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Kundalini experience

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There are many kinds of experiences that people call Kundalini experiences,

which are really experiences of prana or shakti.


Every thought and image appearing in the mind, every sensation and mood of the

body is the result of a spark of electricity that binds attention, like gripping

a live (electric) wire that you cannot let go of. As one practices yoga and

meditation and in particular Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, the

experience of prana and shakti increase, and there is a tendency, as with all

spiritual practice to grab, hold and try to figure out and categorize each of

these experiences into one's idea of an identity.


Using the shakti expansion resulting from the various practices, we teach

negative mind meditation, which is in the most simple terms, noticing and

releasing. As one becomes practiced in noticing and releasing, one begins to

realize that with the release of attention the energy / shakti increases, evens

out, pervades, so that one comes to the realization that "I am the field of

consciousness upon which the mind and body appear." With this experience comes

the beginning of the practice of positive mind meditation, which is simply put

"acceptance." Acceptance is a bit like remaining in a clear watchful state,

passive, yet alert. Emerging on its own comes the neutral mind meditation,

which is the beginning of Kundalini.


The main channels in the body relating to kundalini are the silver cord from the

base of the spine to the throat on up to the ajna and crown through passages

(the sushumna); the gold cord from the ajna to the crown (a continuation of

sushumna), and the atma nadi, also called amrita nadi and para nadi from the

center in the right side of the heart to the crown or right Vegas nerve.


Each of these main channels has its own Center, unrelated to psychic centers,

such as the Kandal, between the navel and 4th vertebra, the Sahasrara, at the

crown, the doorway to the 10th gate, and the One Stat or Hrdayam, the Spiritual

Heart, or Temple (Harimandr) in the Heart.


When the prana withdraws from the nadis and then into the ida and pingala (the

psychic channels) and goes into any of these spiritual channels, it is



Kundalini is the obviating of yin and yang, the end of all opposites,

consciousness of oneself as unconditioned being, the relinquishment of concepts

and all idea of subject and object. The purpose of yoga practice is achieved

and the seer is isolated. The mind is no longer used to see, you awaken to

yourself as being the Light of the World, That self-effulgence that sees and is

what is seen without distinction or separation. Yogis call it the Turya state,

the 4th, beyond all planes of consciousness.


When this True Awareness, hearing, recollection and abiding (Pradupati) the

process of Crystallization begins to awaken, you recollect who you really are,

the focus on the idea of "I" as the body or thoughts is relinquished at once,

and with the surrendering of that focusing power of the mind is released all

seeing knowledge absolute, abidance in Truth.


There is a kind of pressure or substratum of light that is found to be

everywhere, yet without a point of reference, and in this pressure of

undifferentiated consciousness in which the distinction of "I" and "you" have

lost all meaning, and yet everything is utterly clear and known, the various

systems and channels [such as the sushumna, where a kind of a multi-colored

mystic light might be seen like a flame rising through the top of the head and

the atma nadi begins to fill with light], an electrochemical manifestation takes

place much like the mercury rising in a barometer through the spine. At the

same time, an incandescent light fills the atma nadi, and yet there is no iota

of attention to what is happening. The mind is entirely disengaged.


The other experiences, such as the automatic movements (kriyas) of the body by

prana, the feeling of radiance throughout the body, the various types of visions

of the mind, even tears of devotion, are all manifestations of the movements of

prana - shakti.


Many people begin to experience a radiance and deepening and levels of bliss and

feel that they have arrived at some spiritual experience and that's it. But

these many kinds of phenomenon are just a process of purification (distillation

of impurities) - Aradhana - that comes through persistent daily spiritual

practice - Sadhana.


When one accompanies one's spiritual practice [i.e., purification through

breath, posture and movement (the yoga of light - Tappa) with locks and Naad

(the yoga of Sound - Jappa), together the Yoga of expansion and radiance (Laya)

and periodic meditations with slow repetitive breathing - Sanjam - the yoga of

dissolution, contraction, withdrawal (Pratyahar)] with study of scripture, then

there awakens a sense that there is something that is beyond everything, which

is singularly True.


Scripture in any of the religions, such as the Gitas and Sutras and Gospels, the

Jap Ji and Jaap Sahib, the Sukmani Sahib and so on are spoken by people that do

not see differences or separations, they abide in and as the Truth and so their

Words resonate with the recollection of That Truth, which is the substratum of

our being, yet entirely beyond all experience. Thus, the reading of scripture

quickly elevates one's Sadhana so that you find that you no longer have an

interest in the ever expanding radiance, deepening stillness and the many

manifestations of sights and sounds internally and externally, as one feels a

sense of singular Truth in which the distinction of inward and outward do not

exist, even as a notion or idea, or concept. And as a result of this

disengagement of focus and interest in the various pranic phenomenon, the

radiance increases and deepens even more with ever greater insights and

intuitions, ever increasing clarity of understanding and vision, like the

turning up of a light in the projector that passes through the images of a movie

take by take through the focusing lens onto the screen, until the images are no

longer seen, only in this case the brightness is both expanding and deepening,

so that you see with great depth and detail the most minute aspect, and yet you

see it as undifferentiated from the whole.


