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The Self is in the seat of consciousnes in the 1/8th portion of the heart, we point to when we say I

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Kathleen Cureton


The Kandal is between the 4th Vertebra and Navel. If you slowly squeeze all the

breath from your lungs from the top downward, then as the last part of the

breath goes out, you will feel an area below the navel start to contract

upwards, and with it a subtle pulling against the 4th vertebra, which will give

a sort of electric etheric feeling of lightless, or loss of inertia in this

whole area. It is also the area of triangulation when we pull the root lock.

When the energy in the body is strong enough, this area will lock automatically

and there will be a sensation of inner strength, fearlessness and clarity rising

all through the body and through the top of the head, like looking at the

horizons around you from a mountain top.


People often say that the Pineal Gland is the seat of the Soul. The Pineal

gland is the seat of reflected consciousness. When it is activated along with

the other energy governors in the brain, such as the pituitary and hypothalumus,

the tenth gate at the crown begins to open, like a jar floating on the ocean

that upens gradually from the top letting in the water until the inside and

outside are the same. This begins with a force as soon as the discriminative

faculty of the mind reflects the Truth of the Self in the Heart, and you become

capable of "hearing" who you are and recollect and abide as That.


The Self, which denotes the sense of "I" to our notional "i" (am this and that)

is located in the seat of consciousnes in the 1/8th portion of the heart, we

point to when we say "I." Yogis call this the Harimandr (the highest temple of

God), the Hrdayam, the Ik Tar (One Star). It's the point through which the

Infinite Being prevades the sense of "I" consciousness through the body, where

the 4th or Turya state is experiences, that has no inside or outside.


Once this Truth is experienced we become Heart Centered.


Below is an article from the TT Manual:






From lectures and conversations, by Yogi Bhajan (1969)


I have recognized, with the blessing of my Master, that it is possible to be

healthy, to be happy, and to be holy while living in this society. And you must

have energy so that your dead computer may live and pass on the signal to you

and compute all what you want to do in this society. And we call it, in the

olden science, the Kundalini, which has been blocked in Muladhara, the lowest of

all chakras or lotuses.


These are all imaginary things. Great big books have been written on

them, and these books also misled me for many years. Still I learned about it;

and all these chakras, (or circles as we call them in English) have put us in so

many circles that we do not come out of it, and we reach nowhere. There is a

way we should set our computer to be in direct contact with Him, the Biggest

Computer; and things must then work automatically. And that can't work until

the Kundalini, the spiritual nerve, breaks through the blockage at Muladhara,

and thus, travels up and reaches the stage that you may have Superconsciousness

in Consciousness.


It is to generate the pressure of the prana and mix it with the apana,

and thus, when the two join together, you generate in the pranic center. And

with this heat of the prana, you put a pressure or charge on the Kundalini, the

soul nerve, three and a half circles coiled (kundal means" the coil in the curl

of the hair of the beloved; it does not mean snake or serpent), on muladhara,

and thus awaken it, so that it may pierce through the imaginary chakras and pass

ultimately through jalandhara Bandha (Neck Lock - the final blockage in the

spine before the energy reaches the head).


Now, let me define a few terms. Prana is life force. It is the life

force of the atom. Apana is elimination or the eliminating force. These are

two forces, positive and negative in us which are governed by pingala and ida

that is, right and left. When we join these two energies under the power and

the science of Kundalini Yoga, we mix the prana with apana and bring, under that

pressure, the Kundalini up. And when it passes through the central nerve or

Sushumana it reaches the higher chakras or lotuses; and thus man can easily look

into the future. His psychic power gets enlightened. He can know his total

surroundings and he is a blessed being.


After one inhales the prana deep (down to the navel point) and pulls

the apana with root lock (up to the navel point); prana and apana mix at the

navel center. This is known as Nabhi Chakra or Fourth Vertebra. Heat is felt

during the Kundalini awakening and that heat is the filament of the Sushumana or

center spinal channel being lit by the joining of prana and apana. Below the

Nabhi chakra, the energy leaves the navel and goes to the rectum (or lower

center) and then in rises. This is called Reserve Channels. It relates to your

Astral Body.


Then, there are six more chakras through which the Kundalini must

rise; and it will happen all at once. And once you have raised it, that's it.

But the hardest job is to keep it up. To keep the channels clean and clear.


From the rectum to the vocal cord is known as the silver cord. From

the neck to the top of the head is the passage. From the third eye to the pineal

gland is the gold cord. To make the energy rise in these cords and passages, you

must put a pressure.


You live in California? You know how we take out the oil form the ground? Put a

pressure and the oil will come out. It is a staircase of energy.


1. Mul bandh brings apana, eliminating force to the navel or fourth

vertebra, the central seat of the Kundalini.


