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question for teachers

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Hello and Sat Nam,

I have been teaching Hatha Yoga for the past 17 years, and started

teaching Kundalini Yoga three years ago. I still practice both, but

separately. The Kundalini Yoga has been a tremendous help to me,

emotionally and spiritually. I am able to communicate my feelings how

in a direct and honest way, without getting upset and angry as I used

to...(I still get upset sometimes, but I wait till I'm clearer to


Anyway, today I received a note from the studio owner of a dance

studio where I teach Yoga a couple of times a week. I had given the

class the Sunday set from Ravi Singh's book Seven Days For Seven

Rays. I had been practicing it myself, and found it very upifting and

energizing. The students complained to the owner the next day that

there was too much chanting. They felt that chanting "God God God"

was too much. I called the owner back and told her that I am required

to teach the kriyas as they are recorded. I gave Yogi Bhajan my word

that I would keep the teachings pure. I told her I can go back to

teaching only Hatha Yoga there, but that Kundalini Yoga includes

chanting and meditation. (So does Hatha, but these students have

expressed that they want the physical, not so much chanting.)

Sigh...I know this is typical of beginners, and many of the classes

in the West are purely physical. I just feel discouraged. To me, as a

students it's important to be open to things that may look and sound

peculiar to you. This is a very Christian area, and I sense that has

something to do with it. I have some other classes where this is no

problem. Students are eager, reading, studying, and practicing...

I guess not everybody is ready for the spiritual side of Yoga. I

found myself talking about detatchment and explaining how in Yoga,

like any art form, you have good days and bad days. Some days you

feel like quitting. It's normal, and natural. The downs generally

happen just before a breakthrough, if you don't quit. The owner is

concerned with attracting more people to the class. I also feel that

it's dangerous to start letting students dictate what they do and

don't want to do in class. I stay in ballet class myself 3 or 4 times

a week to remember the proccess. I have a wonderful teacher who I

love and respect.

Any thoughts?

SatPal Kaur

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Sat Nam Sat Paul Kar


....I teach also, to people who often sign up for

Kundalini Yoga and have no idea what it is...expecting

a Hatha Yoga class. I try to start very slowly with

Kundalini, in a way paving the road for their journey.

I make clear that Kundalini is the Mother of all

yogas, and includes all aspects of Yoga connecting

the mind, body and soul.


What does this mean? I try to do Kriyas with

minimal chanting in the beginning. Kirtan Kriya for

Meditation seems safe and interesting to many and

I will stay with that one for a long time until they

perfect it. I explain along the way the merits of

chanting, the scientific knowledge behind

it and how it profoundly changed my life. I inform

the class while that many of the sounds chanting

mean God, that God is how you percieve him. And

that by chanting whether you are a Catholic, Jew

or Muslim, you open the lines to your spiritual



Ultimately, we are trying to pass on a beautiful

technology, and if we teach from our hearts and forget

the ego, we will reach the people we need to reach,

and the others will move on.


It is challenging. But the force is with you!


Keep Up.








> I have been teaching Hatha Yoga for the past 17

> years, and started

> teaching Kundalini Yoga three years ago. I still

> practice both, but

> separately. The Kundalini Yoga has been a tremendous

> help to me,

> emotionally and spiritually. I am able to

> communicate my feelings how

> in a direct and honest way, without getting upset

> and angry as I used

> to...(I still get upset sometimes, but I wait till

> I'm clearer to

> communicate.)

> Anyway, today I received a note from the studio

> owner of a dance

> studio where I teach Yoga a couple of times a week.

> I had given the

> class the Sunday set from Ravi Singh's book Seven

> Days For Seven

> Rays. I had been practicing it myself, and found it

> very upifting and

> energizing. The students complained to the owner the

> next day that

> there was too much chanting. They felt that chanting

> "God God God"

> was too much. I called the owner back and told her

> that I am required

> to teach the kriyas as they are recorded. I gave

> Yogi Bhajan my word

> that I would keep the teachings pure. I told her I

> can go back to

> teaching only Hatha Yoga there, but that Kundalini

> Yoga includes

> chanting and meditation. (So does Hatha, but these

> students have

> expressed that they want the physical, not so much

> chanting.)

