but not fully. It retains a tint of the dye. This process of

immersion and bleaching continues until finally, when the cloth is hung on the


to dry, and the sun once more hits it…it does not lose its color…it no

longer fades...it fully retains the dye. In this parable or metaphor, the sun is

the world process, and the dye is your spiritual life…practices…including as


is called in the Indian yogic system, satsanga….good association…which is

what you had at the ashram.


Along with being in the world which will test and challenge your spiritual

attainments by providing you with opportunities to practice your spiritual

disciplines, you need to be able to immerse yourself in an equally intensive

program, which will give you back your "color"…that is, your spiritual

awareness of

your Divine nature. The world is not the enemy, but an extension of your

spiritual school or ashram…they work together…the ashram gives you

color…the world

gives you the opportunity to "strut your spiritual stuff...and sometimes the

challenges of the world are greater than you can handle...and your spiritual

awareness fades...and you act in egoistic ways.


If however, one loses the opportunity to be involved with a spiritual teacher

and the process of constant immersion in a spiritual environment, then the

negativity of the world will overpower the mind, and lead one to all sort of

entanglements, unrighteous living which leads to the accumulation of debts,


i.e., your current situation.


Thus, what is needed is not total abandonment of that environment, but to be

able to immerse yourself it in for periods of times, on a regular basis…as you

are operating in the world. In this way, you will be able to sustain your

positive feelings to some degree when in the world, and although the challenges

of life will cause it to fade (you will lose sight of your divine nature and

act and feel egoistic) at times, but with continued effort and participation,

the experience will intensify…in spite of the world.


This is the true test of spiritual growth…when the world cannot affect your

internal expansion and bliss. And this is one of the purposes of the world…to

challenge you on this basis.


Remember that saying that goes something like this, " if you have something

and you let it go, if it comes back to you, then you really had it; if however

it does not return to you, then you did not have it in the first place." So

realize that the positive feelings you experienced did not belong to you…but


if were on loan due to your being in that protective environment….free from

the world, and also engaged more fully (concentrated) in fulfilling the purpose

of life…the attainment of Enlightenment….knowledge of the Self….and these


wonderful experiences that can be experienced when one is able to be detached

from the world and concentrated on the Divine….there is no argument there.


But how does one hold onto those feelings? How does one make them their own,

so as not to lose the experience…this is the real issue at hand.


What your words of your letter should point out to you is that you still have

much spiritual work to do…because your goal is to attain enlightenment, and

this means maintaining internal connectedness to the Divine, the experience of

being one with the Divine, which also means being able to be internally

peaceful and blissful ….at all times…being unaffected by external conditions

in the




Think of a child when it grows in the mother's womb. It is protected from all

dangers to the outside world. But what happens when that child is born into

the outside world. Does the mother stop being there for the child? Does the

mother stop tending and caring for the child? So, even though the child is

exposed to the world, it must still be very protected by that same mother in its

early years, until it can then take care of itself in the world.


So, if you felt protected in that ashram environment, that is a normal

feeling that can occur in an ashram environment. However, it seems you left that

environment completely severing ties with it…perhaps as you moved away to some

location where it is no longer accessible to you on a very regular basis? At

least it seems that way from your letter, as you talked about listening to


but this not being enough.


So that you are experiencing your condition is not really surprising….as you

are like a spiritual infant…like a little newborn bird…who has rolled out of

its next, and can no longer be taken care of by its parent.


What to do? Well you seem to feel strongly about the source of your problem…

..that you are away from that ashram. So perhaps you should consider relocating

near that center so you can participate more actively, while you are in the



There are four components to spiritual practice: meditation, devotion,

selfless service (termed karma yoga in the Indian yoga), and Widsom Yoga.


Wisdom yoga refers to intuitionally understanding your true nature…and thus

becoming enlightened. And there are 3 steps in that process: Listening to the

teaching Reflecting on the teachings, and Meditating on the teachings….and for

the listening purposes…what is recommend is to have a live authentic teacher

giving you live authentic teachings in a spiritual gathering (satsanga).


How can a picture of a painted fire give you heat and warmth. It cannot! It

may inspire you, but it cannot sustain you. For that you need to have a real,

live fire. Similarly, for the impurities of your mind to be burnt up, you need

the fire of spiritual wisdom from a live fire, a living teacher. And the more

intensity you desire to have for your practice, the more contact you should

have with that person and environment. Ideally, you should be able to attend

spiritual classes daily….each day immersing yourself in the dye of spiritual



However, in addition, you must utilize your own self effort in the other

areas of spiritual practice, meditation, reflection, karma yoga and devotion,


your own study of spiritual scriptures also (books, tapes).


