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number of souls in the world..(your Purusha)

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Hi Adarsh Singh and Anne,

Pretty heady topic at first, but any thorough understanding of

"YOGA" requires lots of exposure to Dharmic Philosophy. At a point is

become very earthy and grounded. Just like the kid who asks Mom, "where

do I come from?" The answer given by Mom usually suffices quite well and

maybe even for a life time, but in our last days we are often confronted

with questions of the same nature and with the same innocence - when we

end up speaking from our "totality" to "the totality".


A well written text interpreting the Vedic scriptures will rock your

world. I find myself reading over, and over again the same passages

because this subject requires dwelling time, with each reading providing

some small/big door opening. I think the monastic life is pretty much

filled with hours of this type of reading. Like the "sound of one hand

clapping" and other Koan type riddles, our minds and senses are pushed

to the point that we have to relate from our original self, the seeing

self, the Akashic or 6th Chakra (Third Eye). Even within Kundalini Yoga

(remember, it is the Mother of all Yoga) we have Jnana Yoga, the Yoga of

Knowledge. Those of us who had had the opportunity to to practice under

Yogi Bhajan's tutelage have been blessed with a teacher who knows that

there are times when one has to push beyond our normal limitations, and

sometimes WAY BEYOND our comfort level. It is here that we get an

intuitive and tangible sense of the Akasha or our Ether (ethereal)

aspect. We can sense Ether through sense of touch as the absence of


All this needs to approached with respect. Do Japji.

For more extended definitions of Akasha go



For some good writings I suggest getting into some David Frawley

writings or Robert Svoboda.


a sample below



1) prime matter (Prakriti),


2) cosmic mind (Mahat),


3) ego (ahamkara),


4) mind (manas),


and the 24 tatvas enumerated below


(5-9) the five tanmatras or prime qualities or root principles of sound,

touch, sight, taste and hearing,


(10-14) the five sense organs; ear, skin, eye, tongue, nose,


(15-19) the five organs of action; mouth, hands, feet, sexual organ, anus,


(20-24) the five gross elements of ether, air, fire, water and earth.


Purusha or Pure Consciousness may be listed among these as the first but

strictly speaking it is outside of manifestation.


All the other systems have similar lists of principles based upon the

organs and elements (called "aggregates" or "skandhas" in Buddhist

thought). Some Tantric systems expand this list to 36.


Sankhya teaches that there are two ultimate principles; the principle of

consciousness or the seer, called the Purusha and the principle of

appearance or the seen, called Prakriti. Purusha is the ground of

consciousness. Prakriti is the essential stuff of experience. The

purpose of yoga is to move from identification with the seen back into

the pure consciousness of the seer, which is ever free, blissful and



Do searches for Sankhya and the Three Gunas. Krishna, Buddha, Sri

Yukteshwar (Yogananda's teacher) were great teachers of Sankhya

More to put a hurt on your Brain



I an confident you will find the answers you need somewhere in this.

Sat Nam,




Jürgen Laske wrote:


> Sat Nam all,


> I have a couple of questions around soul, rebirth, karma etc and hope,

> that

> this is not off-topic.


> As we believe, is the human being an infinite soul having a human or

> earthly experience. It enters the human body while the 120st day of

> pregnancy and leaves the human body after the physical death.


> The whereabouts of the soul before live and after death is now my

> interest.

> I read about the 'higher' earth of Arloko (?!), where all the other souls

> are waiting for the rebirth (on our 'lower' earth), until their karma is

> 'worked off' and complete 'freedom' is possible.


> Looking into the history of the earth we realize, that the number of

> people

> is constantly increasing - some hundred years ago it was about 3 billion

> people, now we are something around 7 billion people on earth.

> Assuming now

> an infinite lifetime of the soul - where have all the other 4 billion

> souls

> been before? Is there also a principle of birth and death for souls -

> considering the fact of 'complete freedom' after the dissolved karma?


> Can somebody shed some light into this questions?


> Sending love and light from Shanghai,


> Adarsh S.





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