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Sat Nam Sue!


"is it "okay" to have "casual" sex just to keep the energy flowing? i find

"casual" sex to be rather lacking in nourishment, but sometimes i'm just in such

a good mood afterward, it's

worth it. it's hard, though, to keep my heart in a box, and if i don't, i end

up in pain again..."


Sex just to keep the energy going may lead to pain! You are already

experiencing that. Remember as females we have 2 arclines. The arcline from ear

to ear

depicted as a halo in pictures of saints and the 1 exclusive to woman the

arcline from nipple to nipple. Even casual flirting may open holes in your aura

making a woman extremely vulnerable. A strong, radiant aura can protect from

many misfortunes and strengthen our mental, physical and spiritual bodies. You

can imagine what casual sex might do. As women we feel a need to be supported,

to know that the man we choose to be with sexually is going to be there for us.


Why my dear Sue would you want to keep your heart in a box? All of Kundalini

Yoga works at opening our heart centers to Universal Love and Intimacy with

the Universe! Let the practice carry you in that flow. Know that sexual energy

is the most powerful energy we have, it's not whether it's okay to have casual

sex but the question is are you in control or is it controlling you. And YES

always follow ALL Kriyas by sending yourself love!!!! The arcline between your

breast is imprinted with each relationship no matter how casual; the positive

aspect of the auric imprint is that it helps strengthen the bond between the

couple. The practice of building the 6th center together as a couple has a

tremendous strengthening effect on the relationship. However there can be a

disadvantage to this system for the woman. In the case of a relationship


ending, the woman is left with a weakness in the aura as well as the pain that

comes with this situation. The female carries the subtle essence of the male

partner her whole life. Nature has arranged this so when she becomes pregnant

and her partner would be absent, the woman would have a sensation of his

energy to share with the child. She carries his memory in the imprint on her


When a woman has slept with different men, her aura has been imprinted with

different, sometimes many, energies. She carries this information with her and

projects it out to others. This is to be looked at without any value judgment.

These imprints impact her aura and can inhibit her search to connect with her

own identity and destiny; it also disturbs her projection as an individual.

It is strongly suggested that in this case Kirtan Kriya is practiced to erase

imprinting from past relationships and help clear the arc line to attract

positive relationship.

Meditation To Weaken the Impact of the Male's Auric Imprint

Kirtan Kriya consistently for 90 days, 1 hour a day. This is a practice to

deeply consider and take seriously when you are going through a divorce or

separation. It restores your individuality, identity, and destiny!

Be Light; you are ADI SHAKTI, God's power in manifestation. Women embody the

feminine aspect of God, through which He created the creation. Practice Adi

Shakti and GGM and REALLY feel the mantra. Every Woman is a Goddess!

Blessings in Divine!

Guru Ravi




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Sat nam,


There is certainly a lot to share on this topic.


> Sex in it's highest form is a yogic practice.


This fact should remove the shame around the topic.


> Yogically speaking, there's an equation, of which I can no longer remember

> what it is, that one can do to figure out how much sex they can have in a

> month without depleting themselves.


One opinion is in the book the Tao of Sexuality by Stephen Chen (I think

that is the name of the author) He says the number of times that man can

ejaculate without depleting themselves bascially depends on age and physical

condition. It is of course different for each man.


And by the way, his treatment of female sexuality is lacking.


>Especially for men, with ejaculation, they are losing their "ojas" (brain



One of the purposes of tantra for men is to raise the sexual energy up the

spine instead of loose it. Men can also learn to channel the ojas up the

spine and still ejaculate. Men can get very empowered with the mastery of

moving their sexual energy up the spine.


> But basically, for the most part it works out to about once per month.


Yogi Bhajan said this and I was there when he said it. We all looked around

and wonder where this came from. Frankly this does not seem to coincide with

how human bodies are made. I would like to know if there are any other

sources that say this. Sat Sangeet, perhpas you could ask your friend who

is studying tantra.


Also I would like to know from any couple who practices tantra if they find

this to be true. I have never encountered anyone. Well, I have never

encountered any who really reached an advanced stage of tantra. (Although

they were very sincere in their practice.)


A most imporatant point is that female sexuality and male sexualilty are

completely different! Men lose energy. Women do not. Women expand. Women

and men are made very differently. The male model cannot be applied to



Oh dear sisters, do not burden yourself with the idea that you are cornered

in the once a month club. And dear brothers, do not feel that you must miss

out to contain your energy. The rechanneling of your ojas can elevate you

to the status and wisdom of a king. Thank you, Yogi Bhajan for Sat Kriya.


Sat Nam,



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Sat Nam Seattle Sister Sue,

You have a wealth of good info to work with. All your Kundalini

buddies are with you.

My experience with sex and other cravings is to work around them. This

is something biological, to some great extent. We hear about diets where

people lose 100 pounds only to gain it all back plus a little somethin'

extra. Diets don't work. Flat denial doesn't work. If your Sadhana is

reasonably strong and steady, all will work out and you will get the

guidance you need from your own heart and mind. Your own Soul will talk

to you. It's formulaic. If your Sadhana isn't strong, there are still

several options. One of them is to marry your habit (Hudson). Is he

marriage material? Are you marriage material? If the answer to either of

these questions is no, then ask yourself deeply, why not?? Seriously!! I

mean life is short. Maybe, on some bigger level, you two are wanting to

make kids but are afraid to commit. Courage may be the real issue >>>


The other option, if your Sadhana isn't strong, is to work with

Tratakam meditation using either the Adi Shakti (see below) or the

Tratik photo of Yogi Bhajan. Do this in the Amrit Vela, preferably and

after yoga. Put your entire self into this technology. I like doing this

with Guru Ram Das by Singh Kaur playing softly in the background. I can

go for 60 minutes doing this and it will feel like a few moments.

go/start.cgi/store/shop.html?showprod= CD11001


From my own direct experience I found that the minute we WANT, we

invalidate what we already have, and if we aren't happy with what we

already have how can we expect to be happy with what we want?? It's a

vicious cycle. Find the stillpoint.....Shuniya. Gratitude is the only

place to be. The only challenge is identifying where the "leak" is but

not through analysis and scratching at it. Dissolve, don't solve.

