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Shabd Guru

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Yogi Bhajan describes Shabd as That which eradicates the ego. Guru, That which

provides the means to transform the mistaken identity to the finite to the

recollection of one's Self as the Infinite.


As one practices Kundalini Yoga, there are various phases of awareness that

emerge. One of these is that the feeling of pervasive diffusive radiance, where

the sense of focused attention disengages, and you feel (become aware of)

yourself as a single field of irradiant consciousness that culminates in a

certain inward turning quality.


What happens is that in this radiant space, you feel that you are being drawn

inward to a sense of stillness, and the intensity of the radiance, which is

really an energy vibration or frequency supported by the increased voltage

brought on by Sadhana that is greater than the frequency of thought patterns,

where you feel a sense of your "body armor" being blown apart and dissolves,

diffused, gives way to a still flowing sense of listening, where in the

subjective "hearer" is in abatement (surrendered). In this listening, which is

listening as the Witnessing attribute of pure consciousness, and not the

objective mind or senses, you feel that every cell of the body is listening and

that the conscious space irradiant around the body is listening, this is to say

that subject listening to an object has no meaning. You no longer notice the

radiance, rather the mind enters into a stillness, in which you very softly and

smoothly just listen to the pervasive vibration and radiance in, through and

around the body field. With this eventually emerges a flow of seeing without a

seer, where you see in and around the body, but the idea or notion of a subject

seer is in abatement (surrendered). At the same time, though your awareness no

longer pays attention to the dissolving effect of the radiance/resonance, in

fact, the voltage increases dramatically. You find that you are now aware at the

level of what some would call the subconscious mind (or astral body).


This is the beginning of the spirit sound current in which astral sights and

sounds are heard within the field of consciousness. It's a Path taught by Rama

in ancient times, and also by Guru Nanak, possibly because Guru Nanak is said to

be from the direct lineage of Rama.


In Kundalini Yoga, you have the Yoga of Light, which is the practice of Radiance

(Laya) balanced against the practice of sense withdrawal (Pratyahar). The Yoga

of Light involves the postures and movements combined with breath in many sets

and Kriyas that increase the voltage systematically throughout the body. The

result of these is a radiance that resonates throughout the body field. It's as

though the entire body has become an amplifier of sound. The nadis in becoming

brighter through the voltage generated and stored from persistent practice, like

the tightening of guitar strings, or harp, piano or violin strings become able

to vibrate sound. Now you add the Yoga of Sound - Mantra, which is totally

unique to Kundalini Yoga practice, because the sound becomes amplified producing

a total transmutation of the chemical electric encoding of thought patters that

bind the mind and body to the limited perception of identity. The result is

dramatic increase in diffusive voltage that disengages the focusing mechanism of

the mind and allows this subtle quality of listening and seeing as Consciousness

Itself, without the use of the mind and senses.


When this listening begins, you will find yourself drawn more and more into

effortless meditation, into stillness, a stillness that will follow you always.

It feels like tenderness, softness, clarity and caring, conditionless love,

subtle listening and seeing in an etheric sense that makes everything you see

with the eyes or picture with the mind seem transparent, pervaded by brightness

and goodness.


The name for this experience is "Ek Ong Kar" The Ong Kar is the sound current,

which comes about when the mind and body become One with the Soul and you link

into (tune into) the Cosmic Mind.


The mind will have a tendency to move or focus around anything that we aim it

at. Often, when the mind is pure, and someone points out a certain quality of

the Infinite, there arises and immediate recollection of that and the experience

engulfs them. Hopefully, in reading this you also have this experience.




After the Ong Kar comes the experience of "Sat Nam" wherein you awaken to the

Ground of Being and experience in the profound depths of your Heart: "I am the

Truth" and you go beyond light and sound and abide as Consciousness Itself.





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