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sat nam all,

i´ve been reading your posts for almost 2 years now. you people are

great. there are so many precious things you share here. thank you

all. this is very usefull to me because in croatia, where i come

from, is not easy to get in touch with people who do yoga and

meditate. there are very few of them. and i think im the first one

practising kundalini yoga:).. it is realy beautifull. i´ve tried

transcedental meditation(very good to experience the peace.. or

better said emptiness of mind and to start with) and sodarshan kriya

as thought by ravi shankar. but before all this, in one of my first

meditations(no mantras-i didnt even know that exists at that time-,

no nothing.. just simply leting go) i had that beautifull experience.

i was sitting in half lotus and my back was arched. as i begun to

relax and to let go i begun to feel like im diving deeper and deeper.

and than in one moment i felt like i´ve reached the centar of the

earth. and then a tube of a bright red light came out and enterd my

body (i was compleatly unaware of the body before that, and knew

nothing about chakras or their colors). actually the ray stopped

maybe 5 cm from my first chakra, but the energy filled all my body.

than i become aware of my body and started to "dive up". it all felt

like one, my body, earth, universe.. everything was in me and i was

everywhere. and as i went up, on different spots different coloured

light tubes was appearing. as i have reached my head i could see all

around my body is shining in different colours (which was positiond

in location of the exact chakras but was becoming colorless at some

distance from phisical body. later i have read some things about

chakras and their colours and that was what i saw. and i was feeling

great(never better) and then i went up some more and the bright white

light appeared at the top of my head. it was coming from what i felt

as centar of the universe. soon i was all light. all that colours

were asimilated in a golden white light and that was really

something.. i realize what it means to be free. i felt no

restrictions. and i enjoyed there for i dont know how long. it was

perfect. my mind was everywhere and everithing coexisted in the same

time.. or better say no time. than i "pull the tought out" of that

unified mind. of course it was about my phisical body and whats going

on with it. i realize that i wasnt breathing(and didnt feel the need

to breath)! that was quite shocking, but as that was one of my first

meditations and i didnt knew what the word meditation means not to

mention anything else.. but decided to give it a try.. just trusting

myself and intuition.. i got scared a lot. and i opend my ëyes and

took a breath. and then i tought to my self.. ok.. im fine.. i didnt

go anywhere.before that, i was wondering when i was thinking about

meditation, how people go back from meditation, actually how they

want to go back if they feel nice. and i was scared what if i can not

go back.. very silly haha.. but it was like that. one more thing to

mention. when i came back my posure was perfect, straight and erected

back..! if i tried to sit like that i probably couldn´t.

well that s it. actually i dont really now what was it all about. or

what really happened(except that i saw my chakras). if someone can

explain iål appriciate it. after that i had some more experiences but

none was this strong. and i think it is because of that fear. i

blocked myself with my own tought. i created a habbit.. or a

message .. danger!.. and it is stuck on the entrance to hire levels.

i was aware of that very soon after it happend and am still trying to

remove it completly. but it will all come on its time.. i know it.


acctually i didnt start wrighting this e mail to tell you this. hmm..

i didnt tell it to anyone till now. i didnt know how to tell. and

what there is to tell.. i just lived it, and with it. i wanted to

write about it in my diary once, but i couldnt find the right words.

haha nw i will copy it from here and save it:-)


i have to read the begginig of this letter..

oh ok.. i got it! first i found your web page and started ky by the

lessons, and then i got shakta kaur khalsa`s book kundalini yoga,

unlock your inner potential.. when i went to singapore.

as i dont have a credit card i cant order any of the books online. im

6 months pregnant and would like to do some meditations and kriyas

especially for that pourpose. i looked at archive but nothing exact.

if anyone has beautifull, bountyfull, blissfull or any other book it

would be nice if you send me some info from it.

thank you all. regards from split, croatia

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Sat Nam,


I am also from Croatia and now live in Germany. I was in Split last sommer in

visit. I was born in Zagreb.

Iff you are interested that I order books for you you can send this amount to my

mother in croatian money and I can pay your books from my credit card and send

you a copy how much I paid. Visa is usualy accepted all over the world.

Iff you wish you can write me in our mother language. Email: jupiter4


Best wishes in your spiritual evolution.


Zdenko Skuljan




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