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Intermingling Auras?

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Sat Nam,

Recently I met this person of romantic interest. We

spent all of Sunday together and when I dropped her

off I felt this powerful sensation through my whole

aura. For the past few days I have been pretty

'etheric' (not thinking about her I've just been way

out there). Someone told me last night how auras can

mingle... So I was left with the assumption that what

I was feeling was the 'unmingling' of our auras.

My question is does this happen with everbody you

interact with and the only reason I sensed this now is

my increased sensitivity due to practicing KY? Or is

it special when auras intermingle? Is this event

significant on any level (a good person for me to


Just curious :)

Akal Singh

Eugene, OR






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Hi Robert,


I'm certainly no expert but definatley believe that our aura's at least AFFECT

others. We've all experienced the Energy Vampire who just zaps you of all your

energy, or people that we love to be around because we feel peaceful and and

ease with them. These affects I do believe can stay with us for quite some time

even after we are no longer in close contact with the person. This is my opinion

and I'm anxious to see how the more experienced people on this board respond. As

for your other questions, I have a feeling none of us can answer these for you ;

) You wll need to decide that for yourself.


Sat Nam,




Robert Chisholm <bdchis727 wrote:


Sat Nam,

Recently I met this person of romantic interest. We

spent all of Sunday together and when I dropped her

off I felt this powerful sensation through my whole

aura. For the past few days I have been pretty

'etheric' (not thinking about her I've just been way

out there). Someone told me last night how auras can

mingle... So I was left with the assumption that what

I was feeling was the 'unmingling' of our auras.

My question is does this happen with everbody you

interact with and the only reason I sensed this now is

my increased sensitivity due to practicing KY? Or is

it special when auras intermingle? Is this event

significant on any level (a good person for me to


Just curious :)

Akal Singh

Eugene, OR

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Dear Akal Singh,


> Recently I met this person of romantic interest. We

> spent all of Sunday together and when I dropped her

> off I felt this powerful sensation through my whole

> aura.


* What kind of sensation?


For the past few days I have been pretty

> 'etheric' (not thinking about her I've just been way

> out there). Someone told me last night how auras can

> mingle.


The best way to intermingle auras is to have sex. The auric imprint is



... So I was left with the assumption that what

> I was feeling was the 'unmingling' of our auras.


If there was pain or release then there is separation. The imprint on men

is less intense, than the imprint on women. Men can separate easier,

according to Yogi Bhajan.


> My question is does this happen with everbody you

> interact


* Depends on your interaction.


with and the only reason I sensed this now is

> my increased sensitivity due to practicing KY?


* KY increases your sensitivity. But KY or no, the intermingling happens.


Or is it special when auras intermingle? Is this event

> significant on any level (a good person for me to

> pursue?)


* Not enough information.


> Just curious :)


* Sounds more than curious to me. :+)


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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Something to meditate on (and not to react to)

Stay loose.



Connections and Relationships between the Ten Bodies


What is grace? Grace is the trust we give to others the expectation of who we

are that we give to others. It is our radiant body. If we fail in our grace, our

radiant body is punctured, our pranic body is disrupted, our positive and

negative mind is completely blown up, and the neutral mind fails.


If we are overprojective in our communication, we break up the psyche

(the aura, arcline and radiant body) of the other person. When we are too

withdrawn in communication the person to whom we are speaking has to project out

too much. Normally that's why people don't talk, they discuss weather.


All power rests in the subtle body, and it is protected by the radiant body. The

physical body is just the house, the shelter, the vehicle.


There is a triangular connection between the mind, the arc body and the pranic

body, with the spiritual body at the center.



"We are talking about destiny and fate. The essence of power of projectivity.

