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Greatest Remedy of Humanity - Love

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8 January 2005

Greatest Remedy of Humanity - Love


Om Gam Ganapatheye Namah




There is a moment in every every astrologer's heart, today

was one of those as I watched the Canadian Memorial Service

regarding the tsunami. What I witnessed was not solely as

a result of the national ceremony, but else, it was all of

us, our sadhanas, meditations, helping those who come and ask

their questions and how collectively we continue to increase

the light quotient on this planet. I saw a remedy in action,

a remedy against continued grief, against sadness, a prevention

against war, against the breakdown of all life and strife

and that creates an immortality, a beacon for the univeres

....it is us - love. We join ourselves in oneness and love, we

join with our partners, and now we join globally...how blessed

we are. There is a moment when the nectar of being strikes a

song in our hearts. We all work on this list, feeling the flow

of our energy through our bodies - we join....and today I saw a

huge joining....all in a wave of love.


I shall share about ceremony with you, if I may:


This Saturday morning, leaders of 10 faiths across Canada as well

as children representing various faiths presented a memorial

service today for the victims who remain and those lost in

the tsumani. The tsunami was described as a great wave that

brought an ever growing wave of humanity and love on this earth

that is unprecedented.


It was extremely moving, truly a divine moment to hear such

beautiful words from all the spiritual leaders...all people were

represented...be they Tibetan Buddhist, Christian, Aboriginal,

Hindu, Sikhi, Jewish, B'hai, Zorastrian, Muslim and a group

of children to represent the 1/3 of children who perished in

the sea.


Today, this memorial service and the event itself, was a pure

moment of Oneness, a coming together in God's name, in the name

of our common Absolute value where all souls emerge, are sustained

and return. Even God was poetic to merge everyone from all walks

into One water - to be baptized as One.


Prime Minister Paul Martin then spoke:

"We ARE connected by compassion, and we need to nurture this...we

need to let those who are in pain know that we will be steadfast

for our family, now AND tomorrow as well...for all the tomorrow's

it takes."


He told a story that occurred in Asia in a little church. That

day, on Dec 26, 2004, the holy commmunion was begining and there

was a little statue of Mary that had been rescued from the sea

some 5 centuries ago..that day 17 died in sanctuary coming to

take sacraments, taken by the wave...the little statue was also

washed to sea as the priest tried to save it...the history of that

statue shows it had been lost twice before at sea... Three days

after the tsunami...undamaged in a nearby garden, in the likeness

of Mary she came back again from the sea, she knows how to swim.


When I heard that story, I felt the hope that the people must

have felt seeing the statue of Mary back again and felt it as a

symbol that our eternal Mother Divine never leaves.


The Prime Minister then told: ...the human instinct to search for

even a flicker of hope even in the most dire of events... in

Thunderbay, Ontario, 2 young boys, age 5 and 7, decided on their

own to give their Xmas money - all $50 to the Red Cross; one boy

in New Brunswick, I believe it was, raised $1000 by going door to

door and collecting for the relief fund; one child in Halifax

....$8.52 from her piggy bank...and one girl who had save for two

years for a puppy donated the $400 to the victim of the waves;

the stories go on and on about children not thinking, just doing,

just doing - the children knew exactly what to do. The wave of

pure action by children is one of the most powerful comments of

this moment in human history. Follow their lead.


The PM then told we need to forge a legacy of caring that children

will be proud to build. He recalled a cermony in Indonesia where

paper lanterns were lit and released into the night sky, they rose

gently and silently...delicate patches of light set against the

dark sky... And the PM said something like: it may seem futile

against such despair...we not only seek hope, we FIND it...


Lt. Governor for Canada: She said in our shock we are at one with

the world...we are human beings. She went on to speak about our

broadened concept of famly, extending more widely our acts of love,

the only question from Canadians was ....how and how much.


There was a sense of peace with each spiritual speaker....as if

all were held by legions of angels,my Mother Divine and Father

Divine...there was a blessing on them and their words...it was

pure light. I found each and every leader represented (sorry

if I missed mentioning any group) was soft, clear, filled with

peace and clarity....I felt privledged to be on this earth and

part of that moment...and desired to create not a moment of

oneness but a lasting reality upon Earth - the flame in my

heart arched outwards to the universe in divine joy to feel

this oneness on earth - this is what makes heaven on earth...

us - in one.


The Lt. Governor went on to say something to the effect that

each person on this planet is our relative; we now have a

heightened awareness of our kinship...they lived and died a

half a world away and yet are as close to us as our own hearts.

She also said to find not only honey from the carcass of a lion,

but also find humility. She then made reference to John Dunn,

an Angelican poet from 200 yrs ago said something as a reminder

of our shared human destiny...

"...no man is an island, entire of itself, every man is a piece

of continent, apart of the main, if a clod be washed way, Europe

is the less, as well is if they are a man or they friends. Any

man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind...

.... to know for whom the bell tolls it tolls for thee...


Then followed for a national moment of silence:


Silence, bagpipes, images flashed across a screen...tears for the

parents who lost their children and the children who lost their

parents - the sheer magnitude of the devastation and the moment.


For yet all that has been lost there, yet rises a birth of

collective Oneness, of heart...for it is not rising of else, but

pure human love. On this shining day, let the victims and

destruction be remembered as birth of this Oneness, so great the

heart of Earth. I shall remember you dear souls, in all

gratitude for this birth. Not just at this moment, but in any

moment in your day, pray and give your renewed family, your hope

and strength and your actions as testimony and breath to our

oneness and the collective love on this precious planet. For

as the memory of this wave diminishes and returns to the whole,

let the flame in our hearts shine eternally and create wave

after wave of love.


Then all sang Oh Canada, our national anthem. In the national

anthem we sing, for Canada, we show a steadfastness for our country

and now we have a chance with to do that with our world....let us

stand strong, hold bright, the paper lantern in our heart and give

all affected by this wave, our aid, our compassion, our hope, our

strength,and our love...for they ARE our family. At no time in

humanity, is this truth of oneness more clear. There is no

wave than can extinguish our love, our global and universal

family, our Oneness. Amen


In service, let our hearts soar,


(Jyotish Brahmani Raam)



I silently read your posts, send you all love and am grateful

for all the meditators, and siddhas, sadhaks, pundits, jyotisha

who have helped to bring about a great change in light on this

planet ...may it ever grow. In humble gratitude and service

....thank you.

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