> Sigh...I know this is typical of beginners, and many

> of the classes

> in the West are purely physical. I just feel

> discouraged. To me, as a

> students it's important to be open to things that

> may look and sound

> peculiar to you. This is a very Christian area, and

> I sense that has

> something to do with it. I have some other classes

> where this is no

> problem. Students are eager, reading, studying, and

> practicing...

> I guess not everybody is ready for the spiritual

> side of Yoga. I

> found myself talking about detatchment and

> explaining how in Yoga,

> like any art form, you have good days and bad days.

> Some days you

> feel like quitting. It's normal, and natural. The

> downs generally

> happen just before a breakthrough, if you don't

> quit. The owner is

> concerned with attracting more people to the class.

> I also feel that

> it's dangerous to start letting students dictate

> what they do and

> don't want to do in class. I stay in ballet class

> myself 3 or 4 times

> a week to remember the proccess. I have a wonderful

> teacher who I

> love and respect.

> Any thoughts?

> SatPal Kaur








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Dear SatPal,


I'm from Tennessee, and my friends who still teach there have alot of trouble

with mantra because of the Christian influence on Southern culture. They won't

even say Sat Nam sometimes, because of pop culture associations with devil

worship that they have (chanting = satanic ritual). But I think it's part of a

greater resistance to that space yoga cultivates where we let go of garbage.


I'm teaching at a psychiatric facility in San Francisco now, where there's also

resistance to mantra and the spiritual side of things, but the advice I've

gotten is don't back down and don't adapt to the resistance; and if I continue

to teach there, that's what I will do. Chanting gets me so high these days, I

had no idea of its power when I first started. Now I'm starting to think of the

more physical yoga as the gateway to the Naad, and the Naad is like receiving

instructions on how to be human.


Sat Nam,


Baba Singh




I guess not everybody is ready for the spiritual side of Yoga. I

found myself talking about detatchment and explaining how in Yoga,

like any art form, you have good days and bad days. Some days you

feel like quitting. It's normal, and natural. The downs generally

happen just before a breakthrough, if you don't quit. The owner is

concerned with attracting more people to the class. I also feel that

it's dangerous to start letting students dictate what they do and

don't want to do in class. I stay in ballet class myself 3 or 4 times

a week to remember the proccess. I have a wonderful teacher who I

love and respect.

Any thoughts?

SatPal Kaur








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Sat Nam SatPal Kaur,


I read your email this morning and then quickly ran off to

the gym I teach KY at...it was the first class of the

semester and as I looked over the class attendance

sheet...out of twenty people listed, I recognized

maybe 3 or 4 of the names. Right away I noticed

myself tightening up abit in apprehension...wondering

do these people know what they are coming for? Do

they know we will be chanting? Do they know their eyes

will be closed...through the WHOLE class!????? etc. Ha ha!


But it only lasted a moment...and then I remembered

to simply teach what I embody... and if I feel comfortable

with what I am teaching then I can relax with whatever

reaction that might bring up for a student.


I had one student write on her sessional evalutaion

of the course, session after session, that she HATED

the chanting! Yet she came back, again and again. I

just decided to feel okay with her hating the

chanting...because I understood it was just some

resistance she was experiencing and that's okay, she

is allowed to hate it and be having that experience.


Incidentally, she stopped coming for one session, but

then today as I looked at the attendance sheet, I

noticed her name on it again...so who knows, maybe

she has worked through some of that

resistance....maybe she'll still hate it?


So I guess the point I am making is that people

experience resistance to the practice. And the

more "okay" we can feel about that as teachers and

not get freaked out by the students reactions,

thinking maybe I shouldn't be teaching this....the

more we will notice that the students either leave

or they begin to move through their resistance.


FTR...I also teach in the way that Linda

described.....really explaining the science behind

the chanting....easing people into it...and really

staying heart centered, embodying what I am

teaching....and if after all that a student still

strongly resists the practice...then I realize, for

the time being KY isn't what they really need at

this moment....and I am okay if that means they

stop taking the class...or if it means my class

gets cancelled due to low attendance etc.


