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Re Synchronicity

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In answer to your question about the meaning of certain number sequences, I

believe they are messages from the Angels.

Here is a list I had saved, It's from Doreen Virtues Book, Healing with the



Sat Nam!








Though you may not be aware of it, your angels frequently communicate with

you by showing you sequences of numbers. They can do this in many ways. You may

look up and catch a passing car number, or the time on your digital clock

strikes a chord. You may become aware that this sequence is being repeated again

and again. For instance, every time you look at the clock it reads, say 1:11,

or 11:11. Or a car number plate, or a page in a book seems significant. In this

way the angels can actually give you quite detailed and extremely relevant

messages. (Remember the Steve Martin character in LA Story, where advertisement

hoardings kept giving him meaningful information?)


Here are the basic meanings of various number sequences:-


111 - Monitor your current thought patterns carefully. Be sure to think only

about what you want, not what you don't want! There is a gateway of

opportunity opening up, and your thoughts will be manifesting into form at

record speed.

Symbolically 111 is like the bright light of a flashbulb. The universe has

just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them almost

instantaneously. Are you happy with the thoughts the universe has captured? If


correct them! And if you're finding it difficult to be positive right now, just

ask your angels for help.


222 - Your new ideas, like young and tender plants, need support and

protection if they are to become well established. Be patient and don't force


growth. And don't quit five minutes before the blossoming is due! It may seem as

if nothing much is happening, but keep up the good work, and visualise your

ideas coming into fruition in their own good time.


333 - The ascended masters are very close. They wish you to know you have

their help, love and compassion. Tune into their energies often, but especially

when this pattern appears. These advanced spiritual beings aren't limited to

any particular belief system, but include Jesus and Mary, Moses, Quan Yin,

Yogananda, et al. Call upon those you feel closest to.


444 - The angels want you to be aware that, whatever is happening around you…

even if the very foundations of your life seem to be crumbling… they are only

a prayer away. The breaking down of old structures is a necessary preliminary

to regeneration, but unfortunately most of us are afraid of change. Reach out

your hand. The angelic brethren are always there to help you make that

important transition.


555 - Buckle your seatbelts - a major life change is upon you! Don't try to

analyse precisely what's happening right now. It isn't possible to define the

coming changes as either 'positive' or 'negative'. However difficult your

situation appears to be, just 'go with the flow'. Ultimately you will see that

change at this time is a necessary part of your spiritual path.


666 - Your thoughts may be a little out of balance at present. Are you a

little too focussed on your material well-being at the expensive of the


This sequence is a reminder to balance your consciousness between heaven and

earth. Be at peace and know that by bringing your focus back to spiritual

service, all your material and emotional needs will automatically be supplied.


777 - This could be a time of great confusion, or a time when your intuition

is remarkably accurate. The veil between the material and spirit worlds is

particularly thin right now. Don't be surprised if you have vivid, insightful,

even prophetic dreams. Watch out for an abundance of miracles. You've earned



888 - An important cycle in your life is coming to a conclusion. This

sequence forewarns you so you can prepare. It strongly suggests that you'll soon


winding up a personal or working relationship, but don't get bogged down by

negative emotions. There is a definite light at the end of the tunnel leading


forward onto the next rung of the spiral. Now's the time to enjoy the fruits

of your labours!


999 - Completion. This is your signal to clear up and prepare the ground for

a new planting. It heralds the end of yet another phase in your personal or

global life and brings a message to all lightworkers to get involved in healing

the damage inflicted on our Mother, Gaia, in whatever way seems appropriate.

Truly, this is an urgent SOS call!


000 - Zero is the ancient symbol of infinity and coming in the form of this

sequence reminds us that 'We are one another', totally at one with the Great

Spirit. Get centred and feel your Creator's love within you. Know that something

in your life has gone full circle. Prepare yourself for new and exciting





<lastly (1 year+ -) wenn i casually look at the watch i often see times like

12:12, 1:11, 4:44, 15:15, 22:22, 21:21, ....

what is this?>










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