The nucleus of the self of the center of the magnetic field is like the eye of

the being, like the eye of a hurricane. The eye of the hurricane decides the

velocity and the power and the projection of the hurricane. Similarly the

magnetic field of the human being is based on the projectivity of the eye of the

magnetic field of the individual. It consists of the subtle body, the pranic

body and the radiant body. Out of the ten bodies, these three bodies combine

indirectly, and that 1s where a person finds prosperity and Hs or her



That is the job of the spiritual teacher: to project such a heavy beam of the

magnetic energy to wake you up so that your radiant body can start relating to

your auric body and that you can understand the subtle body. If the subtle body

becomes gross or coarse, it doesn't matter who you are, you are, condemned.


Prosperity is not produced by your idioticness, neither by your virtues.

Prosperity is produced immediately when the mind comes out of the duality. And

this twenty fifth pauri of Japji has the power to take away duality, because it

covers every aspect of the self and its radiance. And it does work on the tenth

body, the radiant body. That's how prosperity is produced". Yogi Bhajan



Male - Female Relationship in View of the Ten Bodies


Making someone feel loved is a beautiful gift and is making you totally

radiantly together. In this intercourse of the radiant body fulfillment happens.


An instance when a woman should never have sex is when she has mixed herself

sexually with a second man's aura. If she goes back to the first man, his

constitution goes totally berserk. No man can survive that auric injury; it

penetrates his total behavior and temperament. In this way he is very delicate.

Even when a woman has been impure in thought, though she has remained very pure

and loyal to that man, the man experiences still a kind of shock. That is why

with some women, men are very potent and with others they are impotent. This

potency and impotency depend on the mental frequency and auric strength of the



Auras do merge. It is a fact that the imprint of the male aura on the female and

the exchange of energy is tremendous. That is why when the female has a

relationship with a male, and if she goes to another male due to circumstances,

she feels very heavy guilt consciousness. Her consciousness confronts her every

step. In a male, it doesn't exist much. Woman's aura is imprintable, man's is

not. Her aura conceived the male aura. His aura doesn't have the film, it is

like an empty camera. In his camera there is no film, and in her camera there is

the most sensitive film. Her aura has sixteen more antennae per square

millimeter which is called "electro magnetic antennic vibratory effect". The

imprint in a man's aura is only temporary; the imprint of the woman's aura is

permanent, it makes a pattern. That is why the men always get the women, whether

the women like it or not. Why? The woman has an arcline from ear lobe to ear

lobe. Plus: she has an arcline across her breasts. Because of this any imprint

in her aura, any change in her aura when she has stimulated herself is

permanent. In the case of a man, the colors in the aura get messed up, which

doesn't mean a thing.


Man doesn't need a woman. He doesn't need her physically, mentally, or

spiritually. He only needs her for her aura that has to be positive for him.

Even in physical intercourse she just acts like a stimulant. It is the benchmark

of the man that he needs nothing from a woman. Except her positive aura, and he

only relates through her arcline. This is his basic nature.


When the arcline of the female receives a subtle radiated message from the

arcline of the male, her arcline responds by increased radiation of its energy.

Her arcline creates a halo or a globe of light. That globe projects out energy

in the form of beams, which attract the male to her. That moment when the mind

of the female it totally centered on the male and man's arcline touches that

globe, incentive for sexuality starts. Otherwise the man is impotent to begin



Each male and female relationship is not physical at all. The physical

relationship is the culmination of the relationship. First the arcline gives the

incentive. This sensitivity goes out into the auric body and then it is

initiated by invocation through the auric body. The auric body transforms the

energy in the pattern of extension and feeds the pranic body and vice versa.

Then the pranic body goes into the radiant body and in the radiant body it

envelops this subject called the polarity that is a woman. Any relationship that

doesn't develop from that extension will end up in argument in, frustration, and

in pain. It goes from one system of the body to another system of the body. It

is the relay of the energy through the physical body to the auric body to the

pranic body and to the radiant body, in which the situation ripens up, matures

and gives everlasting fulfillment.


