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Newsletter: Removal of blockages in those having kundalini experiences. Possible answers

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Sat Nam,


This is an excerpt of a response regarding what people can do that are beginning

to have kundalini experiences to remove blockages, who come to 3ho, and

Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan for help.


The first question is: Does the person have a 3ho Kundalini Yoga teacher in

their area? It is important to learn LDB and BF correctly, or refer to the

description in www.kundalini-matashakti.com or Gururattan's website, which has

my description as well. Also see



Then the best thing I can suggest is to do part II, III and VI of the morning

set at




The first exercise/pranayama of Part II is described in the TT Manual, as the

Breath Awareness Exercise, but the way it is supposed to be practiced in more

detail is described in the set. The way that LDB is to be practiced in this

exercise is to inhale filling the deepest (lowest) part of the lungs by

expanding the diaphragm down and out, which presses the abdomen outward as well.

Then while filling this way, press the hands in and down against the knees,

which arches the spine and ribcage forwards, thus filling the lungs without

using muscles to lift the ribcage or shoulders. Then press the shoulders back

and press the chest forward suspending the breath forwards for a few moments,

letting the flow of energy gradually expand and suffuse throughout the body.

The neck and shoulders and head (the whole body) should be entirely relaxed and

releasing the expanding energy (NOT holding/ cramming downward into the chest or

head). Little by little, with each breath suspension, the radiance will fill

the body and flow and expand upwards, as though the whole top of the head opens

with radiance and light, and with that all the chakras.


In the Breath Awareness Exercise, the exhalation is also important. With the

exhale, the air is compressed out of the lungs from the top down, until you feel

the abdomen and sides of the abdomen contract inward towards the navel. There

is a diaphragm below the navel (see your TT Manuals) that will be felt to

contract upward, so that you will feel a sensation in the Kandal (between the

navel and 4th vertebra) of the expanding energy gently withdrawing into the

Kandal. Again, the breath is suspended; the contraction into the Kandal is held

without force, and you will feel an accumulating radiance in the Kundal that

will begin to pervade through the lower chakras as a feeling of lightness,

emptiness and etheric pervasive consciousness.


After a short pause holding the contraction (not holding the breath out or

pulling the root lock, just retaining the end of the contraction in the Kandal

of air out for a few moments), inhale and expand the air and energy up and out.

In this way, gradually suspend at the end of each inhale and at the end of each

exhale from 2 to 3 seconds to 10 seconds, and continue this radiant breath for 5

minutes or longer. The mind will become utterly, completely and effortlessly

still, a stillness that will continue and deepen throughout the remainder of the



This type of breathing, whether gradual or forceful should be used for LDB in

each exercise, namely a complete expansion of the lungs and a complete

contraction (as explained above) of the lungs.


One important aspect of KY that is not always understood or appreciated, and

becomes the cause of energy blocks in the head and throat and lungs, sometimes

lower, is that the breath should not be held, but rather suspended, which is to

say that the shoulders come back, the chest is pressed forwards, the chin in

only slightly and the upper 2 vertebra (axis and atlas) are pulled up and back,

creating a light pulling sensation all along the spine. At the same time, the

awareness should be allowing a constant releasing and relaxing and decontraction

of any sense of pressure in the body and neck, throat and head.


Each exercise will create a force of energy, that you simply notice and release,

remaining entirely passive.


The tendency is to grip at each thought, sensation and energy flow, with the

source thought "I" as though to try to maintain an identity around every image

and sensation appearing in the consciousness. Instead the practice should be

"not this, not this" as in "not I, not I" noticing and releasing, noticing and

releasing. In Kundalini yoga, this is called the negative mind meditation.


The positive mind meditation follows with "acceptance" to just "let it be,"

remain passive and let it be. The energy flows felt will expand as they are

released, expand throughout the body and then you will feel the flow expanding

all around the body as the inside begins to feel light, etheric and transparent

without inertia (tamas), while all around fills, so that the inside physical and

the outside radiant bodies and the 8 bodies between all fill, balance and

pervaded, and you begin to feel yourself merging with the universe, deeper and

wider. "Kundalini yoga is the Totality of Being." YB


Generally, if we put attention in, for example, our hands, we will feel the

hands suffuse with a kind of energy, the blood will also focus in that area.

But with the continued practice of KY, the energy consciousness within and

around the body fills out to such an extent that the, let's call it, voltage in

awareness, that makes us feel the sensation of energy and focusing of blood flow

as we direct the awareness, is felt everywhere, singly and pervasively at once,

and with the positive mind meditation, you begin to "be" with that as your

accepted identity, a transformative identity.


In KY, we practice many sets and kriyas, many Laya chants



rdhanaPradhupati_July_6_03.doc and



that gradually fill (and balance) every part of the 10 bodies with light and

energy, but a key part to this, is that when you generate energy in any area

during the active part of the kriya or meditation, chant or KY exercise, the

second part of that exercise includes a rest or relaxation period, during which

time the glands secrete in order to support the energy generated, and allow that

energy to pervade the body and balance in relation to all other parts of the

body (and mind). It's like charging a battery, but in a battery, the voltage

depends on the level of water and chemicals maintained in the battery. In the

physical form, as we practice KY and build a charge, the glandular system

secretes chemicals that allow the body to maintain that charge, but the change

we maintain in the body continues to increase store with each successive

practice, always balancing with the various interrelated systems. In KY we call

this the transformation of bindu (the basic chemical electric component of the

glands in a kinetic state) to ojas (the expansion of the chemical electricity in

the energy consciousness throughout the 10 bodies, which feels like deepening

pervasive radiance).


