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mixing kundalini Yoga with other styles

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This is an email I received from IKYTA last year about mixing KY with

other styles of yoga. It is from Yogi bhajan himself and is quite clear




IKYTA often receives questions from teachers about the science of

Kundalini Yoga, asking if it is okay to substitute or delete exercises in a

kriya, or teach only one part of a three-part meditation, etc. We have even

been asked if it is okay to teach a Kundalini Yoga meditation in a Hatha Yoga

class! Yogi Bhajan explained that this is not permissible, that Kundalini Yoga

should not be mixed with other forms of yoga, and kriyas should not be changed

in any way, except to shorten the times of the exercises if desired. I'll pass

on another direct quote from Yogi Bhajan which says it best:


The Teachings are the Teachings, and have no one's personality in them. I

never edit them; you should not edit them. It is a Golden Chain. My own

prayer is that you can perfect what it is, and go with it. It is a funny

thing. It is a three thousand year old proven path - it's not going to

stop. Why do you want to add or subtract something - to satisfy your ego

or convince students? It is very deceitful on the part of a teacher to teach

teachings to please people. So honestly give people what we have.

Teach like me. Teach exactly as it is. If you are not going to teach

Kundalini Yoga purely, then don't teach it at all. With Kundalini Yoga

you are dealing with the life force of the atom. Don't play with the pranic



Please feel free to circulate this information to any of your e-mail

lists to update all Kundalini Yoga practitioners.


Humbly yours,

Nam Kaur Khalsa, IKYTA Executive Director



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Sat Nam Hope,


I would have differ and say that it is ok to pratice

other forms of yoga and still do kundalini yoga. The

point is to do them at different times, not mixing

them together. If your doing a KY kriya don't add

extra ansanas into the set.


I believe it's fine to practice KY on one day and

then attend a bikram yoga class the next day. Hatha

will give you more flexiblity faster, than KY can,

which allows you to work in the KY kriyas better.


To Adarsh Singh's comment about mixing liquids he is

correct. However, you need to use the right tool for

the job of which you want to accomplish. Do you wish

to work more on the physical(hatha) or more to the

spiritual(KY)? A hammer can not fix everything,

sometimes a screwdriver works better!

Again just make sure that your keeping each pure unto

itself! No mixing or making up "new" sets.


Peace and blessings,


Nirinjan Singh




Re: mixing kundalini Yoga with other styles


.... it would be ok to mix Kundalini with other forms


yoga ...



Sat Nam Hope,


this is an absolute NO-NO! Believe me (and others) -

KY alone is strong

enough to transform your life.


It's like an engine - even though kerosine, diesel,

crude oil, regular


super are all flammable liquids - do not mix them in

your machine. And


be honest - KY is the best, it can be like 'dynamite'!

Nothing to be scared off - just keep it pure, simple

and straight


and you will achieve the best results on your

spiritual and physical




Greetings and blessings from Shanghai,


Adarsh Singh






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> Hatha > will give you more flexiblity faster, than KY can,

> which allows you to work in the KY kriyas better.


Just a footnote, this may be true for some, but oddly enough, this

has not been my personal experience. After concentrating solely on my

practice of Kundalini yoga for some time, when I come back to the

Hatha I am more flexible and able to do more advanced asanas than if

I just practice Hatha! Also my stamina consistently improves through

Kundalini, which I never noticed at all in Hatha over years of



We are taught that KY works... um... 16 times quicker than Hatha... I

think... What is that statistic again?! 22 times!?!?



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