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Dear Bill,


What we call Kundalini movements through the various systems (mechanisms) in the

body are really more like the movement of mercury in a barometer, or

thermometer. It's an indication of an increase in energy pressure due to

expanded (deepening) Awareness, not the other way around.


This expansion/deepening is not just in the physical body, but also in the other

9 bodies, which is to say, all the chakras, including the aura, the arcline, the

discriminative facility, the astral body and radiant body.


The complete awakening begins when an impalpable pulsing of "I as I" - a

soundless reverberation, begins in the One Star in the synod to the right side

of the heart and nerve between this center (seat of consciousness - nor a

chakra) and the crown (sahasrara). Then the whole body becomes infused and

radiant with light, while a powerful graviton like force withdraws the "I" sense

from the images and impressions of the mind.


Prior to that, there is a stilling of the mind and infilling of radiance

throughout the body that happens simply because of a continuous practice of

Sadhana and occasional taking of Kundalini Yoga classes and retreats/workshops

or events like Summer Solstice.


As the mind deepens and stills and the radiance expands, you feel as though the

nerve endings throughout the body simply fill, then release and energy expands

all around. Gradually, this radiance begins to become the same inside and

outside the body, as though the body is dissolving into a seal of light.


When we go to sleep, many think that the energy levels of the body drop, but, in

actuality, the energy levels increase to a level far above the frequency of

thoughts, images and impressions, to where, with dreaming, the mind itself

creates a whole universe of characters and setting and events, still maintaining

the illusion of a separate you within it. Then the energy increases even more

to levels beyond the frequency of dream images and the light withdraws into the

ida and pingala (the moon and sun energy channels). From there, the energy

withdraws into the central canal of the spine and moves upwards. At the same

time various causal images are seen. Eventually, the energy comes to the top of

the head and is sucked into the One Star (also called the Hrdayam). If the mind

is very still and one goes to sleep, you will have this experience, which Yogi

Bhajan calls "nerve vacuum."


The difference between this yoga nidra / nerve vacuum experience and the

Kundalini experience is that one remains completely in the waking state, so

that, as the energy increases throughout the body field, the subconscious

storehouse of thought patterns, inherent tendencies, predispositions and

impressions, burns up / dissolves, as all the encoding of these patters

throughout the body are overcome by a new expanding sense of identity with the

experience of radiant expanding deepening consciousness. The result of this is

that the conscious mind, which is the outward expression of the universal

awareness merges with the subconscious, and you awaken to an experience of all

that you see being simply one undifferentiated whole in which your body and mind

are realized to be never separate from That Whole. Yogis call it "waking-sleep"



What we call the unconscious is actually the creative force in the universe from

the smallest particle to the vastness of uncountable galaxies, universes and

dimensions. The support for this is the all-pervasive, unconditioned, uncaused

timeless Self, which within us is called the Atman, and otherwise Brahman (or in

Christian terms, the Son and the Father). This Self is simply our own

awareness, which we denote by the sound "I," ever shining through us, and then

limit It by clinging to rising thought. But, when we abide in this Awareness,

singly, It begins to suffuse the body field with light, which emerges as the

mind becomes still and deep. the Conscious mind merges with the unconscious and

this single still deeply radiant identity (the satvic mind) impacts with the

Infinite Being and realizes its eternal identity with It, without the slightest

trace or interest in thoughts and images or conjecture. You begin to live a life

which is the old mind mechanism of attention to each rising thought and the

"trapping" of thoughts into opinions and judgments around a separate sense of

identity is simply relinquished. You abide in an intuitive state, Yogi Bhajan

refers to as the "sensory human" in which everything flows, and happens

automatically in utter clarity, a clarity in which the dissolution of the

limited mind leaves over one's ever present innate, Self inherent Truth of

abiding as the single pervasive screen of non-dual consciousness, in which even

the idea of oneness is meaningless.


Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, simply provides the means to leverage

the God given mechanisms and systems within the body field to realize the

inherent unity (yoga) between our individual unit of consciousness and the

Infinite Being.


"Rain or shine, it's only the mind that lives to add a tear.

God and me, me and God, God and me are One

He's the only one who sees the only One who hears,

the only one who thinks and speaks

God and me, me and God, God and me are One"


There are a number of mechanisms and systems that activate as this pressure of

this energy consciousness / Awareness increases: the mechanism between the

Kundal, spinal base, spine, third eye (ajna) and crown (sahasrara), called the

silver cord; the ajna to sahasrara mechanism, called the gold cord, which is

said to be more radiant than the first; the mechanism from the Hrdayam through

the Crown and above; the mechanism that opens the 10th gate at the crown, which

allows for the infilling of the pervasive energy, like opening the top of a

bottle, floating in the ocean; the mechanism of the solar plexus and others -

all just images appearing on the screen of infinite consciousness, all which

become activated by steady practice - sadhana, KY classes and workshops.


All this to say that herbs and related drug derivatives may have some temporary

effect of breaking barriers to energy flows that give an expanded experience of

one's self, but these are not real kundalini experiences, which have to do with

the submerging of one's limited cup of water into the ocean of awareness.


Meditation may be useful, but until the mind can become still, radiant and pure,

such meditations are limited by the limited capacity of the body to carry the

voltage necessary to fully impact the source of their awareness.


The body is made up of a number of governors or energy control mechanisms that

prevent the flow of infinite energy to disrupt the energy patterns of the body.