All this happens because in the reading of the various scriptures there is a

disengagement of attention, the focusing mechanism of the mind. You stop looking

with the reflected consciousness, the moon of the mind, and see with the light

of the sun in the heart. You go beyond stillness, beyond peace, beyond near and

far. "Everything is Whole." in the "Harimandr of the Heart"


Kundalini Yoga is simply this: practice, every day, read scriptures, the Word of

the True Guru, and everything will unfold by itself.


To have this explained clearly and to hear it spoken with the reverberation of

the Sound of the Naad, go to http://www.kundalini-matashakti.com/yogibhajan.html

and click "Patience Pays"



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  • 1 year later...


In my case I having excess energy depletion causing me to feel continously

thirsty for hours , and I find I very easily deplete electrolytes when I do few

rounds of Kapalabhatti!!.

Not sure why this is happening, doctors did all tests and everything came

back normal.


I love kapplabhatti so much but I cant do, even I find that Nabhi kriyas are

too hard on my lower abdomen.

At times if do I 6-8 excercises , I can feel all my cells very tired, dont

know what I am doing wrong.


Anybody experienced this before?






Brian <bkilton wrote:

Hi Mary,

My experiences are completely different. In fact the reason I love KY so

much is that at the end of a hard day I can do some Yoga and it completely

refreshes and restores my state of being. During my practice and meditation

a lot of garbage may come up but I just watch without attaching and let it


In my Sadhana I do the following to elevate my energy after a hard day:

-tune in-(focus on my true being)

-breath of fire or long deep breathing for a couple of minutes

-kriya- (Kriya for Elevation always works for me)

- meditation

- Long Sat Nam's and Sunshine Song


I always feel refreshed, positive and connected to my true self.


Sat Nam


Sheboygan, Wisconsin




> Just wanted to share that I noticed that if my state of mind is

> negative and I practice Kundalini, the negativity mutliplies leaving me

> with a sense of uncontrollable instability.






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Try wheatgrass juice every day. Better yet, get "greener grasses" by lifeforce


It's a powder you mix in water, contains dried grass juice and also whole

grasses ground

into powder - I recommend this over regular wheatgrass juice from the juice bar


their grasses are grown in highly mineralized soil, not in shallow trays like in

the juice

bars. They also have an amazing product called Vitamineral Green - has grasses,


herbs, etc. - all highly mineralized! Anyway, I do NOT work for the company,

just want to

share a great idea that helps ground me and mineralize me. I'm very vata and


can't deal with excess breath of fire. So anyway, hope it helps.


Ardas Singh

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Dear Akkama,

are you sure you're actually depleting electrolytes? Certainly

drinking excessive amounts of water have that effect but the fact that

you are experiencing thirst would indicate that your body requires

fluid. Something as simple as having a sports drink like gatorade

after your practice, or taking mineral supplements as prescribed by a

nutritionist or MD after proper blood tests, could possibly remedy the

situation. Please take proper care of yourself and consult the

appropriate qualified medical practioner to rule out these

possibilities. We can all easily misdiagnose our own symptoms from a

subjective standpoint and we run the risk of doing more harm than good

to ourselves when we guess at treatments.


The other possibility is that your body is in fact fatigued and

kapalabati is aggravating the situation. if it doesn't feel good,

stop. There is a differenc between pushing through a mental barrier

and a physical one, and often us westerners were brought up with a

"no pain, no gain" attitude towards physical activity that is more

harmful than helpful.


You may just be discovering an underlying fatigue that you are

becoming aware of. Do you have a practice of relaxation? Do you

meditate? Are you kind to yourself and do you nurture your body? it's

clear that your body is trying to get your attention, listen to it!

:) Be gentle and loving with yourself. Do visualisations, perhaps go

for a gentle replenishing massage. if you are pushing your body to

"perform" when you are exhausted you run the risk of aggravating an

underlying condition. All this said, there are many possible causes of

your fatigue and you really do need to get it checked by a

professional who can examine you in-person and run appropriate tests.


You can do no harm by being gentle with your body, relaxing, and

meditating and these activities can also help you manage any fear that

your fatigue may be bringing up. Love yourself :)




ps. you may also want to check with your teacher if you are actually

practicing kapalabati correctly. it's a difficult breath to master :)

However the fatigue and thirst indicate there is something else going

on too.

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Thanks a lot for your responses. I seem releaved from thirst only after

frequent intakes of gatorade mixed in water. Doctor mentioned that my blood

tests repoprts are normal.

I feel heavy tenderness in kidneys, lower abdomen and lower ribs, my lungs

dont even want ot breathe heavily. Even laughing and more talking hurts them.

Sometimes I feel I need to check my kidneys and stomach but I dont have any

major one point pain or anything it is just they are very sore and tender , it

feels that fluids levels drop instantly , I nethier urinate more nor do I have

any diarhea , nausea or other symptoms.

I have another visit on 30th. for now, I have stopped all excercises except




Let me of other things that I should be cautious off until 30th. I will keep




ovasoul <ovasoul wrote:

Dear Akkama,

are you sure you're actually depleting electrolytes? Certainly

drinking excessive amounts of water have that effect but the fact that





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