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Kundalini vs. Hatha teaching (Q&A with Yogi Bhajan)

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(from the KRI Teacher Training Notebook )



Question: He doesn't consider himself an expert yogi. He just mentioned

that he heard Kundalini Yoga is a very dangerous type of yoga. Could you

explain a little more? Answer. Ask him why he is practicing all the

Hatha Yoga Postures. What is the purpose of Hatha yoga? The purpose of

Hatha Yoga is to raise the awareness. It is a technology to bring the

apana and prana, the moon and sun powers, together to raise the

consciousness through the central equilibrium line. In other words, its

stated aim is to raise the Kundalini. That is the purpose of Hatha Yoga.

The problem is that it takes about 22 years to raise it that way, even

with perfect practice. That is the long method. The difference from

Kundalini yoga is only a matter of time and rate of progress. The

purpose of the two approaches is the same.


Teaching Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga is very different. First of all,

it is difficult to teach Kundalini Yoga. A teacher who does not have a

beam of energy within himself cannot teach it. That is the first

fundamental. You have to be aware within your consciousness. Kundalini

yoga raises awareness, as does Hatha Yoga, but it is direct, quick, and

a perfect practice for the pace, of a modern household. As a teacher of

Kundalini yoga, you should be established at a certain steady level of

consciousness to pull all the people up to that level. If you do not

have that link of consciousness, the golden link, and the spark of

awareness, then you can only instruct in darkness. That is the real



You could come and I could give you a bunch of powerful and elegant

exercises. You would feel good. However, when I then talk about life and

humanity and the total sum of existence and consciousness, you have to

feel that magnetism come out of me. My reality and confirmed

consciousness must be present to act as a guide and compass. If I can't

give you that, there is nothing to pull you to that new level. Kundalini

yoga is the master science of experience and awareness. It is a

transmission of consciousness from person to person. It is a Raj Yoga

that awakens you inside. That is the basic difference between Hatha and

Kundalini yoga.


This talk of danger sometimes becomes the biggest danger and a big

problem. The only danger is when you use something external and

artificial, like a drug and force it into you. Think of Kundalini in a

different way. In Reality there is a God. He uncoils himself, opens

himself up. This uncoiling process or manifestation process is known as

Kundalini. What can be dangerous about it? The Kundalini that is going

to be uncoiled in you is already in you and part of you. It is an

unlimited power that is the essence of your consciousness. It is going

to uncoil in you. Your system is already built to contain the energy of

Kundalini. It is a normal capacity that you simply are not utilizing. If

you start utilizing that energy, where is the danger?



Question: You seem to be unique among the yogis and swamis I have heard

talk Very few say anything openly, without initiation, about Kundalini

and most are very cautious about it. Why do you seem so different?



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