With the gradual increasing of energy throughout the body field through Sadhana

and KY classes, these governors begin to allow the increasing flow of energy

inwards, until the whole body dissolves in light, the ground of



Being practical and putting the matter very simply and straight forward, while

these descriptions of the Kundalini experience and the mechanisms it manifests

through are interesting, all that Yogi Bhajan is telling us is just this:

Practice a daily Sadhana, take some KY classes, come to the retreats and

workshops when you can, and all this will just open and energy of its own

accord, all summed up by the words "Keep Up!"





Message: 1

Mon, 1 Sep 2003 04:13:47 -0400

"Bill Cunningham" <billc44



The kundalini can be made to arise in other ways correct? Such as herbs,

meditation... Not just yoga?








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Dear Bill,


Many things begin to happen, as the Awareness (to use a practical word that

really means Kundalini versus esoteric meanings, which, as Yogi Bhajan describes

is the energy that creates the atom) expands. You will become aware of the

meridians and meridian points throughout the body, as well as the well known

yogic energy channels and chakras. You will feel the influences and know the

influences of the stars and planets. It's like the wind blowing against a field

of propellers, that generate electricity, and everything begins to happen on its



We say "I" and "my body" - "my actions" - "my thoughts" and yet in reality we

don't know or have the ability to create the energy vibration manifesting a

single thought or image in the mind or a single cell of the body. It all just

happens, and we say "I" and grasp at it all as "mine."


But as one continues one's Kundalini Yoga Sadhana and regular practice, the

energy expands, resonates and radiates throughout the body field and deepens in

the mind until the barrier of "me" and "mine," as an identity to these patters

of thought, impression and sensation drop off, and you abide as expansive

consciousness, Aware singly of what was formerly the subconscious and what was

formerly called the unconscious. You Witness and Live the Creation. You are

the Creation.


The purpose of Yoga, as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali begin with, is to "isolate

the seer." The seer is the Awareness without attention and clinging or gripping

of thoughts and images. This mechanism of attention is a mechanism of the mind

that tries to focus on dimly lit and hardly understood objects and images

appearing in the mind. It's like trying to see by the light of the waxing and

waning moon. But the "seer" once freed of images, because of the expansion of

Awareness, is like the sun. Once the sun begins to rise, then even though you

can see the full moon in a crystal blue sky, the moon is no longer necessary to

see and know, which means in this analogy, that the mechanism of attention is

put aside altogether, and you begin to experience yourself as single pervasive

being, like the screen upon which a movie is projected, only you now realize

that you are not a part of the movie, an actor in it, but rather the support and

basis for it, the actor in every part, and the play goes on entirely without a



Sort of like the Beatles song, "I am you and you are me and we are all

together." only the notion of "I" and "you" is seen to be nothing more than a

mental concept having no meaning to the reality.


The collective consciousness of Jung, is realized not to be a grouping of

separate consciousnesses under one unconscious whole, but rather that the

seemingly separate individuals are realized to be collecting or drawn into their

single pervasive source, while always abiding as That Source.


The 10 bodies are categories seen by yogis. Each chakra is a dimension or world

of its own, even though they seem to act as a synchronized whole.


When you practice KY, you begin to feel the arc line, from ear to ear over and

around the head, related to the 6th chakra. There arises a sort of a 3

dimensional consciousness or awareness of the field of consciousness in which

the body and everything around it appear. You begin to see and to know within

this single silent clarity of vision without a separate seer, without a separate

object to see.


You also begin to feel a sense of a special consciousness which relates to the

clear distinction between the "seer" as "I" and objects and images that have

been assumed to be part of the "I" sense in the form of an identity, only due to

the limited levels of energy in the body. The mind becomes pure, and this

Intelligence, that knows Itself, manifests, and your own sense of "I" now

single, without an object of attention, begins to pulse like a pulsar, with a

force that reverberates through and around the body, as though the body was a

tuning fork resonant with a single pulse of soundless sound, dissolving any

vestige of identity of the "I" sense to objects and images. No thoughts, nor a

thinker.... only single pervasive being, the old mind of conjecture and judgment

simply dropping from use, like the moon in the blue sky once the sun of the

heart has risen.


This means that even though you begin to see the meridians within this ever

present sort of 3 dimensional timeless awareness, as well as the meridian point,

the energy channels, the chakras and much more, this dawning of Awareness is

really happening because That Awareness is disengaging any focus of attention

into these now visible phenomenon that accompany the intuitive knowledge about



As Yogi Bhajan explained, when the Infinite Being awoke in his heart, Its Wisdom

came too.

In the depth of my heart

Harimandir lives! (Temple of God)


When I realized Akal Purkh (Infinite Being)

The Akal Takht came inside me too. (Eternal Wisdom)


Inside . . .

Outside. . .

Everything is God!


The key is the Sadhana, out of which all the mind and the body blossom forth,

from which comes the seed of single pervasive Awareness.






Bill Cunningham

pietersa ; kundaliniyoga

Tuesday, September 02, 2003 9:26 PM

Re: Kundalini



I guess I'm used to thinking of the chinese channel and meridian system. What

they use for accupuncture or pressure. I think that's what you're saying. I

tried a technique a man told me about yesterday for the first time, that he said

he used. The only thing different I noticed was a somewhat entened feeling of

happiness, for a moment.


But what I was saying about the jin mo the chinese call it, is that what

kundalini flows through ?


I'm used to the Rosicrucian system of bodies and the 6 consciousnesses of

buddhism. So when you speak of 9 bodies the references you're drawing from I

don't know of.








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