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Removal of blockages in those having kundalini experiences

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Dear Martin,


Kundalini Yoga takes you very quickly our of conceoving what the Self and

Consciousness may be and into the direct experience. (See the article links sent

previously on Sadhana, Ardhana, Pradupati, and the article on Crystalization)


As you practice, you will soon realize why Kundalini yoga, as taught by Yogi

Bhajan comprises all yogas, not as separate yogas brought together, but as the

experience of these yogas as they emerge in your consciousness, so that you

progressively awaken to shakti (radiance), bhakti (devoption and longing for the

Truth) and Gyan (Jnana - the automatic manifestation of self-inquiry). You

discover yourself understanding karma from a higher, vaster and greater panorama

and going beyond the tendency toward perpetuating the karmic swings. And you

begin to abide in an intuitive space, in which "Me and God, God and me are One."

You become aware and accept that the universe serves you and you serve the

universe seemlessly.


Neti-neti - the negative mind meditation, and acceptance - the positive mind

meditation, are the same as the meditations practiced in self-inquiry (vichara).

If you read any of the Gitas, like the Ribhu Gita, Ch 26


A.doc), you will see that they begin with a process of elimination of concepts

and then a process of acceptance of the expansion of consciousness and finally

abiding as the single "I."


In Kundalini Yoga there is a more powerful etheric force brought to bear than

other practices, which through the combination of posture, movement, angle, and

breath, is the generation of electricity systematically throughout the body and

its systems, which electricity stores and expands radiantly as the glands

increase their sustaining secretions. The result is that the conceptual mind is

rapidly dissolved and what remains is the pure intuitive reflected consciousness

reflected in the mind. Gradually, the subconscious storehouse of impressions

dissolves under this radiant force that neutralizes and dissolves the these

thought impressions encoded throughout the body. The use of Mantra completes

the dissolution of the encoding, resulting in a pervasive radiance. Sanjam, or

slow repetitive breathing, such as the U-breath (4:16:8 / 4:16:8

inhale/hold/exhale/hold/inhale/hold/ exhale), takes the radiance and deepens it.


The process automatically takes you through the negative mind meditation, in

which you notice the radiance and electric flow and release, remaining passive.

The radiance, much like thoughts, is a spark of energy that grips the mind, like

taking hold of an electrified wire you cannot release. But you let yourself

become completely passive, relax every part of the body, notice the flow of

energy and release - be passive. With the release comes a soothing, lightening

release of inertia, expansion and pervading of the flow of energy, that you

simply accept. The ability to do this comes quicker for some then others, but

never mind. It is a matter of the transformation of the sense of the "I"

identity with objects and sensations, to the sensation of radiance and

deepening, passive witness and letting go of the need to experience and see

something. Gradually, there is a realization that the expansion is always

there, and you begin to feel a deeper pervasive truth.


Kundalini Yoga is the Yoga of Awareness. What this means is that we are

generally aware only of what we focus on, which is to say that the light of

awareness amplifies the thoughts that percolate through the subconscious mind to

the conscious mind, and then they are amplified with the sense of "I"-awareness.

With the regular practice of Kundalini Yoga (meaning a daily sadhana), the

energy radiating and resonating throughout the body, which is gradually felt all

around the body as well, become so strong, that the energy level is always at

the same level throughout, as previously felt only in the focused mind. This

means that you feel your sense of "I" as both single, without thoughts, and

pervasively, and it takes some time for this expansion and deepening to solidify

and be recognized as "I." This recognition is "acceptance," the practice of the

positive mind meditation.


The neutral mind meditation manifests of it's own accord. It is not a

manifestation of clearness in the brain area, because the clearness is already

pervading the entire body and all around the body.


The Self, or sense of "I" is felt in the heart. "In the depth of my heart, the

Harimandir lives" YB (Harimandir: The Highest Temple of God)


The inside empties and becomes light and transparent, and the outside fills and

deepens, and the distinction disappears.


Suddenly there is a force in the Heart felt everywhere, like a silent tremor or

rumbling, a soundless sound that dissolves all other sounds, attuning everything

to It. This is the Truth of yourself, that you recollect as your True Identity,

your true Self. Hearing this Truth, the whole body is transformed into light.

