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shabd hazare....

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Sat nam to every one and may we see the light which

will be the only way for libration.

I shall be very happy if anyone can write to me the

poem entitile shabd hazare writen by Guru Gobibnd

Singh as help.

Where i am before practicing yoga is far from the

east and i know defitely one day i shall be elevated

,from this bandge of world process,so please i need

your help.

Please any one who is ready to do me this favour

should send it to me through my mail,


Sat nam ,Guru ram das guru and peace to you all.





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This is from "Select Sikh Scriptures IV"


Guru Gobind Singh, as compiled and translated by KS Duggal





Shabd Hazare (Priceless Psalms)


Ramkali X

O Man! The renunciation you adopt should be of a kind:


Your home be treated as a hut in the jungle


And the abdication contemplated be in your mind.


Let long hair be a symbol of your self-control, yoga your holy bath.


And the over-grown nails your soul’s discipline.


Your spiritual sermon should be the Guru’s Word


And the Name your ashes for body’s permeation.




Eating a little, sleeping not for long,


Let compassion and forbearance your attributes be.


Cultivating peace and contentment of mind,


Thus rid yourself of the evils three.




>From lust, anger, ego, greed obstinacy,


And attachment who is free.


He gets to understand himself


And attains the God Almighty.



Ramkali X

O Man! You should take to asceticism of the kind:


That has the trumpet of truth, the necklace of transparency,


An in meditation should you the ashes find.


Your self-control should be the one-string instrument


And the Name of the Lord your alms.


When the Supreme Note of His Name resounds,


The unstruck melody will form.




The tides of the love-divine would be turbulent


And the relevation to match their strain.


The angels, the demons and the ascetics will be curious,


And come flying in their planes.




He who cogitates, dons the costumes of continence


And meditates on His name ever.


His body shines like gold,


Death may strike him never.

Ramkali X

O Man” Come to the care of the Lord Supreme.


Why snooze in the sleep of worldly attachments?


When would you wake up from this dream?


You give sermons to all and sundry,


But yourself you don’t heed a bit.


You are amassing wickedness around,


When gloating in the evil would you quit?




Your present Karma are virtually suspect,


You must cultivate Dharma within.


Meditate more and more on the Lord


Which obtains you freedom from sin.




He who protects you from agony and evil,


Also from the death’s snare.


If you yearn for peace around


Yourself to the Lord God must endear.



Sorath X

Dear Lord! Pray save my honour.


You are the Creator whether in the guise of Shiva or Narsingh


Or Shri Krishna of blue demeanor.


Lord God, Almighty Master,


Living on just pure air.


Ever resplendent, Madho, the destroyer of Madhusudan,


The annihilator of the vain and the Liberator.




Sans blemish, sans sickness, sans sleep,


Taintless, saviour from the hell,


Ocean of grace, primed of past, present and future,


With whose intervention the misdeeds quell.




Wielder of the bow, image of patience come on earth.


The faultless Hero of the Sword,


Maybe stupid, I seek Your refuge,


Pray give me Your kind hand to hold.



Kalyan X

Besides the Creator, trust none other.


He who is Primal, Unborn, Unvanquished, Eternal,


He alone if the Supreme Master.


What if by coming down to the earth


One annihilates ten wicked demons?


And then working a miracle or two


Styles himself as the Lord of Heaven.


The Creator who makes and breaks,


How can any form He take?


He wields the fell weapon of death


That none could ever escape.




Listen O stupid! How will he save you


Who himself is struggling in the surf?


You will be rid of the noose of death


Only when you come to the Lord of the Universe.



Khyal X

Go and tell the plight of his devotees to my Beloved Lord,


The luxury beds are an agony without Him,


It’s like living in a snake-pit yard.


The goblet is spike and the cup a dagger,


One receives the punches of the butcher hard.


I would rather live in disguise with my lover;


It’s hell living in the strangers’ ward.



Tilang Kafi X

The Destroyer is also the Creator.


>From inception to the end He has taken many forms,


He is the Maker and also the Unmaker.


He for whom glory and slander are the same.


Who has neither foe nor friend.


What compulsion had He that Himself


As a charioteer He had to lend?




He has no father, no mother and no caste.


Neither any son nor grandson.


How come he is known in the world


As Devki’s little one?




With the angels and the demons all over,


He who pervades here and afar.


What special attribute could he have


That he is called “Murar”?

Bilawal X

How could He have a human form?


The ascetics have lost out visualizing Him.


Never did they have a glimpse of His charm.


Narad, Vyas, Prashar and Dhru


Remained absorbed in meditation.


The scholars of the Vedas and the Puranas were defeated,


They realized Him not in contemplation.




The demons and the angels, the good and evil spirits


Know Him as without any limit.


They find Him smallest among the small


And among the big ones He is the biggest.




He created the earth, the sky and the netherworld,


Multiplying from One, He could be found anywhere.


They alone can escape death,


Who come to the Creator’s care.



Devgandhari X

Don’t you accept anyone other than the Lord.


He alone creates and destroys,


He who is known as God.


What if with great devotion


You performed the idol worship?


Your folded hands were tired praying,


The occult yet eluded their grasp.




You offered rice with incense and light,


But the idol would eat none.


Where is the occult power in the stone


That he should dole you one?




If he had any he would give you,


Comprehend in word and deed.


Without the card of the Lord God,


There is no deliverance indeed.



Devgandhari X

Without His Name you cannot make.


He who rules over the fourteen living planets,


How an earth could you escape?


Neither Rama nor Rahim would save you,


Whose name you repeat every breath.


Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, the Sun and the Moon,


They are all prone to death.




The Vedas, the Puranas and all the faiths


Treat whom as Limitless.


Indra, the serpent deity and ascetics of various ages


Meditate on Him without success.




He who had no features, no colour,


How can he be called “Shyam” of dark complexion?


You will be free from the noose of death,


When you come to Him without conviction.



Dormediameo Jonathan <omsriupendra wrote:Sat nam to every one and may

we see the light which

will be the only way for libration.

I shall be very happy if anyone can write to me the

poem entitile shabd hazare writen by Guru Gobibnd

Singh as help.

Where i am before practicing yoga is far from the

east and i know defitely one day i shall be elevated

,from this bandge of world process,so please i need

your help.

Please any one who is ready to do me this favour

should send it to me through my mail,


Sat nam ,Guru ram das guru and peace to you all.








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