2. Diaphragm lock takes it up to neck.


3. Neck lock takes it up all the rest of the way.


The pineal gland or seat of the soul, does not work when the tenth gate (top of

the head) is sealed. But if pineal will secrete (when the Kundalini heat comes)

your pituitary will act as radar, keeping the mind from negativity.


Yes, Kundalini Yoga is known as nerve of the soul. And this is to be awakened.

And soul is to be awakened. And when soul gets awakened, there remains nothing.

What else?


In the practical reality, these chakras are imaginary and nothing

else. This Kundalini is just a Kundalini and nothing else. And it is not very

important. These pranas and apanas are just there. Everything is set in us. We

lack nothing. We use these terms simply to make the process clear so we can get

on. It is very simple. After getting myself into the darkness for yours

together, I found if I would have know the first day that it was so easy, I

could have saved myself a lot of hassle. When I found the Kundalini really can

come up like this, I was astonished! It was a surprise to me. I said "that's all

there is to the Kundalini?" And my Master said, "yes".


All it is, is creating the prana in that cavity, and mixing it with apana, and

taking it down (as we give pressure to the oil), and bringing the oil up is

Kundalini. That's it. That is the greatest truth. Truth is bitter, I know, So I

cannot speak all the truth. But I speak indirectly and directly truth, because I

cannot speak something beyond truth. I have realized the truth, and the fact is

that you cannot breathe by your will. It is the God in you which breathes.

Without that you do not breathe. Now what is this breath business? I tell you.


And it is a good information to the medical people. Under the eighth vertebra

there is a cavity. We call it prana center. Good? In that prana center, with the

breathing up to the tip of the tongue and on to the ida and pingala which adjust

the temperature of the body, we breathe pranic energy. Pranic energy is the life

force of the atom. If fifty years ago, I would have come and talked to you about

atomic energy, you would have said, go away - - we don't understand you.


When I talk pranic energy, don't feel that I am talking something mystic. It is

practical. This pranic energy is the life of the atom. We store it here (8th

vertebra down). We know certain actions through which we inhale with this pranic

energy. And when we inhale with this pranic energy, our pranic center gets

awaked. The pranic center supplies the pranic energy to the pranic nerve. And

the pranic nerve supplies the pranic energy to the muscles, which is responsible

for the beat of the heart and that of the diaphragm. We call it "U" muscle,

because it is shaped like the letter "U" And then this "U" muscle is responsible

for all this life current in you which is automatic, beyond your control. You

know what these Yogis do? They create pranic energy reservoirs in that cavity.

And, thus, live on that reserve. This is what they do. They make that cavity

active with certain exercises. And, thus, they know how to control the pranic

energy or prana-vayu, the life current. That's one part of it. The second is

apana, which eliminates everything. It has got a connection with the Muladhara

Chakra. That is where that Kundalini power lies. Now, when the pranic energy is

in you, then second part is that you can circulate it through your body. You can

feel it and make people feel it. And then we teach people how to do it. It is a

scientific thing which has not nothing to do with mystics, or something which I

can't explain. It is so simple, it is practical. And, thus, we circulate it.


And in the circulation, we time it to go with the spinal cord. And then we make

it hit the Muladhara. And, thus, we pierce through that bind or blockage before

that Kundalini power. The moment we do it, she has no option but to come up. And

the moment she comes up, you stand blessed. Then you will see; the computer will

work. That's all.


Is it difficult? There is no secret about it. In twenty, thirty days, if you

honestly practice it about one hour, two hours each day, you can be through with

it. And this is what I did.


Two cautions: You must practice neck lock. Pull the neck straight in, keeping

the spine and neck absolutely straight with no bend the neck. The higher flood

of circulation will cause the cells of the cells of the brain to expand because

of the higher circulation of blood to that region and people shall go mad,

half-mad or die. Because the lock was not there!!


And when you do yoga, please, for God's sake, remember, you are playing with the

energy which is the life force of the atom. You can well understand what you are

doing. I'm giving you 2 word of warning. The prana has been described in the

Shastra (Yogic Scriptures) as that which makes the atom live. Our voltage here

in the wall socket is 110? And you touch it without insulation? Do you? Then how

come you can play with the pranic energy?


The fact remains that without having the Kundalini awakened, your soul is not

awakened. And if you soul is awakened, what else you need? And if you will get

into the action to awaken the Kundalini, the nerve of the soul, and thus this

car of yours will he driven or chauffeured by the soul and not by the negative

ego, then you have found God in you. And I shall be the greatest man on earth,

if I shall be privileged to touch the dust of your feet, if you had that state.

Otherwise, you are a nut, and nothing else.




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