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Ecstasy in the Nothingness

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Sat Nam everyone....


I had another realization today about pain as I meditated. I was in

physical pain and in acceptance of the fact that I was experiencing

this...and willing to be present with it rather than resist the



I began to chant along with Gurunam (Mystic light)...Har haray

haree...Wahe Guru..har haray haree...Wahe Guru. It was my first

time using this Cd...usually I choose not to chant along with

Cd's...but this particular recording had a bit of a funky rhythm I

liked so I decided to try it out.


I noticed myself getting a "love-on" around this little rhythm that

had drawn me towards it to begin with.... the feeling began to

expand out from my heart to include my being...and I went from pain

to a feeling of ecstasy...in a few moments.


It was in that brief transistional moment between pain and pleasure

that I had the realization. I've expressed my view in the past that

without the darkness we'd have no contrast in order to recognize the

light when we experienced it. That was the case here...but also

alittle more....


I remember being in the hospital once in extreme pain and they gave

me a shot of demerol and the feeling I had in that moment was this

same feeling I experienced this morning...it's that moment just as

the pain subsides and the pleasure flows in. Is it that this moment

is really so pleasureable? Or is it that it's only because of the

contrast, that it seems so?


I think a pessimist might say, it's only due to the contrast...but

my opinion would be...ecstasy is in the moment of nothingness...and

if we didn't know to look for it...we might actually miss it.

Someone might ask..if I'm experiencing ecstasy in any given

moment...how could I possibly miss that and not notice it??


I would say because the ecstasy is in the extreme subtlety of the

moment. The pain is obvious and hits you over the head...no missing

that...but the ECSTASY is found in a much more subtle place...it

doesn't come with a neon flashing sign..."HERE I AM!!" ha ha!


This experience really clenches for me, that ecstasy, love, light,

whatever you want to call it...is here, right now...in this moment,

I don't need to "get more" of anything...it's all here...I simply

need to be willing to remove the obstacles in my consciousness that

block my capicity to experiencing the subtlety of it.


So I believe the "nothingness" is the ecstasy...but I may have never

recognized it as such..if I hadn't had the contrast of

the "somethingness" (pain).


May we find ourselves forever moving towards presence and the Light,


Sat Sangeet Kaur

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