That's why we say Wahe Guru, to bless everything. No shame in our game.

Do this sacred technology and your arcline (destiny/Halo/Sixth Body) and

much more will repair itself. The leak will cease to be an issue.


One other thing, in terms of Quantum Physics, the vast, vast majority of

our being is Ether. Why not use that to your advantage?

Dharam Singh

Millis, MA

By the way what is your birthday info??



The Secret Teachings of Kundalini Yoga Given by Yogi Bhajan:

Guru Yoga & Tratakam Technology Tratakam on the Adi Shakti Symbol


Sit in easy pose with a straight spine. Apply the neck lock. Place the

Adi Shakti Symbol directly in front at a distance of about 7 feet. Focus

through the center of the symbol on to infinity. The lighting must be

bright enough to allow easy vision and dim enough to minimize

distractions. Candle light is fine if it is strong enough and placed

toward the sides of the picture. Open the eyes wide. Then close the

lower lids upward and the top lids downward about 1 /4th of the way to

make "snake-eyes". Keep the eyes fixed without blinking. Breathe in

slow, deep meditative cycles. The ideal inner mantra for this symbol is

Whahay Guru. The symbol can be black on white, or more ideally blue on

an orange background. Continue the mediation 11 - 31 minutes. Then

inhale, close the eyes and relax.

For a printable download of the image go to



COMMENTS: The Adi Shakti symbol was used for over 10,000 years before it

was adopted and popularized by the Gurus of the Sikh tradition. It is a

universal symbol that projects your mind into a state of expanded

knowledge and ecstasy. In some of the earliest spiritual traditions,

they would have a pure woman stand on a hill, dressed in white with her

arms raised upward into two 60 degree arcs. The arms, head and spine

formed the Adi Shakti symbol. They would meditate on that form and on

the respect and sensitivity to the primal creative force in the

Universe. Guru Gobind Singh recreated the symbol by laying swords

together: a curved sword on each side, a straight sword in the center,

and a round circle chakra- in the middle. The sword represents right

judgment, good discrimination and the ability to discern the real from

the unreal. As a complete symbol, the central sword is the individual

awareness and Kundalini energy. The circle is the Infinite and the inner

wholeness that is our nature. The two curved swords are the boundaries

of birth and death; they are also the protection given by right thought

in the higher mind. All together they grant Grace and Dignity under the

challenges of life. Meditation on the Adi Shakti releases you from

limitations in the concept and experience of the self. It opens the

higher chakras and it gives you equanimity and courage. It is healing

and can cure many physical and mental difficulties. As you look at it

you will often feel you project forward and upward as the dimensions of

the picture impact your mind and open you to the qualities of the ether.


--from Gurucharan Singh






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Sat nam,




There are many paths that lead us back to the One. Relationship is one

path. One of the branches of Tantra is devoted to the art of cultivating

union with the Divine through sexuality. The goal of the human relationship

is to build a synergy between male and female polarities, so as to foster

that merging within ourselves.




The partner is not supposed to be a substitute for our own unity, only a

pathway to that unity. "Two halves make a whole" is not workable at the

spiritual level. We have to go back to our core self to experience our own





When relationships distract from our inner journey, they are either aborted

or create pain. If we lose ourselves in relationship, the general rule is

that we lose the relationship. I am sure you have all noticed.




So if you are currently "alone" with yourself, instead of considering this a

curse, use it as an opening to cultivate a closer relationship with

yourself. The more whole you are, the more satisfied you are, the better

chance you have to attract a relationship that has the possibility of

supporting your path to wholeness. The more needy you are, the less likely

you are to attract a relationship with the qualities that you want.

(Perhaps only think you want.)




In the end, we only take ourselves with us when we leave. How do you want

to feel when you take your last breath? That is what you need to focus on





Many blessings,





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Sat Nam,


> Book Name is "Sacred Sexual Bliss" By Sat Kartar Kaur.


There are two books and both are disappointments. This is the name of one of

them and I am not sure the name of the other. This above is not the name of

either author.


Many of us were hoping that Yogi Bhajan would reveal some special

information about tantra. It never



Neither book is available on www.yogatech.com


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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There is a view that casual sex is not a very good idea, for a variety

of reasons, one being the fact that when a man and a women have

intercourse the man is depositing his emotions in the woman. Do you

really want with someone with whom there is no ongoing relationship?

Men, by the way, feel that when they have sex with a woman. Is she a

holding tank for other men's emotion? A woman gets diminshed that


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I think that the 30 day rule was a comprimise position designed to

balance the considerations: marriage, depletion of the man, spiritual

practice. In reality, very few men are able to master the tantric

method of ejaculating without losing energy. Yogi Bhajan once told me

that if you learned how to do that it didn't matter how often you had

sex, but few men can do it.

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