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Black Magic

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Can someone on the group enlighten me on Black Magic? Is this a reality?

Back in India and in Uganda where I currently live, this is a much talked

about subject and from gossip much practiced art. In case one has projected

black magic on another, how does the affected person protect himself from

the ill effects?


Sat Nam


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Sat Nam,


I am not an expert on black magic. But one thing that seems true to me is

that it can only work on people that are in fear. If you truly are not

afraid, no one's bad intentions can effect you.


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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Yes Theresa it is very much a reality. With the purity of the soul comes the

duality of the dark side too. It exists very much and is quite powerful too.

Much has been said in the Tantra texts of India about this and its a very

complicated subject with a lot of complexities and subtleities. People can be

possesed by demons and evil spirits can be unleasehed on them. Uganda practises

Voodoo which is different in appilcation than Indian black magic and the Middle

east has their own form of black magic. The principle is the same. Through

sounds and chants the darker sides are invoked and made to do these evil deeds.

Just like the good mantras that are told in this forum which are powerful and

for your divine good the evil chants do just the opposite.

Its like a tug of war between good and bad which happens continously. You are

protected by your good karma in part and by your own faith. There are sadhanas

which invole recitation of specific mantras for an 'x' number of times which

increase your own energy level to be able to combat these evil forces.

In India Ma Kali is the supreme force of good and evil, where everything stops

including time itself. Her sadhana is suposed to free the soul from the clutches

of the material world, emancipation is granted on the devotee. Incidentally

Bengalis who are probably the most famous for black magic in India worship her

only. Her power can be used for both good and bad.

However know this that the doer of the bad side incurs negative karma only to

burn in hell for a long time. Doing good gets u good karma and moksha.

You ask abt protection. I wish there was one way to go abt it. However faith is

the biggest protection that you can get. If you regulary do energy work or have

an awakened Kundalini then you have the universal energy at your disposition to

protect you like a shield. Try doing a search for psychic shields on google and

you will come up with a whole number of methods.

I am not an authority on this subject but only very recently have come in

contact where a friend of mine had to face this and he did, emerging victorius

against the evil person so I know to some extent what happens in this realm.

Please let me know if you need any more information. I will try to help to the

best of my knowledge.


Love and Light



| Mon, 4 Oct 2004 11:59:32 +0300

| "BPL" <bpl

| Re: Black Magic



| Can someone on the group enlighten me on Black Magic? Is this a reality?

| Back in India and in Uganda where I currently live, this is a much talked

| about subject and from gossip much practiced art. In case one has projected

| black magic on another, how does the affected person protect himself from

| the ill effects?


| Sat Nam

| Theresa

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Sat Nam


Try chanting Gobinde, Mukunday, Udare, Apare, Hariang, Kariang, Nirname,

Akame. This will keep your aura expanded and thus sheild you from any evil cast

your way.


Happy, Healthy, Holy, Dawn




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Sat Nam Theresa,

In the archives I found

Kundaliniyoga/message/11493 from 2/22/02

(See the full text below)


Those who would even imagine using "Black Magic" need to retrain their

system to permit feelings to run their natural course through Intense

Feeling Psychotherapies


Another option is to practice for at least 40 days The Kriya for Inner

Anger ( http://www.sahej.com/inner_anger-one.html ). This will get one

in touch with a much healthier relationship with their anger which will

short circuit the temptation to use manipulation of any kind. There is a

sweetness once we clear away the toxic.


Also, we have been given several practices for protection. One of them

is chanting to Baba Siri Chand twice a day, I think it is. "Aalak Baba

Siri Chand De Raak" http://www.sahej.com/Baba_Siri_Chand.html Also,

look up Triple Mantra in the archives. It is also available on Cd by

Gurunam at http://www.yogatech.com. Listening to or chanting TRIPLE

MANTRA will strengthen your magnetic field and keep negativity away.

Sat Nam,

Dharam Singh




BPL wrote:



> Can someone on the group enlighten me on Black Magic? Is this a reality?

> Back in India and in Uganda where I currently live, this is a much talked

> about subject and from gossip much practiced art. In case one has

> projected

> black magic on another, how does the affected person protect himself from

> the ill effects?