You should also know that it was not really the ashram that created those

powerful spiritual feelings in you, just as it is not the world that is

preventing you from experiencing those powerful spiritual feeling at this very



Those feelings flowed from your own consciousness, and you have the capacity

to experience them right now, and at every moment…..if you were to be able to

bring your mind to a place of calmness, serenity and peace. This is what

ashram environments in general do. They shield one from the world and worldly

entanglements and worldly concerns….and the mind is able to experience a


level of peace. Just as when the wind calms and the waves on a lake


are able to see into the depths of the lake, so too when the mind is calm and

serene, it allows one to experience the depths of their deeper spiritual


which is wonderful….joy…peace…centeredness…etc. etc.


This is why with enlightenment, you are able to experience these positive

feelings regardless of environment, and not only in a spiritual


the enlightened mind has been cleansed of its complexes and illusions about the

world…and thus always reflects the depths of its true divine essence.


What this means is that ultimately, you do not need to return to that

particular ashram. But you do need good association on a regular basis with an

advanced, if not enlightened teacher. You need to gather with others, not only


devotion, but also for study of the spiritual scriptures…specifically those

that relate to the nature of the Self…called "Brahman" in the Indian



You may not experience the feeling you had in the ashram right away, because

you are still in the world even though you are studying and practicing the

teachings and disciplines, but as you begin to once again cleanse and focus your

mind, work out your mental complexes, rejoice in the words of your teacher

telling you about your true essence, practice detachment and dispassion to the

objects of the world, etc., you will once more overcome the negative vibrations

of your mind and begin to experience the wonderful feeling of your divine



Due to the individualistic nature of western culture, many aspirants think

that they can go it alone….they just need some tapes, some books, a yoga


to practice physical exercise and maybe meditation, and they are on their path

to enlightenment.


This is not so, except maybe for a most highly advanced personality. Would

you want to be operated by a doctor who has learned to be a doctor by studying

books and tapes, and maybe went to 1 day of medical school….or even 1 year

(instead of the 6-8 years)? How much time do basketball players or ice skaters

practice a day? And yet, for enlightenment, the most lofty goal that a person


attain, and which is most difficult to attain (as Jesus said…easier for a

camel to enter into the eye of a needle)…how can one expect to do so without

hands on contact and training…by someone who is accomplished, and without

intensiveness in practice?


Outside of this, what you can do at this time to alleviate the burden of your

situation is to intensify your practice of the disciplines of yoga to your

capacity, and work to rearrange your situation so that you can at least partake

of satsanga on a regular basis.


Karma yoga, seeing the Divine flowing through you, as the performer of

ethical work that you are performing can be done anywhere…not just in an

ashram, as

can mediation, devotion and reflection, and even to some degree listening to



But you must work out your situation to allow you to have that good

association. You must decide the intensity of that contact. From a spiritual

perspective, daily is better, but if that cannot be done, then try to go


weekly, if not weekly, then every 2 or 4 weeks or 4 times a year, etc.


But know the ultimate ashram is you!….Your Enlightened Self!


Pray, Meditate, Rearrange….although try not to make very rash abrupt

movements. You must take care of your entanglements in a righteous


they will come back pull you out of your spiritual world.


Make contact with an advanced or enlightened spiritual teacher, and seek

their guidance as to how to go about accomplishing this challenge. Seek good

association in whatever capacity it currently exists around you right now.


Leaving the ashram could be seen as a mistake, but it also can be seen as a

blessing. That experience allowed you to know the possibility of what you are

working to achieve…that it exists…so don't doubt the experience…listen to


read the writing of the sages speaking of the glory of enlightenment whenever

doubts arise…and affirm the truth of your experience.


And how wonderful to have such an experience…so that you know that there is

more to life to be had than the worldly enjoyments, and how worldly enjoyments

pale in comparison to spiritual bliss.


Now you know that you cannot do it alone…and also that you should not be

doing it alone. It is not the way of authentic mystical tradition. Aspirants


always come together to study and practice together with spiritual teachers…

..from ancient times.


In closing, I would like to leave you with the following mystical teaching:

















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Satnam! Adarsh Singhji!

In your message dt.811/03 itis mentioned that physical body is

only 10% of our whole existence & doing exercises is better for

IT,however it is more important of having the other 9 bodies

inproper shape as well.









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Satnam! Devaji!

Iwould like to refer to your message dated 7/31/03, wherein you

have mentioned about DM meditation. Kindly elaborate the process

of doing the DM meditation. Thanks & regards. Yours RN Gupta




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> Satnam! Sat Sangeet Kaurji!

>Thanks for your clarifications,however as I intend to practice


>uniform breathing pattern in daily life condusive for K.Y.

>Pratice, I would request you to kindly intimate me a most


>breathing pattern which can be adopted & practiced & which is

>helpful for advance yoga practice in daily life. For your

>kind informtion I am a retired person having ample time for

>practice & for last 25 years I was in touch of various


>activities and learned , interalea, Kriya yoga of " self

>Realisation fellowship" of Param Hansa Yogananda of Los Angeles

>(USA)/ Ranchi (India).

>Awaiting for your suitable advice.

