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Arc line and 10 Bodies

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It's been said that one's Arc line can be healed when one are in the

aura of a master like Yogi Bhajan. The individual's arcline is

corrected by the arcline of the teacher. Areas of weakness that, down

the road, most likely would have manifested in sickness or death are

strengthened and problems are avoided. As a side point,it's pretty

common knowledge, even, that when a woman who's menstrual cycle is off

may all of a sudden be back inline with the flow of the moon and it's

cycle (assuming that's a pretty natural way to be).


TO MASTER THE SIXTH (ARC LINE) BODY: (from free online Numerology

reading at http://www.3ho.org)


In order to work on and strengthen your ARC LINE you can do any or all

of the following yogic techniques:


1. Meditate daily for at least 31 minutes with any meditation.


2. Do the exercise set, "Ajnaa Stimulation Kriya" on page 26 of the



3. Do the meditations on pages 45 and 57 of the manual called MAN TO

MAN Part 5.





> Would any one happen to how a person can strengthen thier

arc line

> then.

> Especially to aid in helping the immune system and negativity?


> Sat Nam

> ...............Kimberly




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