So just continue to go with the flow, be guided,

teach with integrity and things will work out as

they should.



Sat Sangeet kaur






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Hi Folks,


The following quote is most appropriate to this discussion - from Thomas Barquee

whose wonderful new CD - "Sound of Om" is now available from Yoga Technology -

www.yogatech.com - soundclip coming tonight.


"These mantras are universal, they reach beyond language and embrace all

religions. They express love, wisdom and joy."


Sat Nam!





Baba Singh


Tuesday, January 20, 2004 11:23 PM

Re: Kundalini Yoga question for teachers




Dear SatPal,


I'm from Tennessee, and my friends who still teach there have alot of trouble

with mantra because of the Christian influence on Southern culture. They won't

even say Sat Nam sometimes, because of pop culture associations with devil

worship that they have (chanting = satanic ritual). But I think it's part of a

greater resistance to that space yoga cultivates where we let go of garbage.





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Dear Sat Paul Kar


I teach on a small island in the Caribbean, Barbados.

It is predominantly Christian here and there is now a heavy influence of

american tele evangelism

which makes many people fear yoga and make incorrect associations between

yoga and the devil/evil etc.


Although I was somewhat cautious at first when I started teaching fifteen

months ago, in terms of using the mantras and chanting, because this is what

people fear most, I realised that was my ego making me fearful. I was

nervous that others would judge me and be weary of coming to my class or

staying in my class.

I have lost a few along the way, but just a few. Most people have stayed

and many have joined. They wonder now how they ever lived without KY.


As a teacher, I decided that I needed to respect the technology of Kundalini

yoga and offer it unchanged and without catering to the ego of the student.

There are people out there who feel that they want to develop their own

spiritual practice and that the Kundalini yoga offers a multi dimensional

approach to what it means to be human.


If someone is uncomfortable with the chanting, they may choose to listen to

it for some weeks and then chant a little until they realise that nothing

"bad" will happen to them, and their comfort level increases. Like all

fears, these fears of mantras are about ignorance. The teacher is to bring

the student from darkness to light. If we are sharing the teachings of KY,

we must give it undiluted. I have also suggested that my students buy a cd

with the chants and play it in the background softly in their homes and that

way they become more accustomed to the sounds.


Having said all that, everyone is on their own path and if they really get

uptight with the mantras and it bothers them so much, I have recommended

that they try hatha yoga or this power yoga that is being offered in local



If we as KY teachers are confident with our praticse and we radiate the

light of peace,happiness and health, others will see that and know that what

we are saying is the truth, the Sat Nam.


Once your landlord is not placing limits on what you may or may not teach,

let your students gently learn, slowly. This challenge is for you as well

as for your students. I suggest that instead of feeling discouraged, you

can decide if you want to offer a separate hatha yoga class to cater to

those students who want that and a separate KY class for those who are

willing to explore that.


Many blessings,


Annalee Davis


The Caribbean





"yogastef" <YogaStef


Monday, January 19, 2004 5:18 PM

Kundalini Yoga question for teachers



> Hello and Sat Nam,

> I have been teaching Hatha Yoga for the past 17 years, and started

> teaching Kundalini Yoga three years ago. The students complained to the

owner the next day that

> there was too much chanting. They felt that chanting "God God God"

> was too much. I called the owner back and told her that I am required

> to teach the kriyas as they are recorded. I gave Yogi Bhajan my word

> that I would keep the teachings pure.

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Good Morning,

I am new to KY and to the group. I had my first class last April. To be

honest my first thought was what the heck am I doing here.( But I paid for 6

classes.) Then my teacher said we were going to tune in and at the end we were

going to sing a song and chant a long Sat Nam. To myself I said (Oh Brother why

did I get myself into this). I went back the next week and went along with it

all, being barely audible. A few weeks later I bought a CD and started

listening to it during my morning walk. I had been walking daily for quite

awhile up

until this point, my walks have changed since adding the mantras. My mind

feels clearer I have more focus, and now in class I raise my voice up and hope

that we chant more. I just wanted to let you know that some people need time to

let it work for them. I hope your students come around, they will be glad if

they do.

