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Yogurt use on skin (infections and deordorant)

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Hi Jamie,

This is a fun subject for me lately. (more later on that).

There are several descriptions of yogurt use for skin in the "The

Ancient Art of Self-Healing" (http://store./ahw/17024.html). It

is a "must have".

I don't recall a specific recipe with turmeric for skin but one can

certainly apply it to skin and lightly massage for a hour or so.

Incredibly "detoxifying" is how the results are described. What are the

symptoms? Is it irritation due to some pathogen or possibly some other

reason? One thing that we need to take care of is our digestive tract

because problems there will often manifest on the skin.


And now for my recent fun with yogurt.

I had noticed in myself how that when I was really stressed out

(rushing for flights at airports is one area that was always a danger)

my underarms would create a whole new chemistry/biology/funk. For the

longest time (years) I didn't have a clue why this was happening.

Sometimes my armpits didn't smell good even after bathing! I refused to

go back to cover up/deodorants like Right Guard because it's fake and

not good for the skin. Yogiji has even said that putting on Right Guard

was like "cementing" our pores closed. I was aware that in our armpits

we have the Lymphatics, the Nervous, and the Circulatory systems all

coming together. So it seemed sort of important to go deeper than a

cosmetic cure.


"What does all this have to do with Yogurt?"

Well, I remembered, one day this past summer, that Yogi Bhajan talks

about taking a "Yogurt bath". Also, I was reading how Robert Svoboda

talks about the alternatives to soap for bathing, as soap tends to strip

the skin of fatty acids which protect the skin and nourish commensal

bacteria that ferment these fats and other secretions to make the skin

slightly acidic, i.e. forming the acid mantle. He says "removal of the

acid mantle allows odor causing and unfriendly bacteria to move in".

Hmmmmmmm [forefinger to temple] Have you ever noticed that sometimes

when you get around a person who is using perfume, that there are

actually sometimes two smells? One, the actual perfume, and two, the

smell that they are trying to cover up with the perfume. For all their

efforts at soap use and scrubbing, they are actually making the

situation worse, hence the need for more perfume. It's a very vicious

cycle, and it leaves them in a "Catch 22".

So I thought I'd try an experiment. A couple of months ago, for 3 or

4 nights, I put a tiny bit of yogurt in my armpits and slept with it

there. I'd do my oil massage and cold shower in the morning remembering

not to use soap. And wow!,.... the results are good. This approach has

worked really well. Even when when I get stressed out over scheduling

pressures I may sweat but I smell like rice.

It is really best to avoid soap unless one is actually dirty.

At the end of a work day, for my cleansing and freshening needs, I am

massaging into my skin olive or almond oil, and then scrubbing with

besan (chick pea flour) and a loofa. Oil is a very good solvent.

Sat Nam,

Dharam Singh






J Wiseman wrote:


> Dear all,


> I'm told that there is a recipe for home made yogurt (with turmeric?)

> that was published by Yogi Bhajan, one that can be used on the body to

> treat infections and such. Would anyone have a copy of this recipe? My

> partner could do with a copy pretty quickly if possible.


> Many thanks,


> - Jamie Magpie /|\






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