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Hi, my name is Deb and I'm new to this group. While it doesn't look like members

have been posting much lately, I decided to go ahead and do so as a means of

introduction and also to maybe draw any lurkers into conversation.


A little about me and my life currently. I will be turning 40 in 11 days (Aug.

31) and, frankly, don't feel it. It's not from any practice that I have, mind

you, as I haven't practiced much of anything consistently in my life (thus far).

I just don't feel 40. But the time has gone so quickly and is gaining momentum.


Currently I live with my boyfriend of nearly 4 years and his thirteen year old

daughter, of whom he has full custody. Our relationship is strained, to say the

least. He is consistently unhappy & crabby, it's almost as though he looks for

reasons to be miserable, large or small "reasons" seem to work for him. He tends

to channel his anger outward and onto those he lives with. He also is the type

who thinks mystical and metaphysical subjects are just "weird" and possibly even

bad, as is the case with Tarot cards and astrology. If our relationship lasts

long enough, I hope that my practice of meditation and yoga will help me to

relate better to him and to be a light on his path. His daughter and I get along

fine for all intents and purposes.


Please don't misunderstand me, though. I am not pursuing these interests to save

our relationship or even to help him. If those things are a by product, then

fine, but they are not my motivators.


So what are my motivators on this path? I suppose it's easiest & quickest to say

that I have always had something of a "bent" in the direction of the

metaphysical and holistic. Having dabbled in this and that, here and there, for

most all of my life, the Universe finally got through to me to get serious about

my studies, personal and spiritual growth, and enlightenment.

Since I've been familiar with Kundalini energy for some 20 years, and have had

and interest in at least exploring it for the same amount of time, I finally

decided to do a web search and see what I could find. So here I am.


I look forward to meeting and sharing experiences with other members of this



Love & Light,





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