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Dear ALL,


Sat nam. I have in the past,and more so now that I practice KY,

experienced Premonitions. You know, a sensing, or knowing that

something was not right, OR, going to happen?


I had a Premonition at Christmas-time of my own death. This deeply

disturbed me, and so I turned to God. That was when We began our

intimate Communions, and I DO feel better.


However, God stated I would have death of EGO. Spiritual

transformation, which greatly relieved me!!!


And NOW, these SAME sensations of my earlier death premonition are

re-turning. God, I BElieve, IS trying to tell me, IN SPITE of

ENLIGHTENMENT, I will surly die before year's end.


MY QUESTION: ANY ADVICE???(Please, I AM WAY BEYOND living one day at

a time, and we go when it's our time! I need serious suggestions!)

Please take this IN THE SPIRIT GIVEN=LOVE!!! I have a wonderful

husband and Precious 5-year old twin sons. I still have much, much TO DO!



Gratitude and Many Blessings,

Nirmal Kaur

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Sat Nam Nirmal kaur,

I have 2 meditations to share with you. I hope they help. I also want to say

that I have had

many feelings of premonition during meditation that did not come true. In fact,

some of

them were past lives coming to the surface. So, although, I cannot say what your


of premonition mean, it doesn't necessarily mean they are going to happen. When

you are

meditating, it would be helpful to allow yourself to experience the emotions


reacting or resisting or immediately believing them. Feelings can't kill



1st meditation

Meditation to ward off death

this meditation is very ancient. It gives mystical power over death


Sit in Rock pose or in Vir asan. interlace the fingers in venus lock in front of

the heart

center. (except the thumbs are pulled back, touching on the sides.) The elbows


comfortably against the side of the body

Eyes are 1/10th open

Chant Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung 3 times (with usual tune) completely exhaling

with each


chant for 31 minutes

Upon completion, keep fingers interlaced and raise them over the head, palms up


inhale. hold and stretch powerfully. exhale and repeat stretch 2 more times.

with practice, the mantra can be chanted 5 times per breath.


2nd meditation

Meditation to control death

the scriptures record three pages of benefits from this meditation including the

ability to

control ones' own death and the death of others.


Sit in meditative posture, elbows comfortably at the sides, extend the forearms

paralel to

the ground, palms up, fingers together, thumbs out, but not pulled back. Hands

are about

1.5 - 2 feet apart from each other. the arm and hand postion should be very



Eyes are 1/10th open, focused at 3rd eye point.

deeply inhale and completely exhale.

Hold breath out and mentally vibrate the mantra SA TA NA MA 4 times.

start with 11 minutes and progress to 31 minutes.


Hope that helps,

Shabad Singh



Kundaliniyoga, "Georgia Victoria Weinkauf"





> Dear ALL,


> Sat nam. I have in the past,and more so now that I practice KY,

> experienced Premonitions. You know, a sensing, or knowing that

> something was not right, OR, going to happen?


> I had a Premonition at Christmas-time of my own death. This deeply

> disturbed me, and so I turned to God. That was when We began our

> intimate Communions, and I DO feel better.


> However, God stated I would have death of EGO. Spiritual

> transformation, which greatly relieved me!!!


> And NOW, these SAME sensations of my earlier death premonition are

> re-turning. God, I BElieve, IS trying to tell me, IN SPITE of

> ENLIGHTENMENT, I will surly die before year's end.


> MY QUESTION: ANY ADVICE???(Please, I AM WAY BEYOND living one day at

> a time, and we go when it's our time! I need serious suggestions!)

> Please take this IN THE SPIRIT GIVEN=LOVE!!! I have a wonderful

> husband and Precious 5-year old twin sons. I still have much, much TO DO!



> Gratitude and Many Blessings,

> Nirmal Kaur

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Dear Shabd Singh,


Sat nam. These sensations do not happen while meditating! Whatever

occurs during meditation, I observe as scenery, and get back in the

driver's seat=inwards!!!


I realize feelings cannot kill, however my intuition is very sharp,

and I have rarely been wrong. Last year, for the month of March and

beyond, I "knew" things were NOT right with my family in the States.

