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my son has slightautism is Adhd and limited vocabulary

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Hello to all



my thoughts are that yoga helps all your organs and body systems to

function . including your brain.


Im a 39 year old mother of a 6 year old autistic child. (only child)I

have particed yoga since I was a child. only when I was a child I did not know

I was doing yoga. I started out watching a earlie morning tv exercise show --

(Jack La Lane) I did the exercisies along with the show.

Then about 11 years ago I was severly ill with alergies which led me to

learning more about yoga. Now with the help of yoga and some diet changes

and some supplements (not prescriptions) I maintain wellness. Over time I

tried multiple prescriptions and I just seemed to get worse instead of better.

I feel that yoga is a way of life its not a quick fix you have to practice



So yoga would help the autistic child. and I know it does. Their is

childrens books and videos on yoga out there. My son just has allways done the

excercises along with me with a little help some times, I dont do it very

seriously with him, so its kinda physical contact/ play-yoga time all rolled


one. My son is on wheat gluten and dairy free diet. However he was on this

wheat and dairy free since birth because I knew I was alergic to it. One thing I

notice with most parents is that they usually want there children to sit in

there seats correctly at all times --- get over it --- when the kids are layng


iverted positions on the couch or some other strange posture it is actually

good for them --look at it and compare it to yoga postures.

Earlier in life when I was going threw alergie problems I found

that removing gluten wheat and dairy from my diet was extreemly helpful and

eating 1 to 2 grapefruits a day relieved me of a stuffed up nose.


If i remember correctly I think I read in the Indego children

book I think that epsom salt baths are help full. If not sorry, but i found it

someware in a book.


Epson salt is magnesium. This helps my son with hyper activity. I give him 1

to 3 baths a week. The Idego children book have some wonderfull information

on ADD, AdHD, and recipeis. Another good book is ( Unraveling the Mystery of

Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder) by Karyn Seroussi


I also have been to the foot reflexologist several times in my

life and know that I felt great after recieving reflexology. I rub my son feet

every night while he goes to

sleep. There are points on the feet that help the brain to function.

I think that all these methods help the autictic child and that

the autism is less noticeable. I havent found the trick that seems to get it to

go compleetly away--Im still searching. Then on the other hand maybe the

sighns of Austism are teaching us how to live our lives better and whatch what


eat. to realize the production methods of our food is a terrible injustice.

and to take notice of polution and what we can do about it and to realize

what is not being done about it.

My son is smart actually when you listen with your eyes to him and

really try to understand him. My son does know over 200 hundred sighn

language sighns since his speach is so impared and I am currently taking sighn

language classes so I can learn it well and teach it to him.

Feel free to contact me at any time.

Sat Nam............Kim




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