> Sat Nam

> Theresa



from 2/22/02

Sat Nam Jesús and others,

It's when we live in the imbalances of the "lower" Chakras that we

have problems. If, for example, we have a tremendous amount of emotional

instability from having grown up in an overly judgmental and/or

schizoid family (or society) and those first and second chakra issues

are not addressed (Intense-Feeling therapies., open and honest

communication, etc.) and we decide to move forward in denial, that can

be a disturbing mixture. The coarseness of unprocessed 1st and 2nd

Chakra energy moving into the third and fourth Chakras gives us much

pain and even digestive and heart ailments, just to mention a couple,

including being just plain mean! If a person is still in denial at this

point and that energy rises to the crown Chakra then you have the psyche

of a Black Magician. Why Yoga may get a bad wrap at this point is that

for a person this may have been the first time in his/her life than they

actually sat still and were made to confront and feel one's self.

Kundalini gives you no illusions. You tune in and that in itself is an

encountering of the self. You can do to a dozen Hatha, Bikram, Iyengar,

Astanga yoga classes a never open your mouth and never make a sound.

Insecurities that come up must be resolved and processed in the

White light of Pure Spirit. The Deep course red of the 1st Chakra

becomes pink when processed in this way and Pink is the color of

unconditional Love and acceptance rather than fear and insecurity. And

this happens with every center. Its this quality of energy that we want

to work with. If something other than it gets to the heart than we have

to take the opportunity to feel it all the way through. Do not let it

harden into an attitude. Softness, bending and bowing down are the

desired states. Cry it out, shake it out, scream it out, punch it out.

(By the way Yogiji has given us sets that do all of this). Process

It is very important to follow the KY instructions to the T. Tune in

with the Adi Mantra, warm up with maybe some light pranayam, listen to

your body and being (no competition), layout and integrate through

chanting/meditation. Do some more pranayam (20 20 20 breath). Feel

yourself. Long time Sun to finish. Perfect your breath/mind and send it

back out. The Gift must Move!

Rightness of Being,

Enuf for now,



Jesús wrote:


> Sat Nam. For who lived in a country in the one which there is access

> to

> great quantity of information the presence of the pain and of the

> misfortune is something continuous. No longer it is tried only to the

> problems in the most next world to our family, friends, neighboring or


> known. We see that the world over they occur thousand misfortunes and

> that

> many of they are work of our similar. If we study the history we see

> that

> this has occurred always and that in all the times and eras, the

> existence

> and the human happiness have been threatened by the own human beings.

> Some

> religions consider that exists a principle or force, or archetype of

> the

> Wickedness, the Evil, under different names (Seth, Satan , Samael,

> ...)

> Which is the explanation for the Sikh Dharma and the KY?

















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if you're interested in a tune for this mantra, it was beautifully

recorded by snatam kaur khalsa on her cd 'prem,' available from

yogatech.com. the disc has many wonderful mantras, all in her voice of

an angel. wahe snatam kaur khalsa!




DawnsStars wrote:


> Sat Nam


> Try chanting Gobinde, Mukunday, Udare, Apare, Hariang, Kariang, Nirname,

> Akame. This will keep your aura expanded and thus sheild you from any

> evil cast

> your way.


> Happy, Healthy, Holy, Dawn







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> selection of Books, Videos and DVDs on Kundalini Yoga, based on

> ancient technology as brought to the West by Yogi Bhajan. Also a great

> range of beautiful Meditation and Mantra CDs, all with RealAudio sound

> clips.

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Sat Nam Gururattan & Danny,


Thank you for your inputs on Black Magic.


I was personally affected too. Years ago my elder brother was a victim of

'black magic', although at that time I did not believe in this. Consequently

this has damaged the lives of all the siblings.



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I wanted to share that we should avoid having fear in

this regard.

My grandmother went through this a whole lot and all

she was a pious lady with intense faith in God and no

wonder that her faith protected her throughtout and

all her family.

She would have prior intutions/another helping soul to

come and tell her of the approaching danger if any and

how to avoid. I have seen this with my own eyes and

the miracles that occured.


She was guided all through those 20 years of Blak

magic being done on her and ultimately it turned out

the as the person went on doing bad stuff for her it

turned around being good stuff/victory for her family

and eventually the person went weaker and weaker and

died ruthelessly. His whole siblings and family has

almost perished or in very poor state.









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