If a woman has sex with a man who eats up her aura and damages her radiant body,

then the next day she gets up feeling like a squeezed lemon. And that is the

problem. Normally when two forces are joined together in sexual intercourse, and

it is properly done, they give each other the equivalent of five years of

energy, one year per tattwa. But we do not know. The only art of sex we know is

very ignorant and ridiculous. Any sexual activity in which the radiant body is

not involved with the physical body is highly damaging. Any connection between

our magnetic psyche and another magnetic psyche in which there is no grace, no

respect, no worship, is totally draining to our energy. It will bring us pain.

It will bring us death. It will bring us depression. Depression of a high

quality, a sophisticated super depression. Free. Any relationship where the

total psyche will not flow will dam up and burst out and destroy our valley.


Also remember that a woman is a stimulant and she needs an internal stimulant.

The internal stimulant is her Infinity. She also needs a mental stimulant. The

mental stimulant is the direction towards Infinity. Then she needs also physical

stimulant; that is in her sexual and sensual life in which she needs to be

totally brought into tides and tides and tides and in that way in physical

intercourse brought into the tiding nature she will start saying "Oh God". Her

auric and astral body shall not be left out. For when the physical trip is over,

the man wants to turn around , snore or run around to do something. This is

wrong. There needs to be companionship, more positive nature, more talking, more

interrelated relationship than ever before. So the intercourse should start

weeks before the event and it must end weeks after.





It is a state of consciousness that is imaginary and sweeter than reality. It is

creative. It comes from the akashic tattwa, the ether. It has a personality that

is very subtle. The romance has a relationship with the subtle body and the

subtle body is that body through which the soul has to leave for the call of the

God. Don't think that romance is no good. It is wonderfully bad. In the state of

romance we are so expanded and we are so one point that it is complete in

itself. Romance is microscopic and macroscopic and complete. Three people belong

to the same category:


- philosophers


- lovers


- and lunatics



Mental expansion beyond reality makes you loony and romance does that. What

happens is this brain and this mind work their scene together. It can go beyond

space into non reality. When we are in romance and we don't get it, it gives us

a pain that we cannot even describe. Love never gives us pain. We need to keep

these two things separate and don't mix them. Love is never painful. It is the

romantic extension of our personality and it is the overwhelming power of our

subtle body on the pranic body and then the pranic body starts suffocating. Then

the pranic body leaves and subtle body takes over. While we are alive the subtle

body grows and the pranic body shrinks. And no shrink can help. A person is in

love, in full romantic love. This person is in pain, excruciating pain. He or

she has fallen in love. We know, we can tell them anything. They don't listen.

We show them anything. They don't see. We ask them to hear. There is nothing. We

tell them to say something. They are silent. Then they start crying. It is a

kind of hysteria. Lunatic hysteria of romantic love. Because the passion, the

computerized passion of the glandular system is out of control. We call it love.

In the yogic science it is called nonsense. Madness.


Then what is the difference between romance and reality? There is actually no

difference at all. Reality is a practical balance between romance and non

reality. Reality is a middle stage.


The Kundalini Yoga set Awakening Yourself to the Ten Bodies is a typical example

of what I call a classical kriya. It starts with the wake up series and then

moves up the spine stimulating the chakras and balancing the tattwas. In this

process it balances the ten bodies and increases your awareness to your ten




>From "Kundalini Yoga - Flow of Energy"


Notes by Dr. Dyal Singh Khalsa













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Dear Dharam,


Connections and Relationships between the Ten Bodies


"An instance when a woman should never have sex is when she has mixed

herself sexually with a second man's aura. If she goes back to the first

man, his constitution goes totally berserk. No man can survive that auric

injury; it penetrates his total behavior and temperament. In this way he is

very delicate."


Dharam, given this situation will a woman never be able to regain her

original grace.


A young girl who befriended me recenlty confessed that her husband deserted

her consequent to her having had a brief affair with another man. You know

that Indian men are less accepting of a such a woman compared to men in the

western world. Will she have to be in a permanent state of abandonment?


Sat Nam


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