You recollect and abide as that. (This is the experience of One Star



There remained a constant sense of single hearing, inner enquiry / remembrance /

reflection, and Self abiding (Christian terms), sravana, manana and niddidyasana

(Vedanta terms), sunia, mania, mamu kita bhau (Sikh terms). All the religions,

Buddhism as well, have these starting points of hearing, which is the awakening

of the True Hearer, then the reflection of the mind of its source, and then

abiding purely as that source, which is an incomparable experience. (my quote

from another article)



This neutral mind is the starting point. For some, it may come very soon in

their practice, for others it may take longer, but never mind. "Keep Up!"


The neutral mind meditation is in the heart, from there there is a continuous

deepening and expansion, the positive and negative minds, as you say, merge, and

the process is taken over by your Self with a relentless force of discarding of

everything. Something within and behind everything dissolving the glittering of

maya, even as you watch it.


Physically, you may feel the heart expand forwards, pulling the spine straight

from within, without exertion of the spinal muscles. The shoulders will come

back and chest forwards, the neck will come into a natural neck lock. There

will be the sensation of a radical release as light penetrates throughout and

around the body. There will be a feeling of being transfixed in the heart and

the whole body will radiate light, through all the chakras, up and through the

whole crown, the whole body, upward flowing and expanding above, below in front

behind, while the sense of "I" completely withdraws and relinquishes any

interest in direction in thought in sensation in images. You abide as the

ground of Being. Neither this nor that. Whatever energy is radiating in the

body, when the neutral mind meditation takes hold, like a graviton, any

sensation of seeing and watching dissolves. No seer, nothing to see. And yet

the manifestation continues to flow within You without distinction, nor

separation, undifferentiated, uncaused, unconditioned, without time, without

space. (Mata Dharma Praba-ji Toom-he Toom-he Piyaray, Toom-he Toom-he Piyaray

Toom-he." Guru Gobind Singh, the end of a sloka in which he says that "All is

only You" - I think I heard this from Vikram Singh some 30 yars ago, and it

stuck in my mind.)


Yoga is the union of the unit of consciousness with the Infinite Consciousness,

where the process is the unit relinquishing the notion that it is separate from

the Infinite. Again, the analogy of the moon, as reflected consciousness, as

seen in the crystal clear blue sky after the sun has risen in the heart. The

moon is the unit, that is still there, but the self recognizes that it was never

separate, never limited to the reflected light of the moon, recollecting that It

always abides as the sun.


The use of reading non-dual spiritual texts, such as Japji (Guru Nanak), Jaap

Sahib (Guru Gobind Singh), the Gitas and so on of any religion is that they

speak with the soundless sound of the Self, a sound that only the self can hear

and recollect to be True, and in hearing, the sun of the Self rises in the field

of the body.


In short, the neutral mind is the beginning of the Self shining through. It

feels like "consolidate, integrate, be you" (YB)




Message: 2

Thu, 16 Oct 2003 14:07:49 -0000

"Martin Jordan" <Jordan

Re: Removal of blockages in those having kundalini experiences.


Hello Peter,


first of all thanks for your articles here on the list. This is really


Makes my heart sing when it is made clear, that there are no contradictions

between Yoga and Advaita, for example. Sometimes other voices can be heard,

claiming antagonies between Yoga and Self-Inquiry - your work shows that

obviously in the end its all the same...(self), so thanks again!


i have one Question regarding the neutral mind:


My understanding up to now was, that the neutral mind is not the same as the

Self, but that in the neutral mind the object/subject duality still exists,

being only balanced and calmed; that there is still a subject seeing objects

while staying in the neutral mind. So neutral mind for me was more like "the


When i read your article, it seemed to me that in reality there is no difference

between neutral mind and self: That only then, when "neti,neti" and "you are

that" merge together into the Oneness of Self, the neutral mind is established.

So in KY, is the neutral mind more like the observer or is it the self shining

through ?


Blessings and Sat Nam









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