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Love and peace to everyone!


One of my students who is practising KY already a few years has discovered

that she feels much more at home in a spiritual (nonmaterial) realm than in a

material one and that she does not even want to be on this planet. She feels

that perhaps she was not asked "up there" if she really wanted to be born but

that she kind of has been "thrown" on earth. I told her that each soul decided


come here together with her blessings and challenges to learn the soul

lessons of this life and give her gift to earth, but she reponded, that she


it feel this way. She feels "alien" on this earth. She would be disposed to do

a meditation to heal a problem. Kirtan Kriya which I suggested she did already

and it did not help she says. Does anyone have an idea?


Thks to all.

Sadhana K. from Germany




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It sounds to me like she has not turned her life over to the divine guidance.

She is trying to control her life and I imagine might be experiencing some

emotional carry-overs from a past life. I would think that she needs to do a

lot of meditating.




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It sounds like she needs alot of grouding in reality. We do have to live in

this world and constantly wishing to be elsewhere is not healthy. It will

keep her disatisfied and thats about it.


There are only OTHER and BETTER or HIGHER states of mind if we mentally

compare one state with another. (and this means seperating one thing from

another- NOTHING is seperate except in our own limited way of thinking). And

this is only another mental concept which doesnt necessarily represent

reality; just more thinking.


She seems to be living in her own IDEALISATION of what the world or her

world SHOULD be like. And her life is not matching up to her high

expectations. This is the root of suffering. She is causing her own

suffering by not accepting her present condition.


Accept where you are in the present. Only the present exists. The past and

future are only IDEAS (thoughts). You can ONLY live and be happy NOW. If you

always hope and wish to be somewhere else or in some special state- no

wonder youre not happy! Its only the small mind again telling us things

SHOULD be some other way. Well they are not-they are exactly the way they



Meditate, do grounding yoga but most importantly accept where you are in

every moment cause thats the only time you will EVER be happy.




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I joined the list long ago and read the posts however I admit to not

practicing KY. I do, however, know how your student feels. Maybe what I felt


help you understand how she feels. There are mornings I wake (not as many

now), when I am tired, sad, and lonely. Although, I don't remember every dream

(for me reality), of being on the other side. After my husband passed, from

cancer, I lost my best friend. When I am sleeping, I am with him, as well

as with my Spirit Guides and Teachers. I am comfortable there where

everyone "just knows", more importantly feeling the great peace and comfort.

Here, I think we get more weary of the lessons we teach more than the

lessons to be learned. We have a longing for everyone "to get it", and there

is a level of frustration that occurs when they don't. Realizing everyone

is on their own path, and where they need to be has helped.

There was a time when I felt this much more than now. Although, I

cannot remember the title of the book where I read about THE DARK NIGHT OF THE

SOUL BY Saint John of the Cross, and my experiences were not as extreme as

described, it did help. I believe this despair is felt more when a person first

begins to realize they are indeed on a spiritual journey. We as humans

generally tend to believe we are the "only one feeling" this way. Let's face


in some cities, towns, it is sometimes difficult to find someone to talk to

about our experiences, and feelings, and who doesn't think we are crazy.

I hope this helps.





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I am new to Kundalini but I have been researching my spiritual path

for around ten years. I started learning because I felt I didn't

belong in the physical. Through much time and heartache I realized

(my opinion) that our existence is solely to reach balance. Balance

of the spiritual with the physical, balance of the emotions, balance

of the self, with nature, with the universe, etc. To find ones self

you must look inward at who you are both physical and spiritual.

Unbalance means dishonesty to oneself. If she is uncomfortable with

who she is physically there are things she needs to work out that she

refuses to tell herself about. Anyway, thats my own opinion.

Sat Nam


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Love and Light to all,


thanks so much for your wonderful postings and insights. Does anyone have

experiences with special meditations and/or sets for this case (feeling that one

does not belong to this planet)? Or any advise about meditations/sets which

could be appropriate? I would love for this person not only pass your ideas and

insights to her, but, as she is my yoga student, to open to her perhaps some

concrete way of dealing with this problem from the path we are all following.


Thank you all, this is a most wonderful list!

Sadhana K.




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Sat Nam,


I would like to add to what others have already expressed on this topic.


Your state of consciousness at your time of death, is what propells you into

your next incarnation. The last thing Ghandi said before he died was

,"Ram"...(God). When we die remembering God/Love then we die liberated. The

more consciously one dies the more choice they have in their next incarnation.


Most people die and the few moments after death, as they review their life and

what it is that they had incarnated to experience or accomplish..... they end up

judging themselves harshly (because they haven't developed the neutral mind

yet).....in the judging of themselves they form desires..."oh I wish I had done

this...or that"...or they experience strong attachment to things or people in

their lives etc.....and with those desires and past karma, the scene is set for

the next lifetime...and most people incarnate almost instantly.


So my point is that the idea that, someone might incarnate against their

will....or that some of us don't belong here....speaks more to the point that we

find being human a challenge....it is challenging to live consciously in a

predominately unconscious world....and those thoughts are born out of that

challenge that we experience as beings who want to create a new world of love

and connection....but we look around and see alot of fear based things going on

in our world.


But I would very strongly guess that for anyone who feels like they don't

belong in this world or that they are here not by there choice, they have a very

strong path that involves learning how to bring heaven to earth. And those

strong feelings that they are experiencing, are simple feedback from the

universe, so that they will begin the journey of marrying heaven and earth.


As we learn to die with more rememberance of our true self and more

consciousness...thus less judgement and unconscious desire....then we don't

neceassarily incarnate instantly....we are given more choice in our next



Somebody asked my teacher once, "can we choose not to incarnate?" I believe he

said, "yes....but everybody in the non-physical realms are dying to incarnate as

a human...because the human body is a vehichle inwhich you can experience mass

transformation of consciousness...."


So if you're at a point where you have the consciousness to begin choosing

incarnations, then along with that would come the consciousness of how precious

an opportunity this human life is....and you probably wouldn't be

wondering..."do I really belong here?"


You'd probably be saying something more like, "I feel frustrated with life....I

feel overwhelmed by how much has to transform inorder for this to be a truly

genuine and loving world....and I realize that I need to learn to live my

consciousness in the everyday world and help others do the same".


So feeling like you don't belong, is a strong message that your path is really

related to learning to belong, while embodying the full essence of your light,

while in a human body and to help others to do the same....atleast those are the

thoughts that come to me?


I hope this is helpful.


All Light,


Sat Sangeet kaur


AB, Canada








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Sat Nam,


I believe that anything within the practice of Kundalini yoga would be of

help.....I hestitate to say do this or that because we are all so individual and

KY can't be prescribed out like a medication. It can support all of the

processes that we are going through, but the picture of what each one of us

needs, is frankly huge and we have to try to see that in it's totality and work

with that.


But....with that said....I use the Guru ram Das mantra for just about everything

and anything.....I highly recommend Kirtan kriya....as well, I have also used

Har Haray haree and the triple mantra for extended periods of time....all with

success. The biggest peice of advise I would give is to set intentions prior to

your yoga sets or meditations. Intention will direct you to the place you need

to be.


Sometimes when you are trying to figure out what kind of set or kriya you need

to practice, be intuitive about it. Notice what you are drawn to, but also

notice what you are resistant to try....and that's probably a sign either way

that you need to try both at some point.


Good luck with your student,


All Light,


Sat Sangeet






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