P.S. Now I chant while I walk, people drive by and look at me as if I were

nuts, but I don't care.

All the best to you and your class

Sat Nam





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Dear friend

Worry not what the others claims against you.,you are a teacher put more

confidents into it and as much as possible you can spread.However,explain to

them what is "mantras"....very commonly I also come across such of your

problem.....they claims is evil,devils etc.....do they see it??.....evils

deeds are human make or greeds all are make in accordance to what he / she

point views.


Once,I asked my good brothers (own 0ne ...,whom has been in the ministry of

christian.)......if I am chanting into evils & devils......what is

"Amen"...what is lord prayers.....where you all always repeat.....all is

difference is lord prayers????Does not this comes out from regulars repeats

etc..etc????blah..blah...usually the minute minutes an chriatian knows u

chants...or mention "mantras"...oh ..oh. the eveil is here!!!!!but if you

say I say my prayers ....you see an difference appearance on their

face...try it out and you let me know..yeah....han you explain all aspects

of mantras???or words or prayers and put it the differents agaisnt them or

goods on both of them....there you are Master of your Own????blah..balh


Every religion leads you to a distance but very important "comdemm not

them"until you go into the "inner truth" of understandings etc.etc.....yet

we shall not comdemmn them also leave them in their ways....you lead and

teach what you best has done yeah...worry not.......


If you look around ....very body claim their is "best & not evil etc,etc"and

also the Net or Cult watcher ...like ross international etc,etc ......they

go into group all groupss in pyhical ways and later comments......but if

they "have the "sincere"seacrh of Inner truth...they will not comments or

comdemn but they you realise at the end ..they will also believe that they

/believe is still the best.......


If the person stands and claims amount themselves that ...oh "my religion"

is no good...what shall be his / her fear????or what is the inner motives

of his claims or feaar to comdemn others.......If he or she is Good in

their religions or practices why still go on seaches of the missing links?


Practice make perfects just like Piano yeah........practice

....practice....and teach what you beleive but comdemn not others...BUT AS







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I chant everywhere I go. In the car I get strange looks. :0P



>cvar1 [cvar1]

>P.S. Now I chant while I walk, people drive by and look at me as if I


>nuts, but I don't care.

>All the best to you and your class

>Sat Nam



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Thanks for your letter Cindy, I think I speak for all

who teach, we needed that!


Sat Nam



--- cvar1 wrote:

> Good Morning,

> I am new to KY and to the group. I had my first

> class last April. To be

> honest my first thought was what the heck am I doing

> here.( But I paid for 6

> classes.) Then my teacher said we were going to tune

> in and at the end we were

> going to sing a song and chant a long Sat Nam. To

> myself I said (Oh Brother why

> did I get myself into this). I went back the next

> week and went along with it

> all, being barely audible. A few weeks later I

> bought a CD and started

> listening to it during my morning walk. I had been

> walking daily for quite awhile up

> until this point, my walks have changed since adding

> the mantras. My mind

> feels clearer I have more focus, and now in class I

> raise my voice up and hope

> that we chant more. I just wanted to let you know

> that some people need time to

> let it work for them. I hope your students come

> around, they will be glad if

> they do.

> P.S. Now I chant while I walk, people drive by and

> look at me as if I were

> nuts, but I don't care.

> All the best to you and your class

> Sat Nam

> Cindy



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]








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Thank you for all of your replies. I will continue teaching my

Kundalini Yoga classes through the Parks and Rec. That way I am self-

employed, and don't have a studio owner to keep happy. Will teach

Hatha Yoga at the dance studio. These students get the Yoga as part

of a monthly deal that is all dance classes. So, some of them really

wouldn't even try Yoga if it wasn't "free."

I will continue my practice. Kundalini Yoga has changed me immensely.

It works so quickly and powerfully. Wow! Time to go chant...

Sat Pal Kaur

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