>Thanks & with profound regards. RN Gupta



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Sat Nam Wahe Guru,


Will anybody give details about 9 bodies,


K S Iyer



>"Ram Narayan Gupta" <rngupta31



>Re: Re: Kundalini Yoga Need some encouragement

>13 Aug 2003 17:46:14 -0000



>Satnam! Adarsh Singhji!

>In your message dt.811/03 itis mentioned that physical body is

>only 10% of our whole existence & doing exercises is better for

>IT,however it is more important of having the other 9 bodies

>inproper shape as well.









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Sat nam!


The most healing breath you can take is called the yogic breath...inhale

smoothly for 20secs, retain the breath for 20 secs and then exhale smoothly for

20secs. Yogi Bhajan says something like..."if you manage this...there will be

no problems in life!" ha ha!



I practice long deep breathing whenever I can, in my everyday life. Inhale

smoothly for 8 counts and exhale smoothly for 8 counts.


It's not possible to tell someone what will be best for them...they have to

discover that for themselves through their own practice of the

techniques....everyone will need something different.


If you want to investigate different breathing techniques, get a manual or you

may want to check out "Breathwalk" by gurucharan and Yogi Bhajan..it's full of

walking meditations which include breathwork and it's affects on the psyche and

physical/emotional body.


Good luck!

Sat Sangeet






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Satnam! Jurgen Laske ji!,

I M grateful for your detailed message elaborating eight limbs of



Yoga & 10 bodies in human being.For your kind perusal I M

appending below my



I M form Bombay,India. Presently with my son at Minneapolis, USA



Oct03 end. I M running 63(retired). In my early age I studied

Snanskrit &


memorised all 700 slokas of Bhagwat Gita, to follow them in it's

letters &


spirit & ultimate aim of this life was fixed as Self realisation/



realisation. I did Shastri in sanskrit letrature , M.A ( Econ.),



LL.B., & Company Secretaryship (ACS) Of ICSI, INdia.

In my quest for spiritual advancement I joined BrahmaKumaris in



HOwever since I could not meet with their basic requirement of



celebacy, I joined Self Realisation fellowship , LOs Angeles(USA)/



India of Paramhansa Yogananda in 1984 & completed their course of



lessons, 38 Energization exercises, & took Kriya DIksha &

practiced it.


However I did not find any significant transformation in my self

as I could not overcome my greatest weaknesses of excessive sex

indulgence & irritative/ agitative nature. This may be mainly due

to my insincere & irregular practices, owing to my weaknesses.

Apart from the above I aslo learned & casualy practiced the


1. T.M. Meditation of Mahesh Yogi of India,

2. Siddha samadhi yoga of RIshi Prabhakar of Banglore,India,

3 sahaj yoga/ Soham meditation & various other Yoga techinques.

4 Vipassyana- of Buddhism Etc Etc. but to no avail.

Now on my coming to USA in May03 end, while searching on website I



across Kundalini Yoga of Yogi Bhajan & I enrolled my self for



lessons & completed all 25 lessons & become member of Kundalini



groups. I also gone through two books on Kundalini yoga as taught

by Yogi


Bhajanji, by Shakti Parwah kaurji & Shakata Kaur ji & started



Kundalini yoga. I am having one hour Video cassette of Gurmukh

KaurJi on


Awaken, energize,strenghten,Silence Meditation & ralaxation for



BY the practices of kriya yoga of SRF I M having breathing

practice of 40/45


seconds perbreath & Guru Rattan Kaur ji Khalsa in reply to one of

my query


advised me to practice Yogic breath of 20+20+20 seconds of



retention & exhaling per breath & I m practicing the same.

By the practice of Kirtan Kriya ( SA TA NA MA) I developed

confidence &


found some changes in myself & now I hope that I can sucessfully

advance in


my spirtual persuits.

I learned about 10 bodies in the KY book of Shakta Kaurji but

there is no


mention of different practices for each of the 10 bodies to keep

them in


proper alignment & shape for spiritual growth.I M interested in

knowing & proper guidance about of the following:

1. Pracices for alignments of each of 10 bodies for spiritual


2. Shakta Kaur ji in her above book (Page123) also mentioned about



Center alongwith 10 bodies, What is the location of the Command


3.Exact location of Hrdayam in the body.

4.For maitaining a regular practice of deep, slow & long breathing



what can be a best breathing pattern of 4/5/6 per minutes etc to


5.PreviousLY I used to do Head stand exercise but discotinued for

long, now


I intend to do it fot 3/4 minutes per day. In one of your message

you have


advised not to do Head stand exercise. kindly intimate the


6.In one of KY lessons, meditation on each Chakra with mantra "



WAHE GURU GURU RAMDAS GURU" is advised, can I also practice



meditation on mantra " RA MA DA SA SA SAY SO HUNG" OR " EK ONG KAR



SIRI WHA HAY GURU" & how to synchronize breathing with mantra

oneach chakra.

7. Kindly advise different sites for mantras & meditations etc.

Inview of your sympathetic,guiding & helpful attitude I dare to

write all


the above for seeking your guidance & blessings for deep & sincere


With profound regards, yours humbly- RN Gupta.





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