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Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas

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Everyone loves a conspiracy, otherwise how to bring attention to the presumed

writing of Thomas. Out of the many books that the Church had available for

printing, certain ones, like the 4 Gospels and Revelation were selected. It

seems quite clear that many others, like, for example, the one presumably

written by Thomas, took the focus away from the purely spiritual.


Who was Thomas? Thomas was the Apostle (i.e., what Christ called one of the

Pillars in the Kingdom of Heaven - a Pillar or Beam of Light) that asks Christ,

"Show us the Father and we ask nothing else from you" - to which Christ

responds, "Have I been so long with you, yet still you do not see that when you

have seen Me, you have seen the Father. I am in the Father and the Father is in

Me" I and my Father are One." (This Atman is That Brahman - Tattwamasi).

Later, after the Resurection, Thomas still doubts, but in seeing the holes in

the chest, hands and feet of Christ, he exclaims "My Lord and my God." Thomas

is also the source of the origin of Christ's saying, "Blessed are those that

believe without having seen." All this to say that the text attributed to

Thomas, must have been some other thomas, but certainly not the Thomas referred

to in the 4 Gospels, who would be an utter and pure Bhakti, and not write down

second rate spiritual texts totally out of the Divine Character and Teachings of

Christ in the 4 Gospels and Revalations.


One can notice that when you read certain spiritual texts, like the various

Gitas, such as the Ribhu Gita, Ashthavakra Gita, Avadhut Gita, and others, or

for example the Jap Ji of Guru Nanak or Jaap Sahib of Guru Gobind Singh, or the

writings of the Third and Sixth Zen Patriarch, or the Heart Sutra, Diamond Sutra

of Buddha Sakyamuni, or the Ramayana (Rama - Sita - Hanuman), that there arises

a certain impalpable sensation.


Something new happens that displaces all previous spiritual practice, a

"hearing" - "sunia" - "sravana" of the Truth, a Truth that is single, yet all

pervasive, Consciousness Itself, the Light in everything, the awareness and

abiding as the True Self, the "I am That I am" of our notional "I am this and

that." Tattwamasi.


This impalpable sensation arises and dissolves attention altogether, leaving

over a pulsing of the "I as I" - "atma sphurana" - the experience of the One

Star Spirituality - like a sun that sucks in everything, like the singularity of

a Black Hole, every possibility that the sense of "I" is associated with a "this

and that," while at the same time outshining everything, as though the light in

the mind has become so great that the images fade from attention altogether. You

abide as single pervasive truth, Sat Nam, i.e., "I am the Truth." In the

stillness beyond stillness, light beyond light, there arises occasionally a

thought - full of unfathomable depth and meaning - "uncaused, ......

unconditioned, ...... undifferentiated, ...... without beginning, ...... without

time, ...... space-like. This is the experience of the non-dual state, yogis

call Turya. The goal of yoga sadhana, the realization / rememberance of the

ever-present all-pervasive Self as one's True Identity and the relinquishing /

radical forgetting of all else.


Apart from these Gitas and other spiritual texts, the one area that one can feel

the sensation of this radical force is in reading the Life and Teachings of

Christ in the 4 Gospels, a force that entirely transforms the mind and

transfigures the body, which becomes like a "Pillar of Light."


This type of sensation is entirely lacking in the presumed text of Thomas. Who

knows who wrote it or why, maybe someone thought they channeled it. Who knows,

but the presumed words of Christ in the presumed book of Thomas, while mildly

interesting, are more of a lower plane and not the pure power of Spirit that

comes through the Gospels and Revelation.


Who knows why Christ would want to have only the Gospels with Revelations and

the others includes and not other books. Looking at his Miraculous Life and the

Miracles flowing for the past 2000 years, and the myriads of people that have

been transformed and Transfigured from just believing in Him, one would think

that the selection in the Bible was unalterably His, and not based on some



Christ's main teachings are in "hearing" - "remembrance" and "abiding." These

teachings are exclusively the path of non-dual spirituality, which is also

called "One Star Spirituality" in Kundalini Yoga. These are the key notes in the

Jaap Ji and all spititual texts of this caliber, where the Author was pure

spiritual power. Abiding as unconditioned being/consciousness is the basis for

Sat Nam Rasayan, but also the basis for the formless non-spatial healing and

other miracles performed by Christ.


Some of these texts can be found in



To understand how the Teachings of Christ are profoundly non-dual in nature and

why the Gospels and Revelations resonate with the soundless sound of the

non-dual state, you can go to









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