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Frustrated.... diminishing effects of kriya practice

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Sat Sangeet,

How does one know how long to practice a kriya? Nabhi kriya i don´t notice the

effects anymore. Yet my lower trangle and pulse of centered i still feel like i

dont have the ability to do stuff like before. The same recharging and

rebalancing the immune and nervous systems. (transitions to a heart centered

worldpg.83?), which left me feeling great and able to do stuff for about a

month, ridding me of garbage. Yet now, find myself procrastinating as before and

dealing with the same issues as before. I dont find myself becoming more

sensitive but more like I´m building up a tolerance and what worked before no

longer works. Meanwhile trying to stick to kirtan meditation. Any advice or

shared experience would be greatly appreciated. Still dealing with anxiety and

fear, no drugs for a month though hope i can hold out. -Chris


Sat Sangeet <satsangeetkaur wrote:

I was having a conversation with a friend after yoga last night and we were

pondering whether our lives had become more intense (stronger emotions coming up

etc) or had we become more sensitive through our yogic practice...so that now

"the usual" seems overly intense at times?


We figured it was a little bit of both. Having more capacity to work with deeper

emotions, clears the path for them to arise with intensity and to be responded

to hopefully, rather then reacted to.


And then on the other hand as you become more sensitized...things get

LOUDER..but at the same time you can hear the softness in life...that you never

noticed before.


You'll have to just see what the effects of practiing a kriya for you are, over

a period of time. I don't think the "effects" diminish as much as the effect

becomes no longer applicable...because you've moved through the block?

Sat Sangeet


" One question will the effects diminish with time or build? The Nabhi kiriya

used to work for me but now it is more subtle. I´d appreciate input and advice.

Leo testing out smiling budda, thanx. Sat Nam -Chris"












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Sat Nam Chris,

In the kundalini yoga tradition, we usually start practicing a kriya for 40

days (everyday) because it takes 40 to break a habit of the soul. That's the

first "level". Then you can go on for 90 days, 120 and 1000 which is 3

years. But, the most important thing is to listen to your inner voice. Once

you have completed the 40 days, you might feel so well doing a kriya that

you will feel the need to continue. Othertimes you 'll just feel ready to

start something new. It really depends on your personal needs and where you

stand at the specific place and time.

If all this is new to you and you are going through a fragile and

challenging period you might want to try out a few different kriyas and see

what works best for you. What does your body and soul ask for? Some

energetic physical workout like the nabhi kriyas or something calm and

peaceful like the basic breath series pranayam? Or maybe a combination of

the two? What books do you have? I suggest that whatever you do, use the

mantras cd's. I usually use them during the whole class because they lift

the vibrations in the room and they make everything more pleasant and


Personally I consider Kundalini Yoga as one of the most 'tripping'

experiences of my life. That's why I think that it is the best healing

technique for people who's minds are used to 'travel' through the use of

substances. The 'high' and the powerful experiences that you get, by using

your own body chemistry, is a million times better than any outside

substance. And you know this is real, it's not an illusion....and it takes

care of your brain cells instead of frying them, so it leaves you happier

and healthier than you ever thought. Just give it some time. Yogi Bhajan

says "Keep Up and you'll be Kept Up".

Love and Light

Sat Atma

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Sat Nam Chris...


To add to what Sat Atma has shared with you.....


So you are asking...why the set basically isn't doing it for you anymore? Why

are you coming back to the same kind of issues as before?


The practice of KY to be really healing, needs a strong practice of awareness

while doing it and then you need to know how to respond to what you become aware

of...which is a function of the neutral mind.


Meditation helps to develope the neutral mind.


So look at what your relationship is to what arises while you are practicing and

afterwards. For example..if I begin to experience some anger arise...frankly I

may not even be aware of that...or I may notice it, but not want to deal with

it, because I grew up thinking only certain types of people experience anger and

i'm not one of those kinds of people..or whatever, you know, could be



The idea is to be able to "be" with anything that arises, without becoming

reactionary...this is the neutral mind functioning for you and then responding

to it...meaning, maybe you realize you need to do some healing around anger...or

maybe there is some action you need to take, that you have been avoiding etc.


If you are experiencing the same issues over and over again...either you haven't

been going through this process as I described above...or you are moving into a

deeper layer of the healing of that issue, so it rises again to have a deeper

layer of it healed...at any rate the process continues to be the same.


Especially with anxiety and fear...those are hard emotions to experience

neutrally...I feel for you.


This is a difficult process to learn on your own without the presence of a

teacher, guiding you and putting a certain pressure on your system so you will

begin to process your garbage.


And the idea is to heal what hampers one, rather then finding a natural high to

replace a substance induced high. We're just changing addictions when we do

that. We need to cut to the core..let the wound clean out and the sew it back

up...to be frank.


I recommend Sat Nam Rasayan Healing to everyone I ever speak to...if you know no

therapists who practice it...there is a book I recommend that covers the subject

and teaches it so you could practice it on yourself..."The Anatomy of Miracles"

by Subagh Singh Khalsa It also strongly developes the neutral mind.


KY and SNR healing go together like ice and coke! They really excelerate your



If you want to read writings about working with fear or developing awareness

etc...you can check the archives...I've described the process many times.


Ask yourself what you "really want" after doing yoga and meditation and listen

to the answers...then begin moving in a direction that will lead you towards

fulfillment of your soul's desires. I believe it was Jan 1st of this year i

posted a practice for getting in touch with your soul's desires...have a look if

you like?


