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Excess, Fasting and Discipline

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Sat Nam Everybody,


The road towards excess...what a strange idea. Seems to me to be the very

thing I criticize and attempt to escape yet is the very thing that brings me

down. Overeating (sugar), electronics, computer, TV, video games, drinking,

drugs...is a seemigly good overview of what most average americans do on a

daily basis. Its a seemingly good overview of my life though I keep my

drinking to a minimum and am drug-free.

But lately I have been eating way past my limit...of course i could use my

age as a crutch to why I overidulge myself in food and unhealthy habits but

that would be the foolish way to observe this situation because there is no

excuse for them except the one I make, in this case there is none. I am 16

years old and am sick of the way I have been treating my body, all the

toxins and pollution that has accumulated over the years, I feel it soaking

into my body and mind. It is putting a dab on my spiritual progress and

overall feeling of wellbeing; emotionally, physically and mentaly.


I have tried fasting a couple weeks ago and succeded in lasting till

approximately 9:00 P.M and would fast several days only into the evening.

This whole fasting deal is a lot harder than I thought. It takes a

disciplined mind and a disciplined mind is what I seek, what I thirst, what

I need. Its what will make me happy with who I am and effective at what I

do. I have researched different approaches to fasting but they all seem

hard, if anyone knows an effective method for a begginer in the realm of

fasting it would be greatly appreciated. I know I can do it, the only block

is getting past my lust to fill my hunger. I will attempt to fast all day

tomorrow (Wednsday), I have set my mind at this so please be praying for me,

as I will.


I write to you all because I know there are people out there reading this

who can hopefully relate. I look to yoga and a bit of advice from the

experts what they might do if they were in my situation or have been before.

Thanks for the support.



Love and Light shine in you,




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Sat Nam David,


I'm just catching up on my email after spending the last 2 days

playing in the snow. Your email directly surrounds many things I

have been contimplating lately. All these things we humans have

provided ourselves that we think of as the easy way and the fun stuff

while really we use them to escape our souls purpose.


For many in their particular paths in life, envolvement in these

things are part of their soul's purpose for a time but it is only a

part of a learning process and will eventually have to be given up.


Those of us who have realized that these things do not serve our

soul's purpose on this planet at this time and continue to use them

are denying our soul's purpose in which case; although it may be easy

at the time to use them, they are really taking us off the path. I'm

sure you've figured all this out and really just want to know how to



First of all don't make the same mistake I did and talk yourself into

thinking you have time because you are young. The longer you deny

your soul's purpose the harder it is to find your way back to the

path. This not only effects you but all with whom you interact. The

more true you are to your soul's purpose the more people you help and

effect in a positive manner, the more you deny your soul's purpose

the more people you hurt with your negative energy, even if you don't

know you've directed any negative energy at them.


So what to do about the love/hate relationship with all these poisons

and misdirections? The best tool I've had is my imagination. When

ever I crave anything I know doesn't serve me, I imagine having it,

using it, or doing it. I imagine it being the best its ever been

really truly enjoying it, loving the poison. Then I imagine how it

will make me feel after I've done it, at its worst.


If I still want to do the bad thing, I may just do the bad thing, but

I'm always disapointed because its never as good as I imagined it,

that makes it easier just to keep the fantasy next time, and I always

end up feeling worse than how bad I imagined I would feel, but that

make it easier the next time to imagine it making me feel really

bad. I am almost always successful in not doing the bad thing if I

do some chanting, breathing, or postures after the imagination



When I was about your age I told myself I would make a real

commitment to health and spiritual living when I was 25. Since I did

this I've torchured myself with the poison because I gave myself

permission to do all the things I know don't serve me. I'm just a

few months away and after years of torchuring myself I'm finding it

harder than ever to say goodbye to all the poisons I've lived with

all these years. I am really trying to ignore that little part of my

brain that says just a few months left to poison myself, I'd better

do it, since I can. Don't give yourself permission to do that which

does not serve you and those around you. So how did the fasting go?


Love and light and best of luck and fortune,


RaMa Kaur

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"I know I can do it, the only block

is getting past my lust to fill my hunger."


Sat Nam David....do you know what it is that you are hungering?

As RaMa kaur suggested....relate to your Soul's desires, when you find yourself

overwhelmed in desire for all this other stuff that you mentioned.


When I first began trying to work with desire in a more healthy manner...I used

this meditation my teacher gave me to help one relate to what I REALLY was

desirering at a soul level.


After yoga and meditation, focus at the third eye point and ask yourself...what

do I really really want....then listen and be receptive to feedback as it

arises, either in the med or in your enviroment later....write down anything

that comes to you and after a week of doing this you will notice what are the

true desires that keep surfacing.


Once you have some direction in this way...I find it easier to practice

discipline...because I have a more tangible game plan that I am working on or

towards....I can begin to move towards my goal and have more resolve in my




Sat Sangeet kaur





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