We are sadly estranged, and at that time, there was NO communication.

I learned later, by a rather cruel letter from my sister, that my

Mother died in April; was hospitilized in March. Happily, my Mothers'

Spirit came to me before moving on, to make peace and ask forgivness.

I, of course, immediately made peace, forgave her, and Prayed To God

to TAKE her to THE LIGHT, her Soul was so troubled. Maybe now I AM

sensing my Father's death. He came to me, telepathically, while I was

standing in a store.


I don't think so, these experiences are far TOO Personal but to BE for

anyone else BUT me!!!


Thanks for your help.


Blessings, Nirmal Kaur

> many feelings of premonition during meditation that did not come

true. In fact, some of

> them were past lives coming to the surface. So, although, I cannot

say what your feelings

> of premonition mean, it doesn't necessarily mean they are going to

happen. When you are

> meditating, it would be helpful to allow yourself to experience the

emotions without

> reacting or resisting or immediately believing them. Feelings can't

kill you......

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Sat Nam:


Hopefully I can share with you a little light from my own experience.


Not too long ago I was given a terminal diagnoses. This shock me into the

reality of the moment. I am only 49.


I believe that KY can alter your Karma, if your Karma is to be changed.


I believe that the mind is a power tool, able to create almost anything you

focus your mind on. I am focused on living to see my Great Grandchildren

someday and do not give thought, and very few words to the diagnoses, to

the point that I normally would not even have said this much.


I take comfort in what Yogi said about his own death, almost as if he was

speaking from a place of a premonition (though I think Yogi lived in that

place we experience as having a premonition from).


What Yogi said was:


"Those who will believe that I am dead, I shall be dead for them. And those

who shall believe that I live, I shall live a hundred times more powerfully

- stronger in them than they have ever experienced. With these words I

would like to tell you that we have an everlasting, loving, beautiful

relationship, here, hereafter - unto Infinity, and even beyond that.

Believe me. Even if you can't believe it, it is true."

Yogi Bhajan - Summer Solstice 1988


My daughter Graduated with her BA and will be going for her Masters in

Non-profit management. Her career path is to teach about the suffering of

farm animals, she is a vegan. The blessing came when she asked me a silly

question, she asked if I would be "disappointed" if she took a year off

from school and lived in an Ashram, for me, this was Yogi telling me not to

worry about my life, it would go on.


In Buddhism the Buddha taught that life is suffering, suffering comes from

desire, the way to end suffering is to let go of the desire, and the way to

let go of the desire the Buddha showed us the Eightfold Path. That path is

the Buddha-Dharma is the realization within one’s deepest consciousness of

the Oneness of all life. For the attainment of this purpose, .


1) Right Views means to keep ourselves free from prejudice, superstition

and delusion... and to see aright the true nature of life.

2) Right Thoughts means to turn away from the hypocrisies of this world and

to direct our minds toward Truth and Positive Attitudes and Action.

3) Right Conduct means to see that our deeds are peaceable, benevolent,

compassionate and pure... and to live the Teachings daily.

4) Right Speech means to refrain from pointless and harmful talk... to

speak kindly and courteously to all.

5) Right Livelihood means to earn our living in such a way as to entail no

evil consequences. To seek that employment to which can give our complete

enthusiasm and devotion.

6) Right Effort means to direct our efforts continually to the overcoming

of ignorance and craving desires.

7) Right Mindfulness means to cherish good and pure thoughts, for all that

we say and do arises from our thoughts.

8) Right Meditation means to concentrate on the Oneness of all life and the

Buddhahood that exists within all beings.


I hope this helps, I can only suggest you let go of the desire for the

answer and keep your practice up. Your premonition may be many things you

have no control over, and it is in actuality, it is nothing at all but a



Your practice is something you do have control over, and by that, in

someways, I think you have some control over your Karma.


In love,




May the long time Sun shine upon you,

All love surround you.