May you be upheld in the Light,

Sat Sangeet







chris charles <ccharles79 wrote:

Sat Sangeet,

How does one know how long to practice a kriya? Nabhi kriya i don´t notice the

effects anymore. Yet my lower trangle and pulse of centered i still feel like i

dont have the ability to do stuff like before. The same recharging and

rebalancing the immune and nervous systems. (transitions to a heart centered

worldpg.83?), which left me feeling great and able to do stuff for about a

month, ridding me of garbage. Yet now, find myself procrastinating as before and

dealing with the same issues as before. I dont find myself becoming more

sensitive but more like I´m building up a tolerance and what worked before no

longer works. Meanwhile trying to stick to kirtan meditation. Any advice or

shared experience would be greatly appreciated. Still dealing with anxiety and

fear, no drugs for a month though hope i can hold out. -Chris


Sat Sangeet wrote:

I was having a conversation with a friend after yoga last night and we were

pondering whether our lives had become more intense (stronger emotions coming up

etc) or had we become more sensitive through our yogic practice...so that now

"the usual" seems overly intense at times?


We figured it was a little bit of both. Having more capacity to work with deeper

emotions, clears the path for them to arise with intensity and to be responded

to hopefully, rather then reacted to.


And then on the other hand as you become more sensitized...things get

LOUDER..but at the same time you can hear the softness in life...that you never

noticed before.


You'll have to just see what the effects of practiing a kriya for you are, over

a period of time. I don't think the "effects" diminish as much as the effect

becomes no longer applicable...because you've moved through the block?

Sat Sangeet


" One question will the effects diminish with time or build? The Nabhi kiriya

used to work for me but now it is more subtle. I´d appreciate input and advice.

Leo testing out smiling budda, thanx. Sat Nam -Chris"












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>And the idea is to heal what hampers one, rather then finding a natural

high to replace a substance induced high. We're just changing addictions

when we do that.


Sat Nam Sat Sangeet,

What's wrong with finding a natural high? Isn't the bliss of Ananda one of

the main goals of Yoga? During our Teacher's Training Course in London, one

of my teachers said something that really made sense to me back then :

"Sometimes the best way to drop a bad habit is to replace it with a good

one." And that's what we do when we practice kriyas and meditations for 40

days and so...we are creating good habits. In the Re Man Eh mantra "The

silent sages are intoxicated with delight"! Doesn't this sound so close to


Love and Light

Sat Atma

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"What's wrong with finding a natural high? Isn't the bliss of Ananda one of

the main goals of Yoga? " Sat Atma

Sat Nam Sat Atma,


Nothing is wrong with experiencing bliss! Or exchanging a negative habit for a

more positive habit. I agree with you totally.


My comment was mainly in respect to the healing process. My point being a

couple...that we can be addicted to the bliss from yoga and seek it out just as

dysfunctionally as we would a blissfull experience that a drug may induce.


And in respect to healing....we can throw perfume ( a blissful experience) on a

stench.... but it doesn't mean the stench isn't still "underneath" the

blissful experience.


In yoga we need to do both.


We need to give ourselves these experiences or Truth and Bliss




We need to do the healing...by honestly looking at what it is that has been

rotting in our garbage cans. The two work hand in hand...and create huge

transformation, when both are practiced.


Using KY to change habits and possibly replace habits with a more positive,

affriming habit...is the first step in healing...but the process continues from



There is a continuem that goes from negative, extremely karma producing

habits...to more positive habits (but still habits/addictions...an example is

replacing drugs with a practice of eating chocolates instead)...and we keep

moving up this continuem...perhaps next we exchange the chocolate for a yoga

class....and then we decide we love the person who teaches this class, so we

come because of the teacher...and then next we stop coming for the teacher and

begin to come for the teachings alone....and as we go along we become less

attached and more light until we meet God at the other end...the pure love



So there is a maturation process that we evolve through on our way to God...that

begins with creating new positive habits.


So I agree with everything that you have stated Sat Atma....I am just also

pointing out that there is more after we exchange a negative habit for a more

positive habit. We have to keep on truck'in. We have miles to cover!


And as I have said many times before...I am all for bliss...I love it...but I am

also 100% into healing what obstructs my path home to God consciousness.


We can also look at what Seva Simran pointed out, the other day, about having

the right relationship with the two currents.


My point is, what is the nature of the relationship, one is having with the

blissful experience?


It can be something that grows you closer to God...it can be an escape...or it

can be an obstacle to moving forward because you are too attached to the

experience of blissful feelings?



Sat Sangeet





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Dear Sat Sangeet,

Ok, now I understand your point and I agree with you totally. I think we are

both saying the same, just in that specific mail we were looking at it from

different perspectives. I was focusing more on the case of someone working

to stay off an addiction. And that's a hard one. Because, in this case it's

usually hard enough to face reality and everyday that passes by without the

use of the substance is a success! This can leave you in a very fragile

state, psychologically and physically. So, untill you reach a point when you

are strong enough to face and deal with your personal garbage can, you might

as well replace the 'outside' high with a beautiful yogic experience. It's

just part of the healing process. You know and I know that the opening of

the garbage can can be very painful and torturing...if it happens and you

are not ready for it, it might break you down and halt your healing process.

So, the key word for what we're saying is 'levels' of the healing process.

It's all there, it just depends where you stand at the specific place and


Love and Divine Light

Sat Atma

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