In this way, the field of energy consciousness and the awareness of that field



Now comes the neutral mind meditation. The neutral mind is the radical

discarding of attention altogether. Before, you were experiencing yourself as

the passive witness of an expanding pervading screen of energy consciousness.

But as this expands, it also deepens, to where you begin to feel and see with an

utter clarity all the time, never angry or perturbed. As events and situations

unfold, instead of reacting with a limited focus, it is as though you are on the

top of a mountain with a clear vista of everything as one undifferentiated

inter-reacting seamless whole, no longer seeing only a part but the whole, in a

state of pure intuition, that sees senses, and with some, even sees "groks"

(term from Robert Heinland's "Stranger in a Strange land") the past karma that

brought the present, and the future potential outcomes, where the enlightened

presence spontaneously manifested brings about balance, resolving forever the

otherwise continuation of the action/reaction imbalance that is the cause of

ongoing karma. In other words the state of the balanced satvic mind and radiant

body allows a spontaneous ending of the propensity of the action/reaction

tendency to events to continue, so that karma dissolves. Creation,

Organization, Dissolution. Dissolution is the end of Karma and merging with the

Infinite Being. "In God I dwell, God dwells in me." YB


Suddenly, within that satvic etheric mind and radiant body there is a sense of

recognition that the seer abides, as Self, as "I as I" without images, without

either radiance or emptiness. There is a feeling that the sense of "I" is

withdrawing from identity with all objects and images and sensations, and you

become the ineffable source of the light of consciousness in the screen, that

which sees and animates both darkness and light and is beyond both, no time, no

space, timeless, space-like, single, unconditioned, uncaused consciousness. No

thoughts nor a thinker. With this comes a single, solid diamond-like

recollection of the Truth of your Being, who and what you are. This is felt in

the depth of the Heart (Harimandir) and everywhere, as though light is pouring

out from between the atoms that make up the body and reflect the universe

appearing in the mind. This neutral mind meditation, actually meditates you. It

is the True Identity hearing Itself, recollecting Itself and abiding in and as

Itself, and in the process relinquishing and divesting Itself of the clinging

need and tendency to attach to all images. It is as though the first and second

Commandments of God ("I AM") to Moses suddenly take hold with a radical force

and entirely dissolve the limited idea of one's self leaving over the ever

present Truth, as though emerging from an amnesia. Knowing the Truth about your

self, you naturally forget the not-self , just as one no longer uses the moon to

see, once the sun has risen, even though it remains reflected in the clear blue



The neutral mind meditation is also called "hearing" or "sunia."


The manifesting of Kundalini in some due to meditation or practice of certain

pranayamas is often imbalanced, for a number of reasons, but, as something that

will bring about and restore balance parts 2, 3 and 6 of the Morning Set (see

web link above) will do this, expanding and balancing the energy on the left and

right sides of the body from the feet through the crown, then balancing in the

center, in the while releasing blocks.


Naturally, as the kundalini awareness expands to its full potential, it is

useful to read some scripture, like Japji, Jaap Sahib, or any of the many Gitas,

such as the Ribhu Gita, Avadhut Gita, Ashtavakara Gita, Bhagavat Gita, and

others, also the Heart Sutra and Diamond Sutra, the Ramayana, any of the Gospels

and words of Christ, which say only this same thing over and over, also the

Third Zen Patriarch's Faith Mind. All these text address the Self, by stating

the experience of the Truth that the True Self (Sat Nam) hears, and in hearing

puts aside and dissolves what is not true. Even oneness itself dissolves into a

state of non-dual single and pervasive formless consciousness, that you realize

is you.


Also, there are so many texts of Yogi Bhajan saying the same thing in a manner

that the ineffable is seen in a practical light, as something we can all

experience and attune to here and now and in the process dissolve the dross of

the limited idea of self that grips the mind. Also see the notes from recent TT

classes here in BKK in the above web-links to Sadhana, Ardhana, Pradupati, which

summarize Yogi Bhajan's lectures on the practicality of this Path..


To summarize, if people experience some anxiety regarding their kundalini

experiences and blockages, then they should just start to practice (with correct

breathing) the 3 parts mentions (2, 3 and 6), with Ong Namo chanted 5 to 7 times

near the beginning, even between each part, then relax 10 minutes to 15 minutes

(yoga nidra), followed by Long Sat Nam at the end 7 times or more, then within a

matter of days the imbalances rebalance and blockages will dissolve. The sun in

their Heart will dawn in their mind and they will hear, recollect and abide in

their True Identity (Sat Nam).

Blessed am I

In freedom am I

I am the Infinite in my Soul

i can find no beginning

.... no end

All is my Self

All is my Self.





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