And the pure light within you,

Guide your way home.


listed to the chant at:


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Dear Robert,


Sat Nam. This was BEAUTIFUL!!! You are so right about karma. Your Gift



Yes, those sweet words from Yogi Bhajan cause my eyes to fill with



Yes, I AM striving EVERYDAY and EVERYWAY to LIVE as Budda teaches.


There has been some LIGHT shed on this premonition.. Thanks TO ALL of

your kind words and prayers, I KNOW this Premonition now TO mean a

"Call From God that Death of EGO IS IMMINENT, and to PREPARE NOW." So,

this, to me is a confirmation of my earlier premonition----NOT my

Physical Self, BUT INTO A NEW Person by way of Spiritual

Transformation, resulting in THE DEATH of my EGO!!!




Whatever will BE, will BE. I will continue to KEEP UP!!!


In LOVE, LIGHT, and Many Blessings!


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Sat Nam Nirmal Kaur,

I apologize . I meant no disrespest to you or your intuitive abilities. I hope

the meditations

I listed earlier are helpful to you. Please don't let my opinions keep you from

using the






Kundaliniyoga, "Georgia Victoria Weinkauf"





> Dear Shabd Singh,


> Sat nam. These sensations do not happen while meditating! Whatever

> occurs during meditation, I observe as scenery, and get back in the

> driver's seat=inwards!!!


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Sat Nam Nirmal,

after reading your post, I came across a meditation

that as soon as I read it, you came into my mind...

Its called "Learned to control your thoughts"

it goes on to say that it will help you to be

successful in anything that you want to do...

what I thought was of particular interest was the

ending where one would chant "I am Akal"

which means I am undying....

to get all the instructions of the complete meditation

go on Jiwan Singhs site & look it up.

hope this helps...with many blessings, Jiwan Shakti







Celebrate 's 10th Birthday!

Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web


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Dear Jiwan Shakti,


Sat nam. Thank you for your suggestion. I will look it up. However,

did you read ALL the PPREMONITIONS," posts?


Post #20234 which I wrote to a Fellow Friend, states that these are

not "Thoughts," but over-coming SENSATIONS AND FEELINGS that I

EXPERIENCE from time to time!!! NOT thoughts: SENSATIONS/KNOWING what

a certain out-come will BE!!! Premonitions!!! I consider this a Gift


and have no desire whatsoever to change it!!! Thank you for your

friendship and wish to help!!!


All my LOVE,


> Sat Nam Nirmal,

> after reading your post, I came across a meditation

> that as soon as I read it, you came into my mind...

> Its called "Learned to control your thoughts"

> it goes on to say that it will help you to be

> successful in anything that you want to do...

> what I thought was of particular interest was the

> ending where one would chant "I am Akal"

> which means I am undying....

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--- Georgia,

Sat Nam. If you believe your death is imminent, how

does it change how you choose to live.? You are right

about our knowledge of the impermanence of life being

a gift; I believe that the closer we are to that

knowledge, the more alive we can become.

Blessings and Light from Santa Barbara,

Ki Soaring Eagle








Celebrate 's 10th Birthday!

Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web


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Dear Ki Soaring Eagle,


Sat nam. Thank you for responding, however ALL of the posts must be

read to understand!


When I had the 1st premonition at Christmas, this culminated, BY

DIRECT COMMUNION WITH GOD, for me to REALIZE that it is NOT death of

my physical body, BUT DEATH of EGO!!! Spiritual Transformation, where

I will no longer BE the self NOW, but A NEW SELF!!! LIBREATION!



When I had the 2nd premonition, I now UNDERSTAND that this is a

Message FROM GOD of my SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION, part of me IS to die,

or fall away, leading to a NEW me!!! AND SOON, so as to PREPARE NOW!!


So, this is JOYOUS to me! I LONG for UNION with God, but while STILL

in my body=Enlightenment!!!


I hope this clears things up!


Much Love and Light and Many Blessings'


> --- Georgia,

> Sat Nam. If you believe your death is imminent, how

> does it change how you choose to live.? You are right

> about our knowledge of the impermanence of life being

> a gift; I believe that the closer we are to that

> knowledge, the more alive we can become.

> Blessings and Light from Santa Barbara,

> Ki Soaring Eagle

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