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Good Morning,

I have been "lurking" on this list for about a month now. Today feels

like a good day to intoduce myself. I have been doing Iyengar or

Hathaintroducer 6 or 7 years. The yoga studio where I participate in

classes started a Kundalini class this past June. I went to the class the

first time just to see what it was about. Physically, the first couple of

weeks really knocked me out. I couldn't believe how sore I could be after a

yoga class. I have persevered, however, and am very pleased with the

evolving results.

My yoga instructor also offers body/energy balancing treatments, and I

have done that a couple of times. As part of my treatment, she recommended

a kundalini kriya for me to do for 40 days. Today's session was my 35th

day. I experienced a very cleansing, but very emotional "storm" around my

21st day. The kundalini enabled me to purge some stuff that I had been

carrying around for 20 years. It was stuff that I was still investing

energy in, but didn't even know it anymore. I feel something unsettled

within me still. While I do not relish going through another "storm", I now

know that I will be okay - regardless of whatever should surface. The

unsettledness could just be an assimilation process. Energy is flowing

through me much more freely now than it was before I started my 40-day


Through my kundalini practice, I have learned that I will be okay in spite

of whatever life tosses my way. Some circumstances may not feel good, but I

know that I have the divinely given strength to get through and remain okay.

The world around me remains pretty much the same, but I perceive it so

much differently now. I am more conscious of how I engage in situations. I

am very thankful to have found this path in my life journey. I am also

thankful for the wisdom expressed in this list. Take care and enjoy life! ~




Ordinary-mindedness is the way. Do not delude yourself in seeking truth

elsewhere. Just pay close attention to the small daily happenings, and gain

insight from life. ~ Kasyapa



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